Posts Tagged ‘Nimloth Bernice’
Nimloth Bernice
17 mei 2012 Nimloth Bernice 4 december 2021
On Sunday December 5th we received the in and in sad message from Sonja that Bernice passed away as a result of (probably) acute pneumonia in the night of December 4th.
This is an unbelievably hard blow for Sonja as she had to say goodbye to Vision 8 weeks earlier. Losing two beloved Deerhounds in such a short time….there are no words for that.
It was a sad year, too much sadness and too little fun with our hounds. Hopefully it will get better next year.
The wonders are not over yet!
From 1979 to 1981 we had Irish Wolfhounds. I don’t remember how I got to it, but they got Taurine and L-Carnitine every day through their food. That should be good for the heart.
In 1996, when some of our Deerhounds developed heart problems and were treated by Dr. Andrea Vollmar, they were able to participate in Vetmedin’s development project. This drug is said to counteract the weakening of the heart muscle. Luckily my hounds got the real Pimobendan (the active substance) and no placebos and lived on it very well for a number of years. Vetmedin is now THE medicine for DCM.
In 2018, a mild form of DCM was diagnosed at Brandir and as my experience with Vetmedin (Pimobendan) was very positive, I had no hesitation in giving him this as standard. His heart did not deteriorate further.
Two years ago Sonja had Bernice, Brandir’s sister, checked on her heart and she was diagnosed with a very slight abnormality but she did not need any medication. After checking last year, Dr. Tobias (the cardiologist in Hannover) advised to add Taurine to Bernice’s diet. After half a year, Sonja had Bernice checked again and her heart had improved!
I also started adding Taurine to my hounds’ meals last year. After a few months another heart check took place at Brandir and it turned out ….. his heart had improved! A few months ago I also started adding Acetyl L-Carnitine and Omega 3 to the diet after reading some articles about this. Very interesting! Here are the links to the articles;
Nutritional therapy in the treatment of heart disease in dogs –
Taurine, dog food, and heart disease in dogs –
Last Friday it was time again for a check of Brandir’s heart and it turned out ….. Brandir’s heart had improved even further !!! This trend continues despite Brandir’s fairly advanced age, he will turn 9 years old on May 17! The combination of Vetmedin, Taurine and Acetyl L-Carnitine really works wonders. Brandir is still very active, just like Bernice, doesn’t skip any walk and occasionally plays with his daughter or grandchildren.
I therefore urgently recommend adding Taurine and Carnitine to the diet not only in case of existing heart defects, but also preventively. 1 gram per day of both is sufficient. But … it is of course also very important that you regularly check the heart and/or have it checked to prevent (more) serious problems !!!
Brandir and Bernice, 8 years young.
Yesterday Brandir and Bernice turned 8 years old and despite Brandir’s Cystinuria and mild Cardiomyopathy, he is still doing wonderfully! Every day he plays with Cearrean and is still in charge of him. He does not miss a walk and still fully enjoys life. Bernice is also still very fit and active.
Up to 9 years, must succeed.
Today the puppies are 10 days young and Callaghan has tripled his birth weight + 51 grams, he weighed 1086 grams this morning. Conaughey has been taking it a bit easier in recent days and now weighs 1390 grams. He can no longer be picked up with one hand. The colour difference is becoming increasingly clear, I wonder what this will be. Vision was very light as a puppy so maybe Callaghan will be like that, I don’t know. I have not yet had this colour in one of my litters.
In the meantime they occasionally show a bit of playing behaviour, the eyes almost open and the standing is also getting better, but they are too thick to walk, top heavy, they roll over immediately.
Vision takes good care of them, they shine that it is a sweet treat and only once a day a fat bed goes into the wash. Something different as back then with 11 puppies, the washing machine kept running!
Wait a while longer … or not!!
It is quite a busy time at estate O’Cockaigne. Young life is sprouting everywhere! The trees are green again, the plants are in full bloom and three young Faverolles were added last week. It takes some getting used to for them, we still have to help them in and out, but they learn that quickly.
The tits are also busy with their nests and the blue tits that nest in a wine box are already feeding.
In the meantime, we are doing the last chores. The whelping box is standing and Sonja came last Sunday with Vision, Bernice and Lita. Cearrean loves it and regularly tries to play with Bernice, which occasionally succeeds. Lita is his stepmother, he sleeps with her as a puppy, now he often follows Lita like a shadow.
And Vision… she is in the whelping box. It takes some getting used to for everyone, especially if she is also fed there.
You can feel the puppies moving and they will probably be born today or tomorrow. Even more young life! An exciting time, I will keep you informed!
And while I have almost finished translating this post, we hear Vision beeping. We jump up and go to her. To our surprise, there is a puppy without any pressure or panic, with a minimal temperature drop!
A sturdy boy of 480 grams who immediately crawls to a nipple and starts drinking.Exactly one and a half hour later, at 1.20 pm, the second puppy is born. A small fruit of 345 grams, also a male! After a little struggle, a lot of rubbing and often putting on, the boy starts to get stronger and the nipple does not let go. The difference between the brothers is big, but the smallest does everything to catch up with his big brother! Whether it works…. ?
It is going well for the time being, Vision is also doing well and cleaning her children. She is, so far, a calm, loving mother. To be continued!
A few days Hermannsburg
At the beginning of March I was with the hounds again a few days with Sonja in Hermannsburg. The weather was variable and not as beautiful as previous years, but that didn't stop us from pulling out with the hounds. I've been able to make some nice pictures again.
(Just click on the picture to enlarge, they are also sharp)
Vision found that Cytaugh treated her too rough and put her in her place.
What was then taken over by Chidish.
Brandir kept a close eye on everything.
Even posing… But Bernice didn't see that and stepped out every time.
But… The Maintainer WINS!!!
Challenge and be attacked, they don't get enough of it!
It was again a few wonderful days!!
Short overview of the last half year.
On Friday 15 April, Sonja and I left with Chidish and Cytaugh towards Stratford upon Avon where the wide Show of the English Deerhound Club was held. We went with the camper of Sonja because we would take a puppy with you on the way back and then the motorhome was so comfortable. I had booked a room in the hotel at the beginning of the year because we did not know that a puppy would travel back.
After we entered the hotel, we went up with our stuff. It was a very traipsing with dog beds, clothes bags and bags to our room there which was of course on the second floor and at the end of a very complicated and long corridor. First we had to go with the elevator, then a walk through, then stairs up and back stairs, all sorts of nooks and again a long corridor descend. After a lot of sighs and gepuf we came to our room. The first thing I did was pull the curtain aside and open the window, it's always too hot in such a room. Then we had to give the dog beds a place, the room was redecorated and when we finally looked at the bed it turned out to be a French queen! Well, we're not going to be there for a couple! So Sonja back down, to the reception and ask if there was no other room. That was there, on the other side of the hotel on the ground floor! So we load everything on the trolley and finally I closed the window and wanted to close the curtain again. After a small mahbub the whole curtain came down! This started all right! Limp of laughter we came down and after having reported it (it turned out to occur more often) we could go through to our new room; Corner, stairs and 10 meters in the corridor. It turned out to be a room for disabled people, so nice spacious. Sonja warned me that I didn't have to attract anything, especially those red cords that were everywhere! For the show on Saturday I had Chidish in Junior Dog reported. He stood with 7 others in the ring. The judge, Mrs. Dagmar K.C.-Pordham was charmed by Chidish and placed him first! Best Dog was Pyefleet Tarka and Reserve became Hyndsight Desperado. Cytaugh stood with 6 other in the Junior class as well. She was third behind two Neroche sisters. Best bitch was Killoeter sai Tallavarjula and Reserve was Kilbourne Pandora to Talorpechie. For Sunday I had Chidish and Cytaugh reported in the ' Special not bred by Exhibitor ' class. A very strong class with 19 entries. Sonja showed Cytaugh. Here they made nothing under Judge Wendy Cross.
After this inspection we packed our gear and headed for Brightlingsea where we would pick up a puppy for Sonja. Mary Girling was still cleaning up the wide Show in Stratford and so we had the time to walk with the hounds, behold the puppies and prepare the food. I had dropped my eye on the smallest of the two bitches and hoped it would be for Sonja.
This proved to be the case and after all the paper Rompslomp to have completed and signed we left the next day again towards the Netherlands. The small Vision did just fine on the way, no beeping or whining, a prodigy and once arrived in Rijsbergen it soon turned out that she was a natural talent for shows!
A week later, Simon and I sat with the hounds in France at the club show of the RALIE, the French Irish Wolfhounds and Deerhound Club. I liked to Betina Adams, she approved the Deerhounds, my two ' youngsters ' show mainly because Chidish seems so awfully much like Cscarf. Brandir got 1h in the Championship class, Chidish also got 1h and became best youth Deerhound. Best Male became Jesus-Maria-Joseph du triple Bois and reserve became infidel-et-Ram du triple Bois both of Mari-Eugenie Vinen. At the youth bitches, Cytaugh also got 1h, although Betina would have preferred to put two others on her, but these two didn't want to show up, yes and then you're out of luck! Best Bitch and BOB eventually became Garbo or Muma of Gilles Barreda.
At the end of April we were in Göhlsdorf near Berlin. Gert Jan had made a turning machine for ' Windhunden-Rennclub Phoenix ' and Simon would turn the coursing with it. But first on Saturday the show. Only Chidish and Cytaugh were reported in the youth class. Chidish got from judge Mrs. Ella Yaschenko from Moldova 1h and became BOB over Cytaugh who also got 1h. In the Jügend BIS inspection, Chidish was placed fourth by Olaf Knauber. The next day was the coursing, this was the first time that Vision saw such a thing and she found it twisted interesting!
Thursday, May 5 was the Deerhound club match. Judge was Willem outside camp. Brandir became fifth of the five, Chidish first of the two and Cytaugh third of the three. Not such a success. The pictures can be found on I had in consultation with the Board and the University of Nottingham, organized that we would decrease DNA for the surveys that are currently running in England. I was very happy with our foreign participants because these were all willing to let DNA be taken from their hounds. This is in contrast to the ' big ' Dutch breeders. One for me (and many others) incomprehensible setting.
On Saturday 7 May I was with Cytaugh and Chidish in Dortmund. Here Mr. Dux approved the 17 reported Deerhounds. Chidish got 1h and became best youth Deerhound and Cytaugh got 2h behind something that should never have been won. It was very strangely approved and many could not find themselves in the results. Next time, again to someone coming out of the greyhounds.
Wednesday May 11th we left for Tüttleben. This year the Saluki Jahresausstellung took place. The center of the racecourse was nicely decorated with a camel, Sheikh and Saluki's. For the show on Saturday, 5 Deerhounds were reported. Chidish was the only male, he got 1h (with this he became German Youth champion) and became BOB, Cytaugh got 1h in the youth class and eventually became forest. Because there were so few couples logged in, I also reported Chidish and Cytaugh. They walked beautifully next to each other but of course it is not a real couple, they do not resemble each other. But the judge thought differently and made them first. Next, Chidish had to appear in the ring for best young dog. He also won this and a little later he became a further BIS! I found this very embarrassing. The BOB Saluki was also not exactly bad and just had to be BIS. For his victory Chidish got a beautiful bed but I found it more appropriate for Saluki's so the BOB Saluki got it.
Vision had already grown considerably and thought it was wonderful to see her comrades again. They had fun for ten so with his threes. In Tüttleben We always have a nice piece of garden so that they can rauzen a lot but they found it very nice on Tuesday to also take a course on the Middenterrein. Simon had a spectacular trail over a ditch and back long the trees. You saw that the hounds enjoyed this, it was something else than in such a smooth, uncluttered field. Of course Vision could also be a piece and she did it full of surrender!
Two weeks later we were in Nörten-Hardenberg. Simon was in the front of the coursing and so I was staying with Sonja in the camper. This all went fine. From Thursday to Sunday it was the ' European Irish Wolfhound Congress ' with the Jahresausstellung of the Irish on Saturday. 250 Irish Wolfhounds were reported there for the three electoral masters; Gretchen Bernardi (USA), Chris Amoo (UK) and Jan Pain (UK). The results can be found at
Sunday was the CAC show for all the greyhounds and Mr. Peter Friedrich approved the 15 Deerhounds. All Deerhounds got an excellent so that says enough again. Chidish was first in his class and became best male. Cytaugh also got 1h and is now also a German junior champion. BOB became the Finnish bitch Brokenwheel Mc Blodeuwedd.
Saturday, June 4, Chidish and Cytaugh were in Tilburg on the show of KC de barony. Here Ricky Lochs-Novels accepted the 5 Deerhounds present. Chidish got 1h and the reserve CAC and Cytaugh also had 1h in the youth class. With this U'tjes they have become both Dutch junior champion.
Above you can see one of the Coursingvelden of the EKC in Slovakia. This was held from 17 to 19 June. We planned to leave Sunday morning 12 June but when I drove home on Saturday afternoon of my Greyhound inspection in Lelystad, I got a breakdown. It was such a serious that the roads waited it could not fix it and honor a garage that could be it of course Monday! Only on Monday-evening we were able to leave and drove the first piece until just before Frankfurt in record tempo. Wednesday evening we joined the group at the racecourse at Vienna and Thursday afternoon we were in Vel'ké Pole, Slovakia. We had no hounds in the fight but Simon was once again chef D'équipe. It was all not such a success; The organization left a lot to be desired, variable prices for eating and drinking were requested and no good agreements were made with the associations that provided the coursings. This resulted in a single field that started off with a very small round of racecourse instead of a coursing and where, after this was changed, it turned out that two people manned this terrain for three whole days. This resulted in errors of the Turner, tensions with the participants and organisation and finally the removal of the greyhounds on Sunday a
fternoon to prevent injuries caused by spinal errors. Another field on Sunday turned another team and it had no spare material. So when the turntable started at the beginning of the second turn, the German team gave a different field, their the spare, but the driver did not want to turn. Anyway, the German Turner that he took over, turned much better than the first one and this gave the hounds quite different points than the hounds who had already walked. This caused a huge shift in the rankings. Don't like them all. For Brandir, Chidish and Cytaugh It wasn't really nice either; You couldn't walk well, during the day it was sometimes very hot and I was looking much at the far-away fields or with my ceramics. In order to make up for it we had planned a few days of holiday at the back, but at the camp site where we initially landed, we were geattaqueerded in such a way by Hornets and other very large flying rigs that we will be right the next day Have left. After that we went to a campsite in the Czech Republic and that was better. We could take a very large piece of ' garden ' and walk very well in the surroundings. After three days we went home again and the hounds were happy again that they could uitrazen on their own terrain.
2 and 3 July I was allowed to Hyvinkää the windhondenspecialty in Finland. On Saturday I had the Barsoi's and on Sunday the Deerhounds. The quality struck me from both breeds and because I am strict with the Barsoi's (49 present) I forgive 10 excellents and at the Deerhounds (39) 4. Especially the Bovenbelijningen were very flat in both races and the corridor works really bad. Something that is very important for a Barsoi and Deerhound! Best Barsoi was Yegorov Morning Haze of Virva Sundberg & Seija Piippo Kokkola and best Deerhound the beautiful bitch Kerslake Doreen by Carina Engman.
On Thursday 21 July we went to Crown Mountain near the Here was on Saturday the exterior inspection for which we had signed Vision. And as I wrote before, she is a natural language. She showed herself as an accomplished lady at the Judge Willem Outer camp.
Cytaugh and Chidish have walked together for their ' haasvast ' in the afternoon. This went fine! The next day, Cytaugh walked with Bernice in the morning and Chidish with Bernice in the afternoon. And both times, Bernice happily joined so now the two ' puppies ' have their ' haasvast ' and they can officially join in from 22 September.
And of course Vision could also walk a bit on Saturdays! Again she did it full of surrender. And after hard work it's good to make junk!
October has been in the sign of RONO Beach for many years. We've been there almost every year, mostly with coursing hounds but in recent years only with hounds running on Friday. Sonja has also consistently been present in recent years. This year, during the training, Brandir started halfway through the trail after Bernice had walked the first piece. Brandir started full surrender and walked a good second half together with Bernice. The puppies also walked a quarter of the course with great enthusiasm. The days after were pure relaxation, a little walking and courses watching. Monday the 19th everything is packed again and home.
Thursday 22nd of October I left for Hermannsburg. I would stay a long weekend with Sonja and walk the show in Hanove
r on the Saturday. In order not to make it Stressig we had the Friday load. For the puppies it was the first time they came to Sonja but they found everything fine and beautiful. Only the stairs running to sleep above with me, gave some problems. After two nights we decided that they would have to stay downstairs. And that went fine! Saturday to the show. Brandir still needs one CACIB and I had hoped to address him here. Unfortunately, this kite did not get up, he got the reserve. Chidish and Cytaugh behaved exemplary and this time became Chidish best Jüngsten. So We were able to go home in time to make another big walk.
The next day it was fine again to take pictures and.. They have succeeded
It took some time but the result is also there!
On these photos are Cytaugh and Chidish 7 months young and Brandir nearly 3.5 years.
And on Monday another nice piece walked. It was again beautiful weather and the trees were brilliantly discoloring! The hounds were very run loose and had fun for ten!
Tuesday morning my mess packed up again and home. Quickly cleared the car and cleared the caravan because Thursday we left again for a weekend CC2000. Again we had beautiful weather! Simon and Gert Jan had a nice trail with an obstacle in it. In Total there were such a thick 60 hounds, but the most beautiful courses were those with 7 Afghans and 4 Saluki's, always a joy to watch. Brandir and Bernice have walked together with a Barsoi and also Chidish and Cytaugh were allowed to have a piece. It was again a wonderful weekend!
The last month was a busy month, much on the road and a concern. The weekend crowning mountain, early August, was reasonably relaxed. It was for C
hidish and Cytaugh the first great trip, staying in the caravan, meeting many, many other greyhounds and people, the first show experience and for the first time in ' public ' walking a piece of coursing. They did great, loved everything, showed up well above expectations and walked very enthusiastically behind the hare.
Sonja also came to let Bernice take part in the coursing. She ran together with Lotte from Alex and Dini. They weren't splattered courses, both of them weren't really in a top condition. But they had fun and that's what it's all about. It turned out that in the reception they had a decent collision as Bernice could not stop on time, the proof delivered this picture of Annemiek. Luckily they di
dn't like it. But I have to say that I found it extremely childish of a number of people to whine about the fact that Sonja and I took pictures of Chidish and Cytaugh on the edge of the Coursingveld. There was no dog bother, we and the puppies did not make any noise and were also absolutely not in the careers of the coursing hounds, there is no one on or to look at. And yet people have to complain about it. These people have probably never been in layman's times, but it happened that the coursing hounds walked between the audience! A good hound has no trouble and if he does, he is not haasvast! Wednes
y August 12th I went with the hounds to the Losloopbos in thirst. After half an hour I came across a small Scottish Collie. The animal looked badly neglected, the fur was full of tangles and there were crusts on the nose. After having hung around f
or 20 minutes on the ' site ', having listened or was not called and asked several passers-by to know if they knew this dog, I decided to take the poor animal with me. Given the size and yuling I was convinced that it was a bitch of around 10 years. I had also felt under the belly whether it was a male but couldn't find anything, just tangles. The Collie just walked with me towards the car but in it they didn't. After I lifted them up and put them in the car, they crawled in a corner and popped into each other. While driving, I saw that she was terrified! Such an old dog afraid of driving, very strange. I rode right along my vet to see if she was chipped and if so if it was registered. chipped but not registered.
I went home to see the poor animal and I was terrified. This dog was not a bit in the burdock but was almost totally felt, including felt strands and huge t
angles! My idea to put the scissors in there, I put straight out of my head, that was uninitiated work. I wrote a cry of distress to Annemiek and the next morning she stood by me on the pavement, armed with razors and a bottle of dog shampoo. We placed the kitchen table by the window, hung a running light for extra light, put a rubber mat on the table, put the Collie on it and started to work. As Annemiek progressed, the bewilderment was greater. How could
people neglect an animal so terribly!!! Annemiek has peeled her like an orange! When the belly came to a turn, it suddenly turned out that it was a male! We didn't come up with laughter anymore! Yes, and then suddenly you can say no more to him, so after several names have passed, it became
Remy. You know it, from ' only in the world '. In Total, Remy had four hours on the table before his jacket was out. In the pictures you can see that I mean that literally!!! After the shaving we washed him nicely but we had to dunk him twice before he didn't feel any more fat.
And that's how he looked after his makeover. Deliciously Fresh!
In the course of the ensuing days, Remy went on to run better and at some point he even lifted his paw to urinate. Who knows how long he hasn't been able to do that because of all the tangles! By now I had decided that Remy would not go back to his old owners anyway, they were allowed to pop up. People who neglect their dog are not yet worthy of a toy dog! In the meantime, he had adapted perfectly, ate well and listened to his new name. We would find a good home for him but first he had to go to Germany where we would have Trautskirchen the Deerhound Jahresausstellung on Saturday 22nd August.
Before we left on Wednesday 19 August, an email from Annemiek came that Remy was missing but the fine didn't know. Later that week she had seen this on the site of Amivedi and after consultation Annemiek has passed our telephone number.
Packing and dropping, with the dog basket extra for Remy, we left towards Trautskirchen. After one night we arrived in Trautskirchen. It was pretty hot and we had to protect Remy from burning the sun, because yes, of course he didn't have a coat anymore, but still wanted to lie in the sun.
Friday night we were called by a woman who said that we had her dog. After she passed the chip number, we said that I would let it read out and call her back on Sunday. Sunday it was indeed her dog. At first she wanted to get Remy right, but I said that we would stand on Monday near Frankfurt and that it was better to get him there. And so came to pass; Monday afternoon they came to get Remy. Fortunately, Remy was happy to see his owners again and after a penetrating conversation with some advice (Remy was way too thick and drank too little from himself), we gave Remy with it. They promised that they would bring him to the groomer more often because they couldn't keep up, Remy wouldn't allow it! This dog had not learned from childhood that life was more than twice a day a round in always the same forest and every day the same chunks!
When I saw him again a few weeks later because I had his collar and she was mine, I was shocked by his sad expression on his snoot. He looked even older and was just as thick as when I found him. Poor animal. With pain in my heart I left, knowing that I could not do anything for him.
Anyway, back to Trautskirchen. For this Jahresausstellung, 77 hounds were reported for Bryan Doak of the Rosslyn kennel in Ireland. First, the veterans and then the puppies were approved. Chidish stood with one other male in his class and won. Cytaugh had two females in her class, but honestly these were not competition either. So Cytaugh had to fight her brother for best Baby and this she won. At the end of the day she was even Baby Best in Show! Brandir obtained a third place in the Championship class. It was a bit of an atmospheric show with little really nice Deerhounds, the quality in Germany clearly goes backwards. Best male and BOB eventually became land Lord von der Oelmühle of Florent Friedrich and best bitch was barns more Energy of Life by Viola and Wolfgang Müller.
Sunday was the coursing. The terrain was strongly inclined and by the sun and the wind, bone dry. This resulted in a large number of injuries, while some hounds were ontvelt. Bernice started out in the morning and walked a good course, but in the afternoon she threw her hat again (but at least she had no broken feet!) and finished in last place.
Monday the mess packed up again and drove towards Camping Park Wispertal. (End of the afternoon Remy was picked up here.) We have been here for a number of days before we went to Bad Homburg on Friday, where Sonja would help to build the show and I tried to sell some ceramics, and Brandir, Cytaugh and Chidish had signed up for the show. Cytaugh became best Baby and Brandir BOB. Sunday 30 August once again packed up again and at the end of the afternoon we were back home, a dog poorer.
A tour of Germany.
After on Wednesday the 15th of April the car packed with clothing and footwear for show and coursing, Brandir's show-and Coursingspullen and three Pinus's of thick and a half meter length, left Brandir and I on Thursday morning towards Hermannsburg. By celebrating, Brandir and Bernice could greet each other. After having walked the hounds first, the PINUSN went into the ground and Sonja and I loaded my stuff in the camper. Friday morning we headed towards ' Gut Bast ', near Großenaspe, for a weekend show and coursing. When we were about 10 kilometers away Klingelde the phone. Simon. He reported that at half past eleven a mail had come in from Dennis Buroh, the sonderleiter of the show, with the announcement that foreigners were not welcome. One reason was not there! It is of course crazy to send an email to someone who still has to travel 700 kilometers the next day to take part in the show. Anyway we arrived as if we knew nothing, Dennis and his mother greeted and asked if everything went well. Right, we were told that there were problems with the veterinary Office and that the foreign hounds were not welcome. There were all sorts of vague reasons, strange stories told and excuses concocted. We were also told that all foreigners had been notified on Wednesday by phone or e-mail. Sonja responded by saying that I was foreigner and did not hear anything. Dennis muttered something of that the email probably hadn't arrived and that there was a solution to be found. Then Sonja climbed into the phone to discuss with the President of the Landesgruppe and hear how the fork was in the stalk. A thick hour later we took the decision to mention in Brandir's passport Sonja as co-owner to solve all problems and to be nagging and to make sure that Brandir could participate in the show. When we showed Dennis the mail that Simon had been forwarding in the meantime, he said that it had taken a long time!!! For the DWZRV-Sieger show, 13 Deerhounds were reported. Fortunately, the Czech Keur Mistress recognized the right type of Deerhound but still gave far too many U-tak. Brandir became best male and Edlyn Shadrachs gift to Caoinlan, a beautiful female of Danuta Materzok-Köppen, became BOB. Bernice won the Open class with the reserve CAC but since Edlyn is in the waiting period she cannot use the CAC and moves it to Bernice. With this, Bernice became German champion!!! Edlyn Shadrachs Gift to Caoinlan makes an ugly slider. [/caption] On Sunday the coursing took place. The field was an event area where polo competitions were also held. It was huge, super tight, just cut (very nice in stripes) and so in the morning, through the moisture in the loose grass, very smooth. Several hounds made a slider. The route that had been turned off did not exceed the 500 meters while you could have put at least 1000 without difficulty. Also it was very unimaginative and even dangerous. After that the Barsoi's had walked first, the trail was changed somewhat, something more length was created and a ridiculous point was taken out. At the Deerhounds were 8 bitches reported, 7 present. In the first turn, Bernice ran with Craige or Canadagh Caoinlan of Evi Neserke. This has only walked the half course and was withdrawn for the second round. Bernice walked, after an arduous start, 53 points together, which was good for a second place! In the afternoon she was classified with Edlyn Shadrachs gift to Caoinlan, which was at the top of 54 poin
ts. Bernice started again very laboriously and also kept it in the same weather. She first greeted a jury member and then walked to me. I sent them back again and after saying goodbye to the jury, she made the cold. Miraculously, she got no N.D. and landed on the fifth, so last place. Monday morning we packed the stuff again and left for Flessenow. A tiny village on a dead end, located on the Schweriner See. A lake south of Wismar. Here Sonja had found a quiet campsite where we remained until Friday. The weather was perfect although a fresh breeze from the lake was blowing the campground. We could enjoy walking and cycling and during the first walk I saw something, which seemed very much like a snake, shooting away. It was about 50 cm long and brown/black in color. During the walk we heard and saw more shooting. Once back, Sonja first looked up what it was, it turned out to be young esculaap gezondheidswinkel snakes, fortunately not toxic. The following days I regularly took my camera to record one on the sensitive plate, but of course we didn't see one more.
On Monday evening there was a very nice sunset and at some point the moon stood between the trees and there was a bright Venus. Beautifu
l! We have had a wonderful week holiday and have completely come to rest. Even Silva was occasionally relaxed when Brandir lay at her on bed! Because normally she likes the space and her rest. This is really a unique shot
! As it was quite warm, it was wonderful that during the cycling the hounds could occasionally cool down in the lake. But because
of the strong wind there were some waves and that made it very exciting! Brandir always sees scary beasts in the water.
Friday morning we left again but it is highly recommended if we go back to Wismar in the future to stick to this campsite a few days before or after the busy weekend. Early afternoon we arrived in Wismar. Angelika was there fifteen minutes later. After installing, the cult tasted delicious again. Sonja and Angelika worked in the ring on Saturday at the Galgo Jahresausstellung. When the show was going to start, there was a huge mood down, everyone and everything was soaked at once. There were only three Deerhounds reported for the show. Bernice was the only bitch and got it CAC and became forest, Brandir BOB. Later in the day, Brandir was selected for the first three for BIS, but as a beautiful Galgo ran into it, it was bis. Sunday only Bernice and Brandir walked the coursing. They went again as a spear of start only stopped Brandir after a few hundred meters. With his eyes he followed the hare and when the weather was over he went back again. Bernice ran a wonderful course. We have the idea that they only start well when the hare is just before their nose, they can start very quickly and if they are allowed to walk together! This is of course a bit tricky with competitions. In the afternoon it actually went the same, Bernice ran fine and Brandir but the half course. Pity but maybe it
comes again. The secretariat acted for no meter. This was the day before the registration started. All booklets were thrown together, without numbering, in a bucket. We have been working for two hours to select and number them. Angelika helped on Sunday, but occasionally came out with a red head on the camper. The person behind the computer could not do this work at all, it all went far too slowly and when the computer went on to lead his own life, the disaster could not be overlooked. Angelika could not bring any change. It took forever to start with the second turn, at the award ceremony we have had to wait all the time. What a Drama!!! But the person in question thinks that she is doing it all well and is not going to leave it to another next year. Not very baguma. Monday morning we wrapped up the mess and left for Hermannsburg, after which I drove back home on Tuesday. The holiday was up again.
Puppies and chocolate coursing
Since the last few months, Bernice suffered from skin irritation, we made an appointment in De Bilt before Wednesday 8 April. Bernice's Kidney energy and self-confidence has improved tremendously after its castration but now it appeared that her spleen energy was on the low side and that can naturally express itself in skin problems. Chidish Thursday evening we are looking at the puppies creature. What grow that hard! They already got themselves insured by the coffin and showed playing habits. The male, Chidish, already has a real reuenkop and Cytaugh and Aislinn, the girls, are really feminine. In terms of construction, they also look very promising.
Friday morning we packed up the lot again and we headed for Axel. We had long ago Brandir and Bernice signed up for the chocolate coursing and because it is always good to be there we would see if Brandir would walk. Bernice started wavering but better than in Tüttleben. Brandir went along but after a few
hundred meters he stopped. Sin. Bernice happily walked through. Brandir got just enough points from the jury to start again in the second round, but again he walked a small piece and then ended. Bernice was first with the CACNL, good for a glass of cult!
Last weekend, 27-28 and March 29th, we were back in Tüttleben. The Thuringia Windhundclub was allowed to organize the DWZRV-Siegercoursing this weekend. Initially, the weather forecasts were excellent but as the weekend approached, they became increasingly bleak. At the beginning of the Thursday afternoon we arrived. Sonja and Angelika were already there and so after we had finished setting up the awning, we could enjoy the traditional cold glass sect. Angelika naturally also had Xena with it and this one has gone completely out of her roof with Brandir, which can play those two fun with each other! Simon had all the time on Friday to make a good route. Since there were 200 hounds reported it should not be too long and could be walked inversely. The grass was very short and there were no puddles on the terrain, partly because of this there was finally a nice, fast, good on all criteria to judge, trail. Since Brandir and Bernice had walked the last Coursingtrainingen so well, we had a good courage to sign up for this ' important ' coursing. There would be 4 males and 8 bitches.
In the first turn, Bernice ran with Islay's Jilleroo. Bernice started very slowly, but once she walked, she walked the stars of heaven. She showed a better condition than Jilleroo but because of her bad start she had less points. Brandir had to run for the first time with another dog, Islay's Jock. He ran his licence at the time with Picaro, which he knew somewhat but this strange thing…..?! He looked aside, his ears went up and then all the tension flowed out of his body. Jock flew off and Brandir stayed standing. With his eyes he followed the hare but his paws did nothing. Too bad, but not. The second males course consisted of Islay's Kurt Cobain and Islay's Janitor. The reception was not quite as it should, but the jury was halfway the field and didn't see it. For the afternoon program Birog was pulled back and so there were only 7 bitches and 3 males. As a result, Bernice and Jock were grouped together. Again, Bernice started badly and again after about 10 meters the corridor came in. Sin, she can walk so well! Jock got 81 points and Bernice 76. She landed in sixth place. As a last course, Kurt Cobain and Janitor were back together. And sure enough, what was to be expected happened. A large slugfest party arose in which Janitor did not eve
n look at the hare, he went purely for his partner. Up to three times he flew it to the throat and despite the frantic attempts of one of the owners, he did not intend to stop it. What was I glad that Brandir didn't ran!!! If he had such a thing, he would never walk again. No, then rather a Deerhound with a super character that runs no coursing than such an aggressive thing that is not to be trusted. But I think the owner thinks it is very normal. Before this dog had to walk she stood somewhere afterwards with no other person or dog in the area. However, I heard the dog clearly growl when we walked on the other side of the fence at least 10 meters away. The owner was very helpful. Even after the slugfest party, the dog did not get a reprimand and it was allowed to go to the hare as a reward!!! These kinds of dogs and owners make the sport broken and damage the name of our breed. Also, the risk is that the dog that happens to react aggressively and then you are rolling the ball. Breeder and owner must take responsibility and should not let such dogs take part in coursing or running! It is irresponsible!
A day zoo.
In the week of 2 to 7 March, Sonja was here with Bernice and Silva. Brandir brightened up again and enjoyed all the attention of his sister and Sonja.
Wonderful walks where the two could enjoy themselves, walk through garden centres and buy beautiful plants and a day zoo were on the program.
For four people I had tickets for the ocean in Rhenen so that came out nicely. For Silva, it would be too much to go over street paths, so she would only break her feet. So it stayed at home. We restrained and descended with Brandir and Bernice to the zoo. Bernice was right at all hoteldebotel of an ostrich, which was quite exciting! Giraffes were way too big! And lions were also far too big to be able to go for cats.
When the Pelicans opened their beaks and went terribly noisy, the hounds didn't like them anymore.
This little monkey was very interesting, especially when he started to jump back and forth against the gauze. But when Brandir began to bark, we walked through.
This little monkey stayed quietly, a pity that there was glass in between, though!?
These were Brandir's favorites! The little Pandas. He really found it all too crazy! Yes, they seemed pretty much like big cats! And then the meerkats, which came right to the glass to make the hounds look closer! That was of course great fun! When we were going to have a late lunch in one of the restaurants there, Brandir and Bernice were happy to be able to lie down on their dresses as it was already quite strenu
ous for them! After some coursingtraining, Sonja left for Hermannsburg on Saturday, but on 26 March we meet again in Tüttleben.
No Facebook girlfriend but a real one!
After the death of Caintha, on 13 January, I called Sonja from her bed early in the morning and asked if she could please. My thoughts were only at Brandir. How he responded to the hushed body of Caintha told me more than enough. Of course he had never been alone. All morning he was totally off the hanger and looked at me from under his eyebrows leery. In the course of the afternoon Sonja was here, it's about a little 500 kilometers and that with the camper takes a moment. When Brandir saw the camper on the ground he went right out of his roof. Fortunately, that h
elped! But it was very strange, the last time Sonja was here they were still with his six, the Deerhounds, now in total only three. On 29 December, Sonja had to let the old Lavinia sleep. Lavinia couldn't find any rest and the last few nights was just walking around, which is not healthy for anyone. Lavinia has become 13 years, 2 months and 15 days old. We will also miss this lady very much, precisely because she was so unproblematic like Caintha. After long walks and what Coursingtraining Sonja is on Sunday 18 January again left. The first days after that it was still with Brandir but then he stopped eating again and walked squeaky through the house. What I had to do with him! On February 1, it happened that Simon had to go to Denmark for his work and so I could get a lift to Hermannsburg where Sonja lives. Sunday morning we crammed our stuff in the car, a nice mattress for brandir and riding. After four and a half hours we arrived in Hermannsburg. Brandir and Bernice were of course intensely happy that they saw each other again! That afternoon we have done some coursingtraining and they run well!!! They are both apparently losing all the pains
and nasty experiences and walking really formidable. Now just hope it stays that way. The next day there was snow! We made wonderful walks, you can walk for hours without encountering anyone or a street. Blessed! Since Sonja has two females, we had decided that Brandir had to get used to that they also walk around in this House. So Brandir on the leash and the cats left the room. That wa
s exciting! Brandir wanted to chase the rear but unfortunately… he didn't get that chance. After a small hour and a few corrections he could loose. We always had to say that he had to be sweet and quiet, but it went wonderfully well. Occasionally he could even sniff at a cat as long as he did it quietly. Unfortunately, the next day, he got the chance to chase them out, and then the Cats didn't like him anymore. But Brandir was at home in any case no longer so fixated on them and that made it easier for everyone.
A very nice toy is ' the mouse to the stick '. The fabric mouse, which is attached to an elastic band, is filled with something very attractive. It's actually a cat toy but the hounds also find it fantastic. Calhoun was there also completely possessed and jumped, also with three legs, meters high the air in. Tuesday evening, Sonja and I have been to the cinema. It's for me I believe almost 40 years ago that I was last in the BIOS! And then just a German movie! But it was good to follow and we had a lot of fun.
Wednesday morning it was blissful weather, the sun shone and no sigh of wind. Actually it was only 3 degrees but the sun was already so powerful that it was good to hold out. So mattress for Brandir to go out, cup OF coffee and enjoy! On Thursday evening Sonja and I have been eating out. A very nice restaurant in an old barn, very atmospheric and cosy. The food was very good. Friday afternoon Simon was back from his work and we would actually go for a few courses but it had frozen too hard so it did not pass by, but a great walk in the beautiful surroundings. And after a delicious meal, a pleasant evening, a good breakfast, we left on Saturday morning towards Rijsbergen.
Sonja, thanks for everything, you're a real girlfriend!
International Herfstcoursing at RONO Beach.
The Chart Polski by Ciska and Ruud. The ' Herfstcoursing ' of WvCNL took place this year during the weekend of 18 and 19 October. Since Simon was divided both days to judging we left Thursday so we had a relaxed day on Friday. Sonja also came with her new motorhome so Brandir and Bernice could spend a nice weekend with each other. On Friday both could participate in the training. We would let Bernice run first and if she would not start, we would send Calhoun and brandir with it. But after some doubt, Bernice put it on a walk and walked the stars of heaven! Would she like to find it again? After Bernice so brandir with Calhoun. Brandir was as usual not to keep it though… He also started Super fanatic! At one time, without looking at Calhoun, he went behind the hare. What were we happy! Would he also like to find it again? That would be fantastic. In Total, 246 hounds had been adopted for the coursing and because of this large number, it was decided to walk on two tracks simultaneously. We expected the second route to be plotted on the other side of the water, but the association that had been invited to take care of this was not safe enough. The conscious Association was WCW out Hopee (Germany). I personally, and several with me, found this to be a wrong choice given the enormous commotion that F.S. has caused in Germany a.o. By committing fraud with Coursinguitslagen. The way in which he is allowed to exercise functions in sport is also extremely dubious. Many oudleden of the DWZRV have already said their membership to what is a great loss for the association. It is in and in sad that one person has been able to harm the DWZRV so much. Three Galgos The beauty of the mop was that the trail that this association had plotted on the right part of the beach was really dangerous. The hare was pulled through a wooden/metal seat and a thick tree. If two hounds would walk in between and accidentally bump each other, either one of them could be considerably injured. This route had to be adjusted on Saturday morning. On Saturday, Afghans, Azawakh's, Barsoi's, the Chart Polski, Deerhounds, Galgos, Irish Wolfhounds, Italians, Magyar Agar's, Pharaoh's, Podencos, Podengo's and Sloughi's were walked. On Sundays the Whippet's and Saluki's. It will be me, but I really do not understand the judging. It used to be the intention that the hounds would be judged in such a way as if it were a real hunt. So if they could catch the hare, they got a good assessment and made an error that had a chance of being looked at, they got a bad assessment. Well, today, as a hound, you can run out of the field without looking at the hare and what happened here on RONO a few times; You land as a hound in the water and only come out when the hare is so far away that you can never catch it again. Even then you can still win! That happened, among other things At the winner of the "Deerhounds". I wholeheartedly support her but I think it is not entirely in accordance with the rules. Fiddle both days the award ceremony was very chaotic. This did not come by the organization but by the disinterest and the undisciplined behaviour of the participants. Everyone kept talking to each other and on Saturday it had to F.S. If necessary, let loudly know that a German hound had gotten too few points in his idea, even though this Galgo had won! It's a pity, the cosiness of the past is far to find, maybe it just gets too big. Luckily there were some nice courses to admire and it was fine again.
A hot Tüttleben.
On Tuesday 3 June, beginning of the afternoon, we left towards Dortmund. Here we stayed at the camper pitch where Sonja and I always stand when we go to the show. It is a quiet place and you can enjoy walking with the hounds. At the same time we are already a thick 250 kilometer from home and thus almost half way to Tüttleben. It has now become a tradition that we are going to Tüttleben with Pentecost. Simon is classified by default to build and run the course before and during the coursing and I had promised this year to act as ringmaster on Saturday 7 June in the ring at the Jahresausstellung of Group 5. Given the experience of last year, that the Coursingterrein was not cut and totally under water, we decided to be there on Wednesday so that Simon had no stress and time to come, had all the time to put away a good route. The terrain was beautiful, grass not too high but also no billiard sheet, Simon was very quick to finish his trail. He had placed the start this time in the middle of the terrain and only the left part was put into use. There was a challenging trail of about 850 meters long, given the expected temperatures, long enough. On Wednesday it was still good to do in terms of temperature; We even made a big walk with the hounds. The rest of the days we could forget this, it was too hot. Calhoun soon searched for his spot; Under the caravan. Every hour he moved a bit further so he had a cool piece again. It is always miraculous how he saves himself with those thre
e legs, he was even once again early in the morning under the tent canvas by crept to go hunting. Unfortunately for him, there stood around a fencing so that he did not come far. Against the six o'clock he stood again in front of the tent door beeping that he wanted, because yes, back under the tent canvas, that is not possible!! This region has already been extracted in many areas, and he continues to do so, and I have to think about it if we stand somewhere where there is no fence. Thursday and Friday I had "holiday", a little Brandir Showklaar make, the others comb but especially not to move too much because it was thick 35 degrees in the shadows! Saturday was the show. Sonja would show Brandir and Bernice under Mr. Tomasz Kuszyk from Poland. Also Fortheringhay's Faerwald Fable, Brandir's big "competitor" was reported in the Open class and another bitch in the Open class at Bernice. Fable went with the CAC and BOB off, Brandir with the reserve and Bernice with the CAC (the other bitch only stayed in Ambling walk). So I was in Ring 1 at the Podencos, Pharaoh's, Podengo's and Cirneci at work. The judge for these races was Mr. Manuel Borges from Portugal. Of course I had studied the standards beforehand so that I knew what to look for and fortunately the judge said loud and clear the report so that I could follow it perfectly well. It was really worth it since there were several copies of e.g. The Podenco Canario were present. I am delighted that I have had this opportunity and have put a lot of effort into it.
Sunday morning we had to bed early. The starting time of the coursing was set at 7 o'clock due to the expected temperatures. This meant that Sonja had to go out of bed for fives as she did the notification. Simon and I came out against the six. Brandir and Bernice were the only registered Deerhounds and walked as one of the first. Brandir started off well but Bernice doubted again. Brandir looked at where his sister stayed and once she went, they walked the stars of heaven. What can those two walk! Of the initially 49 courses for the first circulation, approximately 45 remained. Fortunately, there were enough employees who took their duties seriously and because of this it ran like a train. Agains
t elves the last course had been walked and the temperature had now reached almost 30 degrees. It was decided that there was no second turn and that was good as well because in the course of the afternoon the temperature went up to thick 38 degrees in the shade! And the only thing that you can still do is take a nap! After two was the award ceremony and Brandir got a delicious sausage as price for beauty and performance. He and Bernice also got a beautiful rosette for their coursing performance.
Sunday again asked out of bed because after nines you could no longer run with good decency with the hounds, it was all too hot for the oldies. There were almost half fewer hounds reported for the second day of the coursing and due to the warm weather (and other reasons), eleven more were logged out. This brought the number of courses for the first circulation to about 22. All employees put everything in order to make the courses as smooth as possible and even manage to run a record number of courses in an hour. Without a break, the second turn was started against Nines and at five minutes before half past eleven the last hounds ran their second course! If this is not a world record….!! Again at half past three the awards ceremony. This is always very atmospheric and cosy.
All employees are extended thanks both days and the Hounds who say goodbye are brought forward and conceived under appropriate music. This always supplies wet eyes to a number of people, this to the hilarity of the bystanders. Afterwards we drank a nice glass of sect on the good course of the weekend. After this, the shadow soon and also Katja, the president of the club, knew where she could be pamper.
Tuesday was lazybones day but again warm and stuffy. In the evening there is still a coursingtraining that Calhoun was very happy with. Together with Brandir and Bernice he walked a short trail of about 450 meters. Caintha really liked it too but I still thought it was too hot for her, she has after all been in charge for eleven years! Wednesday morning we could pack the tent wet, it had geonweerd and rained but it was not very cooled. Against elves we drove away to arrive at half past six in the evening. Meyappan, Meyappan, it's always a short tuffs but definitely worth it!
"Exciting" Weekend in England!
The English Deerhound wide Show.
After we left Ostercappeln on Monday 31 March, the preparations for the Deerhound wide Show in Telford, England, started immediately. Sonja was driven back home with her camper and she would stay here for the intervening days. Of course we had to go in between a garden centre, which is actually standard when she is here, and Sonja bought some nice rhododendrons and both of them took a Chinese witch hazel along, beautiful! Also we had to go past the vet for the necessary stamps, worms pills and signatures for Brandir and Bernice. Simon would stay at home and fit on Calhoun, Caintha, Lavinia and Silva, so few hounds he has never had as Sonja and I were gone! On Friday morning, April 4, we were early out of the feathers because we wanted to catch the train of 10.50 hours with a check-in-closes at 10.20. Were previously we had to go past the chip and union control but the trip went smoothly so we were beautiful on time. But…. After Bernice's's booklet was checked and Brandir's turn, it turned out that Rens, my vet had forgotten to put one signature! Well, I could have dicks like brugers but we had to put Calais in, to a vet and a signature. This cost all in all a thick hour and €11. Next time yet again, still in practice, check everything! After all, it all went pretty well, but it was a bit of a traffic jam. At half past four we arrived at the hotel in Telford. After we had checked in, the room had been decorated with dog beds and our stuff and the hounds had been exhausted, it was time for ' a pint of bitter '. Delicious! After that we fed the hounds and made us ready for dinner. Well, this was really English again; Almost not to eat! It turned out that the vegetarian dish and the dessert were still the most del
icious! The next morning at 7 o'clock, because Brandir was in one of the first classes. Luckily it was still good weather and the show was kept outside. Judge was Björn Fritz from Germany. The Yearling class was a large class of 11 entries and Brandir found it all beautiful again. But I had to be careful because there were a lot of knorrepotten around and I didn't want to have that Brandir would be bitten in his nose. It was striking that nobody corrected his young male in a good way, a very bad thing. All the other males in his class looked much more mature than Brandir and Björn did not place him as expected. Also Bilbo, Brandir's brother, had been reported. He stood in the Limit class. Bilbo has grown v
ery differently than expected and looks very mature, but perhaps he has changed over the years. In the course of the morning it started to rain a bit and at lunchtime it was decided to continue the show inside, in the dining room. Very sorry, because it was much too hot and stuffy so people and animals didn't feel very comfortable. At the end of the afternoon it also appeared that it had not rained any more, but a pity that we did not remain outside. As usual, the quality of the males fell, but there were some nice girls to see. It is striking that here in England the Deerhounds are still real Deerhounds, but different from type and also with quite a lot of mistakes but real Deerhounds. Only one foreign dog ran in between and this was an Australian import. What was also noticed was that there were quite a lot of hounds totally stressed, absolutely not accustomed to being in a room and behaving downright frantic. Among other a bitch of Mrs. Gow was unhandled and the owner made himself so busy and gave himself so much effort to show the bitch a little bit that Sonja still said; "That gets another heart attack"! Unfortunately, she was later admitted to hospital with a heart attack.
At the end of the afternoon Björn Cotherstone Shot and Steel made of Morton and Morgan BOB and Greyflas Just peachy from Bailey became BOS. Best puppy was Ehlaradawn Tilla at Kilbourne of Peach. Thanks to Jan Scheer for these two beautiful pictures!
For the Sunday I had been reported to Brandir in the ' Special coursing/Lure chasing Dog or ' class. 11 entries and 2 absents. To my great surprise, Mrs. Clean Brodwall Brandir First placed! What an honor! He
earned a pair of beautiful, red, knitted, Norwegian socks for Simon, one and a half pounds and the Pentlands coursing Trophy!!! This Trophy is not allowed to leave England, so we left him on the way back at Gill and Toby where we would spend the night.
Also I had Brandir reported in the very large class of 23 entries ' Special Not Bred by Exhibitor '. He was here Fourth! Before the show was started, we had cleared the room and checked out. So once the last class was approved we could say goodbye to friends and acquaintances and we left for Dorset. After three hours of driving we arrived at Gill and Toby. Brandir and Bernice recognized their birthplace and were able to uitrazen with little sister Bell. After cheering on Brandir's successes and a very pleasant evening we first shot a series of pictures of the trio the next morning.
After that they were allowed to stretch the legs before we would leave towards the Eurotunnel. Sunday afternoon it went fine, with his three at the same time loose but now the ladies decided to attaqueren Brandir once more. Then release only two at a time.
Then soon in the car and hope that we would not get a delay because we were almost too late for our train. Unfortunately, we did not get the net and the first one we could only go over an hour. Pity. When we were in our line before we would ride the train, the departure times changed and at some point our letter was no longer on the board! There was apparently something good wrong! Hours we were waiting to end up celebrating the train, and so we only arrived against the six in France. Always highly annoying, that hour time difference! In France, it soon began to rain and once it was well on the way it came out with baking the air, including hail and thunderstorms. Almost the whole way back we had this again until after Antwerp I could leave the mood behind me. But not for long… Three hours later than planned we were again unscathed home and the home stayed hounds were very happy that their roommates were there again. We could just get the most stuff out of the car with dry weather, then the mood also burst into rijsbergen.
Deerhound Jahresausstellung to Ostercappeln.
A shining sun for our coat.
The weather forecasts looked good for the weekend of 29 and 30 March. Fine, because in recent years we have had enough Jahresausstellungen and associated coursings in the rain. For this coat, Joyce Bond of the Regalflight Deerhounds was invited to approve and Mary Girling had come along with her. As usual, the entry of the hounds was accompanied by Scottish musicians but this time there was another carriage with Joyce Bond and Ruth Oess, the oldest Deerhound breeder of Germany (Scottish Highland).
In Total, there were 80 Deerhounds reported, 28 males and 52 bitches. First a puppy was watched, and then Lavinia came to the turn, she did ' outside competition ' with it.
Then the veterans came, the male was absent but the 4 reported ladies were present. Caintha was placed fourth, probably because, as usual, it didn't make much sense to walk. But I was proud of her, she looked with her for 11 years (she was the oldest in this class) still beauti
ful! After a big Jugendklasse was Brandir's turn. Just like last year he was with Fortheringhay's Faerwald fable in the intermediate class and once again won fable.
After that I was able to look at the other classes at ease, I had no more to show. It is for the first time since years that I only have 2 to show, very strange but so relaxed. The overall quality was not really smash hit. Many dogs did not correspond to the standard, this by different combinations of too high worn tails, curling tails, straight rugbelijningen, too short shoulder blades and arms which gives you a bad onderbelijning and too long legs, too Steep Both in front and ribwelving and too little. Also there were few beautiful heads, many bad ears and bad gaits to see. Joyce gave a total of 1 times a G, 19 times ZG and 46 times a U, in my opinion still far too much. The remainder was either absent or received no qualification because it was the veteran class or ' outside competition '. It was also noticed that there was much more gegromd and extracted by the males than previous years. The owners no longer know how to educate a young Deerhound male???
Best Male, Jahressieger and BOB became land Lord von der Oelmühle of Florent Friedrich and Jürgen Rösner (left) and best bitch and Jahressieger was Goshenite or Bestmara also of Florent Friedrich from France!
Day after a Leistungscoursing. Initially, the 30 Deerhounds were reported, but because of the many loopy bitches and the logoff of Brandir (he seems to have been quite bothered by Panostitis), in the end there remained, according to the catalogue, only 23, 4 males and 19 bitches. Started there are only 16 bitches. It was a somewhat bland trail, but because of the high grass and the soft bottom, the length of about 800 meters was enough to test the condition and what was the case with many hounds!
In the first circulation, Bernice was classified with Delightfuldelusion of Gerd fuses. This ran the first few hundred meters and held it then, as usually in recent years, for seen. Bernice walked well but because of an error The Turner hit the hare behind in the corner. Then she was allowed to restart, but the starter put the hare too far before Bernice did not see it. When she started again she walked again and showed great speed and a good condition. But the jury apparently stared blindly at the Hare loss because Bernice ended up with the lowest number of points.
The males stayed in the first turn of Carlin or Redbrook, so that there were only 3 males left for the second circulation. One of these males, Grayrory's Finlaggan, was classified in the second round with Bernice. But Bernice didn't see it sitting and stopped after several meters. N.d. Or "Rejection for the day". Yes, and where that lag..??
Calhoun enjoys.
Last weekend, Sonja was visiting with Lavinia, Silva and Bernice. Because of the predicted bad weather in Germany, she has come Wednesday. Thursday we wanted to make a nice walk with the hounds but when we had them in the car I saw that my right front tyre was leaky. The hounds looked at us with disbelief when we said they had to come out again. Then just a walk in the area. This is of course not so much fun because then Brandir and Bernice can not loose and also Calhoun has to run the biggest piece on the leash as they are different by the young strawberries and other crops. But yes, it was no different. Fortunately we were able to get the band repaired that same day so we could at least take the days here after Nice. Friday before the walk to thirst. Here is a large losloop area with little game and even le
ss roads. This was of course big fun for Brandir and Bernice but also Calhoun enjoys here. Nothing is more fun than with his two or threes (he prefers to do Silva too) to chop on Brandir.
At some point Brandir can't do it anymore. Bernice bites him in his buttocks and Calhoun grabs him by his neck. In the end Brandir gives himself won and fail on the ground.
Now we are just ending by calling Calhoun with us. Brandir is relieved and draws another sprint with Bernice.
We're only just 15 minutes on the road and Bernice is already looking like this!
And our Speelgoedhound Cody, so.
The walk continues and Calhoun makes it regularly exciting by putting his ears in the end. Nothing is lost to him but fortunately the deer have withdrawn safely.
Caintha also wants to play with Brandir but as usual, Bernice also has to interfere with it.
After an hour of walking, which is enough for Lavinia, Cody, Caintha and Calhoun, Brandir and Bernice can still romp around at home while Calhoun takes it.
On Saturday we set out on a field in the woods of disk a small piece of coursing for Brandir, Bernice and Calhoun. Brandir started again perfectly and we also let him run with Bernice. I was afraid he was going to play but also this went fine! A very reassurance, as he will have to do this in the short term. Since Calhoun had seen that Simon had done the turning device in the car, he also had to walk a bit. It's incredible but since he's missing his hind leg he's so super motivated that you just can't refuse it! There seem to be a number of people who are struggling to make Calhoun do what he has done all his life. These people have no idea of Calhoun's mental and physical condition. He has no pain, is not sick, is in very good physical condition, he eats well, he drinks well, he is playful and he is cheerful. Since he has losgelopen from puppy in the most wild areas he knows exactly how to deal with his body, even now on three legs. The people who are worried can do this better to the hounds that appear with a very bad condition or crippled on the Coursingterreinen. As long as it goes well with Calhoun I let him do what he wants and for what he is born; Hunt.
Brandir and Bernice are purity!!!
O'Cockaigne Deerhounds-purebred Deerhounds.
Since last year it is possible to have a greyhound tested on varietal purity via the DWZRV. Through the following link you can read all about the nomination of Ms. Dr. Wimmer. Vortrag von Frau Dr. Wimmer über den DNA-Test zur Rassebestimmung bei Windhunden… For the Deerhounds you can here können Sie die Ergebnisse der Studie Herunterladen (PDF)… Find more. In the article below, written by Dr. Dominique d Caprona, the same is treated but you will also find everything about the other greyhounds and halfwind dogs. Http:// In the past year has shown that many hounds are not purity and as you can read/See, this is also the case with the Deerhounds. Last year, Sonja had her hounds take part in the test and also the blood of Cheytah was then investigated. Fortunately, she appeared to be purity.
In the meantime we find that there are several breeders selling dogs as Deerhounds while this is longdogs and/or lurchers. (A longdog is a cross between greyhounds and a lurcher is a cross between a greyhound and another dog, usually a shepherd or terrier.) A very well
known Deerhoundfokker, who has been in the breed for many decades, has recently announced that he has never seen a Deerhound with Hubertus claws and also the colour ' wheaten ' according to Dr. Jödicke (He has already reported this in the last century) for quite some time ' Extinct '. But there are also ' grey ' crossings where in most cases you can see certain forms of body parts that the dog is not purity. If you doubt the varietal purity of your greyhound, you can let it be tested by having some blood (EDTA) in your vet. It must of course also check the chip number using the union booklet or the pedigree. This should be along with the form completed by you and your veterinarian, which you can find on the site of the DWZRV (www. → Formulare → DNA Fingerprint) sent to Frau Ursula Arnold, Schlierbacher Weg 56, 64678 Linden Felsen, Germany and accompanied by a letter stating that it is the "DNA Test zur Rassebestimmung bei Windhunden". If you send it somewhere else you will most likely not get a correct result. The cost of the test is approximately 80,-euro, you will receive a later account.
Anyway, in order to be all misery in the future, we have also tested Brandir and Bernice and fortunately this Deerhounds is also a real Deerhounds!
The days after Crowns mountain.
Since I had made an appointment for Bernice in De Bilt for control of her Panostitis, Sonja stayed with us until Wednesday. Tuesday so to De Bilt where Annika Bernice would investigate. There was clearly improvement in her Thymus energy but the kidney energy was still much too low. That is why we need to work further. But because Bernice has no more pain and she was aartslui because she was recently running, we could let them romp without having to brake them, so Bernice himself did.
The walks we made were tuned to the elderly club. With one of almost 12 and three out of 10 years, you don't have to walk for hours, also a small hour for Calhoun is also enough. He makes sure he gets enough movement. So also Wednesday afternoon. Barely arrived in the woods he had disappeared, Bernice and Brandir in his wake. After a few minutes, Brandir and Bernice were back, Calhoun took a little longer. Moments later they shot again, but then it took much longer before Calhoun was back again. He had already done enough, but fortunately there was a nice lake in the area where you can have a good stay.
Nothing is more delicious than with a just well-combed coat to enter the water! Lavinia was slightly ahead of the water after she had gone under the Weerijs of the week before we left. Calhoun always enters the floppy, but now the others thought they could. Not so. I had to help Lavinia out of her neck water because the side was too steep, too blubberig and she was trapped in the aquatic plants. I had to help the rest of the elderly club with a butt up. Once again up geklauterd I was sitting from head to toe under the dredge and Sonja but laughin
Yes, and when you come to a piece of sand after water, the gate of the dam is. As usual Brandir is the pineut.
Coney is also involved.
After Calhoun, Brandir, Bernice and Caintha had cleared the field, Coney surrendered a "shrub".
When all the branches have been shaken off, Silva can still play with the "Bare Hare".
Weekend Crowns Mountain
From Thursday afternoon 8 August we were in Crown Mountain where the national coursing of OSS has been held for years. A wonderful location where you can walk well with the hounds. The only downside is that our hounds have something against the terrain; Most do not run well here. This year we had nothing to do officially, but the young stuff had to practise a little bit and we had also agreed that we would cycle a piece with the "puppies". After everything was in place and Sonja had taken her bike from the camper, a round on the terrain test was first cycled. Brandir, Bernice and Silva were exemplary loose along the bike and enjoyed it clearly. They also enjoyed each other again.
On Saturday the show, a good exercise for Bernice, she has occasional cures and also now she didn't want to let herself be groped. Brandir Fortunately has no problems with this.
Bernice's's gang work looks fine, she stretches well and has a nice range but come in and go I hope it still improves greatly. It would be a shame if Sonja can't show her as planned.
Of course we had to take a few stationary pictures after the show. Actually they were well fed but the keeper wins.
And then again fooling.
At the end of the afternoon, Bernice has a small piece of coursing. She did this in full surrender so the next time she can with Picaro, the Galgo of Cis and Annemiek, a piece of course. Hopefully she can run on Ronostrand for her license. Brandir is a different story, he did a lot of fun last year but at the beginning of this year he gained a few negative experiences and now has trouble finding it fun. It is of course a huge egg and sees ghosts everywhere. He still needs a lot of time. Calhoun and Caintha also showed himself enthusiastically for a piece of coursing and just before they were allowed to start, Calhoun was barking at the hare, but when I let them loose, they looked at each other and stayed standing. When I walked a bit, they went behind the hare and enjoyed the ' kill ', they do it!! However, it is strange that our most hounds are tapping to walk in this area. Something is not up to them.
Pressure, pressure, pressure.
Finally I have time again to report some about the O'Cockaigne hounds. Almost the whole month we have been on the road with hounds and caravan. But I start with April 20. On this day was the show in Goes. For this I had Brandir enrolled in the Youth class. Only three Deerhounds were reported; Prince of Jasper and Ineke, Bibelot of Marijn and Brandir. Prince became BOB and Brandir got the reserve CAC. He now has one point for his Dutch youth Championship and as the CAC moves on, also a tip for the "adult" championship.
On Tuesday, April 23, Calhoun received his 6th chemo cure. In the meantime he loses a lot of hair but where it was practically bald, it starts to grow again. He didn't respond so well to this "last" cure. He has not eaten for a long time and has therefore fallen pretty well. He was also very quickly tired and did not make much sense in walking. Since Johan de Vos wants to deal with him again, we had an appointment before 10 May. First blood pricking and checking and then we would take long pictures. The blood results were not so smash hit, some values were too high and it was decided that no chemo would be given. The long pictures looked "beautiful". HIEP!!!! That was at least something! In the meantime Calhoun is again completely the old and Tuesday 4 June we go again to Terneuzen for possibly its next chemo cure. On Thursday the 2nd of May we headed for Berlin. The night was halfway by Sonja, Brandir did not know what he saw when his sister came to greet him! The next morning we drove all the way to Göhlsdorf, Simon was invited to join the international coursing judging and I was asked to approve during their CAC show. The coursing would take place on a large fenced lawn and fortunately the hounds could stretch the legs here on Friday afternoon. But of course there also had to be walked. Saturday morning, Simon, Angelika and Sonja went on the road and soon left the majority of the 9 hounds. It was immediately hit, several hares had to choose the Hazenpad and Calhoun got red wild in his nose and was right away. After a thick 15 minutes he came exhaust
ed back, which had walked enough for the rest of the day! And Simon had enough stress for the rest of the weekend, which left Calhoun (fortunately) no more loose! The weather was extraordinary, almost 30 degrees but with a little wind so it was still well toefen. Only for a big walk it was soon too hot for our elderly club; 3 of 10 years and 1 of 11.5. On Saturday so the show, Sonja showed Brandir, Bernice and Silva. There were 9 Deerhounds reported, 8 present. Brandir and Bernice got their first YOUTHCAC and Brandir became JeugdBOB. BOB and BIS became the Kilbourne Harvest Moon, the brother of the father of Brandir and Bernice, living in Finland. Sunday, the coursing for which two Finnish Deerhounds were reported. One of them was blixen the Great Scott, this male had walked with Calhoun in the Czech Republic during the EKC in 2009. It was clear to see that he was a day old! Monday morning we all left again. We first went to Tüttleben to put our caravan there before the Pentecost weekend. From here we drove home on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 9th we had the Deerhound club match. Brandir became third in his class, Coney won the veteran class and Caintha was third in this class. Friday morning 10 May so first with Calhoun to Terneuzen. Then quickly get some stuff in the car, Calhoun out and Brandier Erin and head towards Dortmund. Sonja had left with me at the same time so that we would arrive roughly right in Dortmund. Unfortunately, Sonja landed in more traffic jams than me and I was there before. After a short fifteen minutes brandir and Bernice could greet each other again and we made a lovely walk in the large nearby park. Saturday was the VDH-Europasieger-Ausstellung in the Westphalia halls. 18 Deerhounds reported, 17 present. Brandir won the Youth Class (2) and got his second YOUTHCAC, Europe became Jugendsieger and JugendBOB. Bernice was not reported. For the Sunday there were 9 Deerhounds reported and all present. Brandir was now the only one in the youth class and was given a ZG because he was too young. Why do you sign a young dog in the Youth class???? Surely you can't expect a male of less than a year to finish??!! Luckily we could get away early so we could pack everything quietly and at the end of the afternoon I was back home. Wednesday morning we left again towards Tüttleben where we arrived around three. Angelika and Sonja were there a little later. After having installed everything again, we first took a glass of sect. It was delicious again and the enjoyment could begin. Although I have to admit that I still have to say that I did not travel to the world exhibition in Budapest. For this show I had reported in November Calhoun, Brandir and Bernice. Unfortunately, the bone cancer at Calhoun was reported. I still tried to replace him with Coney but got zero on the petition. Bernice continued to suffer from her panostitis and I decided not to go. Because just to travel with brandir that end and feel in it and in sad because of Calhoun, I didn't feel like it either. Anyway, then make the best of it in Tüttleben. Brandir and Bernice had a lot of fun together and together with Angelika and Sonja we strip
ped Cody on Thursday of his coat. In stages we shaved and cut him and when he was finished he felt like a young god again.
Saturday there were 6 Deerhounds reported for the show. Brandir got his 3rd and thus last YOUTHCAC and may now call himself German Youth champion (DWZRV) He was also JeugdBOB. Since he was also the only male, he was automatically the best dog and bunch, he had to make the course against Xena of Angelika, an adult bitch who later became BIS. Bernice got her 2nd Youthcac. At least she shows up very well, we are already very happy with it. Hopefully she will be even stronger in her work because that doesn't look very nice yet.
In the meantime it had often rained very violently and there were gigantic puddles everywhere, so also on the Coursingterrein. Sunday and Monday was the coursing for which Simon was asked to build, run and master the course. On Wednesday afternoon he had already started to turn it off there on Thursday morning the town would partially mow the pasture. At first, Simon had explained a nice long trail, but then it turned out that the chainsaw, normally an iron-strong rotary device, did not pull it. Everything went down again, shortened, extra cut, nothing helped. It really was on the chainsaw. Sin of the beautiful long trail! But because of the rain it was a very spectacular route, the people had to go through water but also the hounds,
which of course gave great pictures for the photo dig. Also the Middenterrein of the racecourse, where Brandir and Bernice could go out of their roof every day, showed large puddles. Since Brandir is absolutely not a water rat, Sonja drew her shoes at a given moment and stepped into the lake. Bernice followed faithfully but Brandir trusted it for no penny. After many lures and candies offering, Brandir stepped gently into the puddle and sure enough, he walked by! Next, Sonja lured him a few more times and now he has not disappeared. Meyappan, Meyappan, what a wimp!
On Tuesday there was racecourse training. In recent years Calhoun has always done a round race course, he loved that! Also now I got him up for a round. When he heard the hare and saw he was not to keep! He jumped around and screamed of enthusiasm. When he finally took the turn, he dragged me past the Starthok and was barely able to wait until the hare came. He started out super enthusiastic and walked the whole round. No more Saluki times for Calhoun but he has enjoyed it!! Wednesday Kookdag. Sonja, Angelika and Simon would cook for about 20 men and leave, after the shopping, the kitchen. In comparison with two years back, when there were 60 people to eat, they didn't have much work. At seven o'clock we were able to sit at the table and as usual everyone loved it!
Because of the rain we decided not to stay any longer, Thursday packed up again and drove home in one jerk. Bergen laundry, a wet awning, a dirty caravan and my ceramics that I want to finish before the EKC at the end of June, ensured that there was little time left to bore us. Tomorrow we will depart again towards Lichtenvoorde where Renvereniging Swift organises a coursing for the first time for which Simon has offered his cooperation. Hopefully the weather is a bit like that.
Weekend wide show in England.
Since Sonja and I had planned to go to the wide show of the English Deerhound Club, Sonja stayed the days between Pentecost weekend and the wide show here. Fortunately it's a lot better with Bernice and so the puppies had fun for ten. The first days they simply couldn't stop playing and we had to get them in every now and then to relax. The problem is that when they get tired, they are going to make estimation mistakes and then run against them somewhere. They had jumped over a bank a few times, but at some point this went wrong and Brandir walked on three legs with a hole in his wrist, a hefty abrasion on his knee and a huge swollen second thigh. Traumeel and cold compresses did their miracles and the next day he ran again like a kachru. Also Silva and Calhoun find it wonderful to chase behind the puppies here on the premises but we prefer not because it always ends in a jar of chopping on one of the two puppies. Anyway after a little week of playing, Brandir and Bernice were a bit quieter and that gave good prospects for the trip to England as it was of course for the first time that they had to behave neatly in a hotel and fortunately they did that too. The trip through the Eurotunnel was successful until we came to London in England. Here they were, as always, with the road busy and this caused of course long traffic jams. A little later than planned we arrived at the hotel and we first started walking with the hounds. Most of the vast estate was confiscated by a golf course, but there were also a few sports fields where no chicken could be seen. Here we have the daily Brandir and Bernice can have a good romp because they really need it! Unfortunately we forgot to take the camera every time, otherwise we really had some very nice pictures. Pity! Brandir found all those Deerhounds very exciting, every time there was someone with a Deerhound on the line he had to look at that, just as if he had never seen a Deerhound! He always wanted to greet them all and especially the very small puppies he found brilliant. At one point we were talking to Mick Peach when Toby, the breeder of Brandir and Bernice, came to us. A joyful resounding and after a good look also recognized the puppies Toby. I noticed that in one of the cars that stood with us, a Deerhound was very interested in looking at us. Until Betina came to us and said it was CSCARF! I walked right to him and through the Autorek I was completely licked. Betina had very serious hair just verzwikt and on this I immediately offered to show Cscarf the next day. That was a good id
On Saturday we had to be out of the feathers because Brandir was in the first class. Judge was Sandy Platt of the Charbonell Deerhounds. The weather was fortunately slightly better than Friday, less wind but still very fresh. The sun seemed watery but in the course of the day she became stronger and when the wind was not there, it was delicious. Brandir was in the puppy class in which 11 were reported but 8 were present. He could not very much concentrate on showing, all the Deerhounds around the ring where he was not allowed to go was very difficult for him. He looked his eyes out! Yet the ring training, which I had followed with him for a few weeks, was very fruitful. The walk went fine and occasionally he kept standing neatly, by straining the tension and showing something too little cornering but I was not allowed to complain because he was third!
Cscarf stood in Open Dog, 10 reported, 7 present. He showed himself very well by me and although he was not in top condition, he walked like a spear, I could barely keep him up. He was placed second, behind the Crufts winner this year. In the end he became a reserve Best Dog, 45 males behind him!
Sunday we were again early on as I promised Betina to walk with Cscarf in the Champion Parade. At half past ten we were at the ring but there was still virtually no one present. Normally you will get a folder on Friday on arrival with all information about this weekend; What time, what and where. Very handy. But this time we had not received anything and we had to ask someone every time with the result that we received occasional contradictory information. Anyway, we were clearly too early but this had the advantage that Brandir and Bernice could get used to the bagpipe player. They found it very interesting and had to look up close. In ten quarters, most English champions were present and I had to head with Cscarf behind the bagpipe player to the ring. I have done this a number of times now and always find this a very emotional moment. Mary Girling suggested every champion and during the honorary lap through the ring we were rewarded by the bystanders with a loud applause. Then quickly a comb by brandir because it was reported for the Maiden Dog or Bitch Class. He was somewhat more relaxed, what got accustomed to all the Deerhounds to the ring and showed a lot better. He became third of the five and got his second beautiful yellow rosette. A wonderful toy! After having enjoyed the beautiful weather, all the Deerhounds and our friends and acquaintances have said goodbye, we headed back to the Netherlands. Of course we had a back-up in Belgium and in the evening after Eights got tired but met at home. It was a very nice weekend and the puppies have learned a lot again!
Calhoun is living on the Coursingveld!
CC2000 had a wonderful weekend again!
Despite the great cold, during the Easter weekend we were a guest at mini camping "de Ganzenhof" in Bladel with our Coursingvrienden. Here we organized another delicious funcoursing on a large pasture. A small 60 hounds were reported there and only Talreja with her Barzoi's was not present by circumstances. Marc Gale lived again in his passion and made many beautiful pictures. Marc…. Thanks!!! Sonja was also back from the party and she was so sweet to bring a bag of home-baked biscuits for every participating hound. The hounds found them Héééérlijk!! Sonja, on behalf of everyone, thanks again!! For me this weekend had something very special. Brandir and Bernice had done something with us on a horse meadow in February, but never when there were other people and dogs. Despite the growing pains, Bernice ran well, and she was definitely not distracted. Once she has grown over this ailment, I think she will become a very good coursing hound. Brandir ran the entire trail very well following and all at a decent speed; A promise for the future. Caintha and Calhoun walked all day to whine that they actually wanted courses. Caintha is already 10 years old and I had said long ago that there was no more c
oursing but she wanted so much so I voted. Also Silva, almost 7 years young, wanted to stretch her legs again and finally we decided to Caintha, Silva and Calhoun at the same time to Coursingveld. A number of people looked strange when we appeared with this trio at the start. "What Crazy does a Deerhound with three-legged courses do?" But people had to know what Calhoun is doing on those three legs! I was already noticing Calhoun that it was serious and not like the last t
imes; Fanatically walk to the start and then remain standing. Also Caintha was again old fashioned fanatic. At the start they were barely kept, they really felt like it. But we had told Simon to turn a small piece, about 300/350 meters was enough.
The first piece they ran right away but they soon got a bit out of it, so we looked a bit less tense. Because yes, it was for the first time that Calhoun went behind the Nephaasje and on a collision we were not waiting.
It was clear that they enjoyed all three of them and arrived at the reception it was also perfect. Simon knows exactly how to turn to avoid col
lisions. It was wonderful to see Calhoun again courses and he also found it blissful. I am glad that at the time I took the decision to let his paw amputate, he is doing so well. And I'm sure if I hadn't done it, I should have let him sleep long ago. I hope that several people, by Calhoun, are convinced that a large hound can live very well on three legs and have a lot of fun.
Bernice and Calhoun.
Bernice is a real Calhoun fan!
Last week Sonja was here again for a few days, to let the puppies play with each other and to put Calhoun a heart under the belt. Brandir and Bernice of course went completely out of their roof, but because Bernice suffers from panostitis (growing Pains), we had to slow them down a bit. Bernice had a lot of interest in Calhoun from the beginning, she went to him every time and also with walking she wanted to walk next to him. Also this time she found him interesting. Apparently she has picked up more than we thought because a few days ago I received this picture of her. She had a paw amputated with one of her hugs!!! It goes very well with Calhoun. He has been chasing a hare and played with Brandir. The wound is beautifully cured and his fur begins to cover the scar a bit. Eating is not a problem, he's even too fat, but I prefer it to be too skinny and 5 times more chemo. I have no idea if he keeps eating as well. But for now I'm very satisfied.