They are a noisy bunch!



Christmas. How fun can it be! Standing out in the cold in your pajamas at night to ensure that the puppies do not do their business in the house but outside. Of course they don’t all go out at the same time and they don’t do everything at the same time. After this they have to eat and play extensively. All in all, it will take you almost 2 hours before you can go back to bed! But rarely do they put anything in the whelping box, so things are going in the right direction. Hopefully they will be completely housetrained in two to three weeks. But the door has to be left ajar so that they can go out, and we have made several adjustments to this. Fortunately, they understand the small crack through which to go outside, even at night, but they also feel how cold it is there and for some that is the signal to turn around and to relieve themselves on the corrugated cardboard inside. So there is no other option than to persist to go out in my pajamas in the middle of the night!

Then that litter of 2 puppies in May was a lot easier!

Just a few more days and then they are already 6 weeks. In the meantime, they make the whole house their playground and they know where to find Cytaugh when they feel like a sip of milk. They are doing well, the largest is still the largest and the smallest the smallest. There is more than a kilo difference between the two, but not in their brains! The two smallest females, Caira and Chasslynn, are the two smart ones and the most enterprising. Charlaigne and Caoimhe are a bit calmer and the males, Calum and Crumbaugh are real males; occasionally playing the boss but mostly lazy.


After the meals of steak tartare and puppy milk, they now mostly rely on meat and they like it the best. Very soon they will have their first day-old chicks, sprats and little chicken necks. Line training has started and the car is no longer strange to them. Next Monday they will be chipped and on Tuesday they will receive their first vaccination.


Cranston absolutely loves them and loves to be with them all the time. In his way he is very gentle with them but now and then a puppy flies through the air! Fortunately, they are still made of ‘rubber’ and can withstand a lot. Especially Caira is his favorite and she really lies down to be chapped! Brandir and Cearrean think they are still a bit too small, although Cearrean is very interested, but he thinks it is a bit much, 6 puppies.




Yes, Cearrean, a chapter on its own. After a period when things went reasonably well, things are going in the wrong direction again. You can clearly see that he has a lot of headaches and he takes it out on his housemates. Two and a half weeks ago I had an MRI scan of his head after Judith Adriaansens, the naturopath which is treating him, said there was ‘a’ process going on in his head. She was right! There appears to be a cyst between his large and small brains. This presses on the cerebellum and causes pain. It is also known that the cerebellum is not only responsible for motor skills but also for emotion, aggression, empathy and so on. So Cearrean’s behavior is very explainable, but also almost no longer tenable in recent weeks. He can very unexpectedly attack one of his housemates and especially Brandir does not accept this anymore. Cearrean’s behavior causes a lot of stress and tension and we had hoped that the medication he is now on would change this. Unfortunately this is very disappointing.

And when this was the only problem, but he also has problems with his right knee and his back very regularly. The pain relief that he receives is not sufficient for all these things and it especially occurs in the evening. Everything that comes within a radius of 4 meters is grunted. Really not fun. We still have to look at it, his behavior is very variable at the moment, but all in all I see it gloomy for him.








And Cranston, he is a very beautiful puppy but … his lower jaw remains too short. After having his lower puppycanines removed at a very young age in the hope that these would not hinder the growth of the lower jaw, I unfortunately had to decide to have the lower canines shortened. This happened 2 weeks ago.

All in all, not such a good time. Fortunately the puppies make us laugh regularly and we enjoy them a lot.


It is now Tuesday December 29th. The storm last weekend was not conducive to housetraining! How they hate that dirty weather! And annoying that they are! It was also a short night. After they went to sleep with a full belly at 11:30, I only at 12:30, the first one woke up again at 1:30! Then it took until after three o’clock before they decided to go back to sleep. But at 7 am the alarm went off again because my car had to go to the garage (Simon was allowed to do that). After the puppies had eaten and had a mini nap, it started again. They really went out of their way to drive me crazy and squeaked, screamed and screeched the loudest. Even after they ate a pound of meat and had dessert at Cytaugh! And while I was trying to sort things out, they immediately reorganized it into a mess! If someone had said that puppies are FUN at the time, I would have strangled that person!


Yesterday the chipper came and they all have their number and their DNA has been taken. This all went very well.

This afternoon they will receive their first vaccination and will therefore have to make a longer drive than they are used to so far. The times they were in the car it went well, but those were only a few laps around our roundabout.

And then they have to be pricked for the liver shunt test next week. I don’t expect there to be a liver shunt, but you never know!

Until now they are growing well. They prefer to eat pure meat without puppy milk and still like to drink at Cytaugh. Cytaugh is not so happy with it anymore because those teeth are quite sharp. So drinking with mom will soon be over!



It is a nice bunch of puppies


The puppies are now two weeks old. They grow well and look fantastic. Cytaugh keeps them clean and because of this they shine like a mirror. Caira was the first to open her eyes a bit and was immediately waving to the world! Chasslynn was the first to carefully take several steps and now runs like a spider through the whelpingbox. She is a real racing monster!














In the meantime, all have their eyes open and respond to sound. Now minimal, but in a few days you will no longer be able to open the slide of the whelping box without them hearing it.






They also display playing behavior. Now they usually bite in each other’s ears and legs  lying down and floundering , but it will soon be during walking and falling over.







The differences in character are getting bigger, the males are real males; calmer and less impulsive. But Calum can demand a lot of attention. Chasslynn is a small busy thing, she beeps loud and clear and is usually the first with everything. Caira is clever, smart but not loud, Caoimhe is calm but can grow quite a throat if she wants something, Charlaigne is the quietest of all.

























What they all love is a ‘group hug’, preferably all at the same time getting a hug. Even if one is screeching, he or she often becomes silent when you pick him or her up. They really enjoy being cuddled.

Well, we take the time for that!




Every day it gets a little better


Saterday, November 21

After I returned from the vet with Cytaugh and the deceased puppy around 6pm on Wednesday (Nov.18), I didn’t feel like burying it anymore. I did this on Thursday after I first weighed him; it weighed a whopping 618 grams, the heaviest of all. And what a beautiful puppy it was!


The first days after the caesarean section Cytaugh had a significant increase, even up to 39.9 Cº, fortunately it is now dropping but it is going slowly. She feels okay and eats and drinks well. She is a loving mother and keeps her offspring clean.

Fortunately, Cytaugh lies still in the whelpingbox and does not get up to turn around so I don’t have to worry (not yet) about that but she likes to stretch her legs regularly, every 2 to 3 hours, and to pee. Of course, this also continues at night! And of course she doesn’t pee right away, she prefers to walk halfway through the forest! You are immediately wide awake again. Of the first 5 days (180 hours) I slept for a total of 16 hours. The annoying thing is that when the puppies are in their little box because Cytaugh has to get out, they are sleeping well and you don’t hear them. But when they are in Cytaugh’s whelping box, you constantly hear one squeak, suck or moan, it is hardly silent for a moment. Cytaugh is also panting a lot, it is too hot for her, especially now that she is also raised.


Sunday afternoon I saw a wound besides Cytaugh’s tail. When I examined it more closely, a lot of thickened anal fluid came out! So it turned out to be a burst, inflamed anal gland. Very strange that it did not smell at all and that Cytaugh was not bothered by it.

Fortunately, Cytaugh’s temperature is going in the right direction, at the beginning of the evening it had finally dropped below 39. Let’s hope this trend continues.




Monday, November 23

It was a very restless night. Cytaugh wanted to get out at 3:00 am and before she finally had a pee I was half an hour further. Since it is quite dark in our forest, I bring a flashlight. We then act as quietly as possible otherwise a dog in the neighbourhood will bark. You really feel like a thief in the dark and wonder when someone calls the police. Fortunately that hasn’t happened yet! The puppies also kept busy and never slept for a moment, so neither did I.


I went to the vet with Cytaugh to have the anal gland treated with an antibiotic ointment. The vet also checked the stitches. At least that all looked good.

The puppies didn’t like the fact that mothers were not there. When she was not in the whelping box within half an hour, they jointly put up a huge throat. Simon was pretty sweet with it!


The only puppy that has doubled its birth weight after a week is the turquoise male. The red female, the smallest of the bunch, doubled her weight the next day and the rest the day after. They grow steadily, but they all sometimes have an outlier or have gained a lot less weight a day. But they shine towards you and are vibrant.











Thursday, November 26

In the meantime we have already trimmed the nails of the puppies with the nail grinder twice. They grow very fast and the brackets that arise are razor-sharp.


Cytaugh now and then jumps out of the box, but as soon as the puppies start to squeak too much, she also goes back. Now it is still feasible to keep the six aside for a while when she steps in, but when the puppies get faster, it becomes a lot of tricks again. Fortunately, she stays in the whelping box all night long.


In the meantime I also have to deal with the other hounds. Now and then they also need to be brushed and their nails trimmed. And especially Cearrean needs regular special attention in the form of search games. He likes this and uses his nose well. He spends a lot of time outside with Cranston and together they “clean up” the grounds.


Cranston continues to grow considerably, he is almost the same size as Brandir! It is a wonderful puppy who enjoys life to the full.

My Croton is also admired every day at the moment, it has such nice flowers!



Friday, November 27.

This afternoon we went to the vet for a check-up with Cytaugh. Everything was fine and I can let the wound close. One less worry. The nights also get a bit quieter. Usually I “sleep” until 5:00 or 6:00 and then wake up Simon, then I actually go to bed and sleep for a few hours, Simon then stays with the pups.


Most puppies are already over a kilo, only the red female is not quite yet but she is growing fastest in proportion! Who knows, she might catch up with her pink sister! The eyes start to open slowly, with several you can already see a small crack. I wonder how blue they become, light eyes are in the bloodline so it can just pop out, I hope not!





And there they are!

Monday, November 16. 03.00 am. After noticing that Cytaugh’s temperature was dropping around noon, I watched this closely. For a long time it stuck at 37.2 before dropping to 37.1 around 7 p.m. and by 9 p.m. it had already risen to 37.3. Since the delivery will not take long anymore, and there are always exceptions, I took it for granted and did not go to bed. Cytaugh did, she had almost all the beds in the house before she got up at half past three and was escorted by me to the whelping box. Here she lay down quietly and finally wanted to drink a few sips of milk. I saw the puppies moving in her belly. At 4 o’clock she started to pant a little but a little later she calmed down and drank a little again.

And so it went on until half past ten in the morning.


Tuesday, November 17, 3.25 am. Simon woke up at 7 and went for a walk with the other hounds. After everyone had breakfast and Cytaugh was sleeping peacefully in the whelping box, I could also go to sleep for a few hours. It only became two hours because at 10.30 am Simon called me that Cytaugh was contracting. It ended here. In the course of the afternoon she had a contraction now and then, but she didn’t really push through. It didn’t get a bit more serious until 3:30 am and after a few contractions a bladder appeared. But it did not continue and the bladder disappeared. I took Cytaugh on a leash and went out. There the bladder appeared again! Back home soon because Simon was out walking with the other hounds and I didn’t want to take in a puppy outside while Cytaugh was half panicked. Hop in the whelping box and then the bladder turned out to be an empty ball of about 7 centimeters in diameter, there was no puppy in it, only moisture!

After about fifteen minutes, Cytaugh went into labor again and started straining. Once again a bladder appeared and disappeared because Cytaugh was not pushing properly. So back on the leash and outside. After a good 50 meters, the bladder appeared and Cytaugh started to push. I collected the pup with afterbirth in a warm towel, quickly shed its membranes and ran home as quickly as possible. Cytaugh in the whelping box, rub the puppy dry, get it started and with mothers. This was a 520 gram male, was born at approximately 4.25 pm and got the turquoise band.


Fortunately, Cytaugh was already giving milk so that went well right away. She was so busy with her firstborn that I didn’t get the chance to take a proper picture of him and in the meantime the contractions started again and at 5.15 pm a second male of 572 grams was born with some difficulty. This one got the dark blue strap.

Three quarters of an hour later, at 6.00 pm, a female was born. I was already afraid that only males would come and that I would again have to disappoint the long-waiting. Fortunately, this lady weighed about 492 grams and got the orange band.


But I didn’t get time to weigh her and put on the band because 7 minutes later another bitch was born. She weighed 450 grams and got the pink ribbon.

Now we had some time to clean the whelping box and to put down a clean fat bed, fresh mats and towels, to give Cytaugh something to eat and to relax ourselves.


While I was busy in the kitchen Simon called me that another puppy was on the way. When I got to Cytaugh the two back legs and the tail were sticking out of her vulva. Fortunately, with the next contraction the whole puppy came out but completely out of the membranes and she had swollowed a lot of fluid. It took quite a bit of effort to get her empty and going but she made it! She weighed only 360 grams and got the red band.





Wednesday, November 18. It has now been 7 o’clock, the puppies are all doing well. Cytaugh shows herself as an exemplary mother, eats and drinks well and gives good milk. She is still quite restless and pants a lot.


10.47 am. It was some work again! A quiet breakfast was not an option. At 8 minutes before 8 another bitch was born! She weighed 494 grams and now wears the green strap. In the photo below she is on the left, without any color.



Noon, Cytaugh is panting again and she has the occasional contraction. So it looks like another puppy is on the way. Over time, the number of contractions diminish and walking outside does not bring anything either. I call the vet and say I’m coming with Cytaugh. After having made an ultrasound it appears that there is indeed a puppy in it and it is decided to first administer oxytocin and see if Cytaugh can manage to give birth to the puppy herself. But that does not work, the few contractions she still gets is not strong enough to expel the puppy. Then it is decided to have a Caesarean section. Unfortunately it turns out that the male has become completely full of moisture and whatever they do, he will not survive. In and in sad, it was such a lovely puppy.

When we got home, we spent hours reuniting Cytaugh with her children. After that affair with Cearrean two years ago, we were really afraid things were going to go wrong. At first Cytaugh really didn’t like her puppies, but after laying them with her one by one and then two at a time, things got better and better and last night they mostly lay with her. It was even the case that after walking for a while at 5.00 am she insisted on having her puppies with her.




It is going in the right direction, please let it continue like this, this was enough stress for the next 10 years!


Just one little week to go!



It’s getting exciting! The whelping box is ready and Cytaugh has approved it, but she does not stay in it for long. Her belly is growing well, she is getting bigger every day and you can feel the puppies move. She eats smaller portions more often and likes something different every time.






She doesn’t like to walk anymore and she just lugs behind you a bit. What she likes to do is dive into the garden in the evening and dig a hole somewhere under a bush or pine. We will not allow that!





In the meantime, Cranston continues to grow well. It is a very cheerful puppy with a wonderful character. He is already becoming quite a guy and things are also getting faster in the game with Cearrean. They are intensely close friends and can play and scratch around together for hours.



Fortunately, Cearrean is now doing a lot better. After a very bad period, in which he regularly acted ugly to his housemates, I sought help from a naturopath. She discovered several blockages in his spine and it turned out that he has enormous trauma from his birth and the first weeks after. Well, that may add up! After several acupuncture and osteopathy treatments, we have now ended up with a behavioral therapist who teaches us to use exercises to ensure that Cearrean relaxes a little more and calms his head. In the meantime, he is regularly examined by the naturopath so that we can make timely adjustments. All in all, we clearly see improvement and I am glad I took this step.


Puppies are on the way!



After having had the feeling that Cytaugh could be pregnant for more than a week; she doesn’t want to eat any more fish, is lazy as a pig and is occasionally nauseous, I had an ultrasound made of Cytaugh’s stomach yesterday, October 14.

And yes, there were several embryos on display! The doctor did not count extensively but looked like this already 4. Now we hope that enough females will be born so that I can make long-waiting happy.



We expect a lot from this combination. If the right genes are mixed properly, beautiful, strong puppies will be born. Uther largely represents the type of Deerhound that I prefer; strong and powerful with a super sweet character and a good hunting instinct.

A Deerhound capable for what it was once bred for!







Uther is the great-grandchild of Rosslyn Magi Among Shagied. In 2011 Sonja and I went to this male for a mating with Cheytah. Unfortunately no puppies were born then, it would be nice if his great-great-grandchildren look like him!










If all goes well, the puppies will be born around November 17.



Two pleasant weekends

After the holidays and the hustle and bustle around Cytaugh, we had the national coursing of WRV ‘t Haasje on September 19. On Friday afternoon, Cearrean was finally able to run the first course for his coursinglisence thanks to Henriëtte’s Saluki Geer. This went fine. On Saturday morning he ran the second course together with the Sloughi Gabr van Els and Frie and this also went well. So Cearrean can get to work. It was a very nice weekend, a little too hot at times and quite cold in the evenings but we survived and now know how to set up camp next time at this place in high temperatures and lots of sunshine.

After we packed our things again on Sunday, we first went to pick up 3 new chickens in Langerak. Now we have 7 chickens and 1 rooster again, they fit exactly on the perch in their ‘enclosure’. Let’s hope that some more eggs are produced.

Also when I got home I checked whether the bees were still hanging in the tree. Somewhere since April / May we have a ‘wild beehive’ hanging in the oak. Now we even saw honeycombs. I just hope the nest doesn’t come down because that could become a problem with curious Deerhounds!




The following weekend we had our CC2000 funcoursing in Coevorden. Just under 30 dogs wree entered and ran various parts of the 900 meter long parcours. Sonja had also come to give the girls a nice workout again. The organizing team, which now also includes Edith and Willem Jorritsma, thus stood with 4 units within one fence and this created a high “Nienoord” feeling. The “Nienoord” feeling was also reinforced by the presence of Nelli with her young Sloughi Tiffa and Alfred and Gineke with their Salukis and a Galgo. Within the fence, all hounds were mixed together nicely; 6 Deerhounds, 6 Whippets and 1 Galgo. Lovely !!! Especially for Cranston this was fantastic, he learned a lot but above all had a lot of fun. The weather was great and it was again a great weekend.




























Hopefully we can experience a few more fun events before Cytaugh enters the whelping box. But I will only know in a week and a half whether that will actually happen. We keep our fingers crossed!


And many thanks to Sonja Koning for those beautifull pictures!!!


And that was our holiday.

While we were busy on Sunday August 25 to pack the caravan and the car for a 25-day trip, one of the young Faverolles chickens turned out to have major problems laying her first egg. This came out with cloaca and all. I removed the egg and tried to fix it but unfortunately to no avail so Simon could take her to the vet on Monday morning, before we left, to put her to sleep. Very sad, it was such a nice chicken. This was a bad start to the holiday and the weather forecast was also not so good for the first days.

In the meantime I had further packed up the caravan and filled the two freezers, which were at the back of the car, with about 40 kilos of meat for the hounds. Not enough for 25 days, but we would supplement it at Sonja if we would descend towards Tüttleben.

After Simon returned from the vet, we hung the caravan behind the car and we could leave. But when we get through the gate, we have to uncouple the caravan and take the next corner with the mover. Unfortunately the reels didn’t respond to the remote so we couldn’t turn the corner. First replace the batteries, this to no avail. Bought new batteries and tried, this did not help either. Then we asked the neighbour to help push and yes, with united forces the caravan got around the corner and we could finally continue our way towards camping “De Paardenbloem” in Deurningen.

We would stay here for two nights. We decided to only put the awning on but when Simon put some tension on it, an attachment eye broke off. We were convinced that there should be something like this in the caravan but unfortunately…. so Simon had to go because without this eye we could not set up the awning.

We were now close to Lemele where Callaghan lives, so that was a great opportunity to hand over the pedigree and let the two brothers play together again. Well they did!

On Wednesday we left for Camping-Paradies “Grüner Jäger” in Everinghausen, just past Bremen. The name of the campsite suggests something and indeed there was a large meadow with a fair number of fallow deer. In the meantime it was pouring out of the air and I tried to let the hounds out in between the showers, but Cranston and Cearrean could not believe their eyes and were no longer able to do another step. Too interesting all those deer!

The next day the journey went by ferry from Puttgarden to Rødby to Maribo in Denmark. This was a beautiful spacious campsite where you could walk extremely well with the hounds and where we could finally enjoy the sun.

But not for long, because after we had done some shopping in Maribo on Friday morning, we continued towards Vordingborg, where Simon would give a seminar on “building a good coursing parcourse”. This would take up all of Saturday and Sunday. It was organized by Frank Plith in collaboration with the Danish running and coursing committee and it took place with Bille and Freddy who provided a nice large field of several hectares.

Fortunately we were able to build up our things in a nice sheltered spot because it was very windy. In the night from Friday to Saturday it started to rain and thunder terribly at one point, really huge showers passed over us and I did not sleep a wink because I know that Brandir is / was terribly afraid of thunderstorms. He has been on Chinese herbs (Geria) for a few months because he started to show symptoms of dementia, and I had already noticed that he was much better. Only now it turned out how good! He just slept through !! No anxiety or panic, he just stayed calm on his bed. Unbelievable!

The seminar was a great success. About 15 people participated and were very enthusiastic, they later said that they had learned a lot and now understand why a good parcourse is so important. Several parcourses were also explained and laid out, then commented on and discussed why it didn’t work. All in all very educational and it should happen in all countries because what you usually see in courses… ..!

Monday morning we broke up our things again and left for Flyvesandet. A campsite in the north of the island of Fun, where we have been regularly since 2001. Just before we got to the campsite, a herd of fallow deer crossed the road. Cearrean just hung his head out of the window and would have popped out if he had been a little smaller. That was promising because once Cearrean knows that there is game running, he can no longer run free. 

After arrival we first walked around the campsite to find a nice place where we could drop off a large part so that Cearrean and Cranston had enough space to play. Halfway through the “quest” a large hare jumped up. Well that could get exciting! Fortunately, he didn’t show himself that often anymore for the rest of the week and he also stayed a bit away from our camp, so sensible!

If the moon phase is good, and therefore not a full moon like this week, you can walk for miles here. There is then about 5 centimetres of water on a mirror-smooth seabed. Ideal to let the hounds race. But unfortunately the water did not drop more than about a foot now and that is a bit too high for Cranston. The first time Simon walked into the water and the hounds followed him, Cranston followed, but soon almost went under. After this he preferred to stay on the shore, wet feet could then just but he did not go further into the sea. But he still had a lot of fun and enjoyed it to the fullest.

For Cearrean we brought the throwing stick and a tennis ball, he was completely fed up and couldn’t get enough! In any case, he is not afraid of water!

But unfortunately …. Cytaugh had decided to come into season on the Monday we arrived in Flyvesandet and since she was supposed to be mated, the plans had to be overhauled. This meant; not going to Sonja the following week to then go to Tüttleben where Simon would provide a coursing training, but leave for home on Saturday.


In the meantime we had already heard that Tüttleben would probably not continue due to too few registrations. Should it still go ahead, Simon could always go there with his tent and take care of the training.

With an overnight stay in Everinghausen, we came home on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the heart examination that was planned for Wednesday, September 16, could be brought forward for a week so that it was still done in time. To make ‘sure’ that Cytaugh would be on about the same schedule as two years ago, I made an appointment on Tuesday, the ninth day of her season, to have a progesterone test. Fortunately, this was still very low, as hoped, and the heart examination the day after, also had a very positive result.

I also consulted with two cardiologists regarding breeding with Cytaugh because Chidish, her brother, passed away last year after a coursing. He had mild DCM. But both believe that if the heart is so good at the age of 5.5 that you should not pass up the opportunity. It is very difficult to find lines without a hereditary condition and if there is a problem on one side and this problem has not yet manifested itself in the other line, you could risk it. Hopefully it will work out well too!

The chosen male is Beardswood Uther. A still young male with a nice spring of rib, strong bone and a fantastic character. The I.C. is 1.85 over 7 and 5.74 over 10 generations. If you look at the pedigree, there are many beautiful hounds behind the lines of which I have known several. Also quite a lot made it into double digits or near to it. We expect a lot from this combination!

The bad thing is that I couldn’t go to England for a natural mating and that is why fresh, chilled semen came to the Netherlands. We hope it all goes as expected and that we can welcome a few beautiful, healthy puppies in mid-November.

One day left …..


Cranston and Callaghan are doing well, they are growing steadily, are standing nicely on their legs, have both testicles in the right place, are shiny, playing, digging, listening to their name and of course they are totally house-trained.




It is unbelievable as fast as time goes by. Next Friday they are already 12 weeks old and on Saturday Callaghan will go to his new home. He is going to live in Lemele, with Henny and Betsie. They have had Irish Wolfhounds for many years and now want something sportier. Well, that will work with Callaghan!


They have already been through a lot and driving is no problem. The weekends away with the caravan did not cause any problems, they adapted immediately.


Two weekends ago we had our CC2000 party at the racecourse in Lelystad. More than 80 hounds were present to enjoy themselves again with lure-coursing. Cearrean was allowed to explore the course on Friday with his muzzle and blanket for the first time. This went fine. On Saturday he was allowed to run the first round with Troy, the Greyhound of Hervé Blaakenburg. Troy went straight and Cearrean thought he was smart by turning left, but here Troy was running and this resulted in a big collision with a header for Cearrean. For a moment he was disoriented but then went after the hare again. In the afternoon Cearrean was allowed to walk with a Saluki from Henriëtte. Here again things went wrong when Geer, the Saluki, wanted to follow the hare neatly behind the hedge, Cearrean ran a little too far, turned around and rammed Geer in his side. A huge dive of both resulted, and Geer then stood on three legs. Then we gave it up.


For Vision it was the first time after the puppies were born that she could stretch her legs again. She was quite fanatic but her condition was not yet optimal. Cytaugh was not allowed yet, her feet were not yet completely healed from very strange injuries. It was going in the right direction, but I thought the risk of her feet hurting again was too great.

The following week she was entered with Vision for the coursing of ‘t Haasje in Werkendam and luckily her feet were completely healed and remained intact! The bike training had done its job and Vision’s condition was clearly better. Cytaugh, on the other hand, who had not run free and played for weeks, was far too fat and in absolutely no condition. But she enjoyed it very much and came off the field with a big smile. Cearrean would actually go for his coursinglicense this weekend, but due to the diving and an earlier fall on his back, the osteopath, by whom he is under treatment, did not think it wise to let him run. She also had quite a bit of work to get Cearrean back into shape. Let’s just hope that he stays ‘whole’ and will soon be able to run again.


Cearrean is quite a bit difficult. Occasionally he may suddenly snap to another hound, without us being able to pinpoint a reason. Usually he is tired or suffers from his knee. But he is still very fond of the puppies and can play with them for tens of minutes. He does this extremely carefully and lovingly!





Saturday is the day, Callaghan is going to leave us, the puppy that I spent minutes trying to get life into. He has grown into a strong, beautiful puppy with his own personality; strong and sweet with a ‘will to please’. I am curious how he will develop further, I wish him a long, healthy, sporty, nice and loving life!

7 Weeks young



Last Friday, Callaghan and Cranston were 7 weeks young. How fast that time goes!

The week before they were already chipped, DNA was taken and the day after they were inoculated. This all went very smoothly and without a single beep. Driving was also fine. We had of course built this up slowly and done it more often, but not even a 20-minute ride. Fortunately no problem.

They grow well, they are more or less the same as the tables I still have from my previous litters. They mainly eat one-day-old chicks, sprats and all kinds of ground meat with vegetables, elderberries and seaweed. Meanwhile, Callaghan is almost as big as Cranston and last week the weight difference was only 450 grams. Callaghan weighed 5.65 kilo’s and Cranston 6.10. They are certainly not fat, it could be a little more but they seem to get enough because  they would like to eat more. And it is actually better that they do not grow too fast, let them take it easy.


Their favourite place in the house is the large basket where Brandir usually lies. He always looks very upset when the puppies have taken his bed again. Poor grandpa Brandir!

They are 99.99% house trained. It is very rare that there is still a pee in the house. And because we consistently clean up their feces directly behind their asses, they haven’t become shit-eaters either.

We have already had exciting moments with them. Two weeks ago, Callaghan was very interested in looking at something right in front of him. When I went to look it turned out to be four oak processionary caterpillars! I was startled and snatched Callaghan from the bed. Fortunately, it turned out that he hadn’t sniffed it because he showed no strange behaviour after it that could indicate that. I did immediately wash the cover of the bed and searched the area for caterpillars. Later that afternoon we found two more caterpillars on the grass. Dead scary! But yes, there are about twenty oaks with us, many of which are very large and therefore with inaccessible caterpillar nests. It cannot be prevented.


Vision starts to play with them a bit, but would rather leave that to Cearrean. However, she regularly lies cosy with her sons on a bed and you can see that Callaghan and Cranston really enjoy themselves here. The men are allowed to drink a little with her every now and then, but I think it is minimal what comes out because they are done with it soon.

Both puppies are already beginning to wear their ears well, the fold is in it and occasionally they can already fold forward. They are also high set. Cranston will most likely have very dark eyes, Callaghan, on the other hand, will get his mother’s eye colour; quite light. This was quickly seen as he had very light blue eyes while Cranston’s eyes were several shades darker. Even now the difference is clear.

Walking on leash is also no problem. They have already been to the shopping center, the dog run-off forest (where we unfortunately did not encounter any strange dogs) and to the horses that are in our neighbourhood. To get here we have to pass a bunch of terrible barking dogs and this was of course terrifying. They also didn’t really like the horses yet. So it was a stressful walk, but once at home the tent made sure that everything was quickly forgotten.

Tomorrow Cranston will undergo a little surgery. He has a slight upper bite and his lower teeth prick his palate. These are therefore removed so that the lower jaw has free rein to grow. I am confident that it will come all right.

PetSavers funded “genetics association with DCM” project in Deerhounds


From Emily Dutton (Dr. Emily Dutton BVM & S DVC MRCVS RCVS Recognized Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology), I received notice that the DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) Research website is ‘up and working’. This means that blood can be collected for research into the genes that cause DCM.

Earlier this year I had heard from Emily that there was going to be hard work on this project and they are now so far that they need blood samples. How wonderful it would be if they found the causative genes! Then the breeders can have their hounds tested in the future and thus prevent Deerhounds from being born with DCM.

So herewith the call; if you have a Deerhound with DCM or an older Deerhound (preferably older than 8 years) who 100% certainly does not have DCM, would you like to send some blood?

Via this link you will find out how and what to do; http://www.deerhoundgenetics.com/index.html



Unfortunately the costs cannot be reimbursed but it is for more than a good cause and it would be really great if the evil genes were found. I also sent blood from my hounds and I hope many will follow.

Thanks in advance!

29 days young

Yesterday the puppies were 4 weeks young, how fast it goes! It is also very easy, 2 puppies. A week and a half ago they suddenly dipped into Vision’s food bowl, delicious… Rinti, tripe, milk and sheep fat! Since then, they regularly get some puppy milk with steak tartare from a bowl, but also regularly eat small balls of tartare. This is fun to do, they sit next to each other and take turns to get a ball. When they have enough, Callaghan usually before Cranston, they get up and start playing.

They are now almost house-trained. Callaghan is smart, he quickly realized how to get out of the whelpingbox and that you have to pee outside. He also does not mind wet grass and wind. Cranston, on the other hand, is a bit easier and sometimes pees in the whelping box. He also does not like cold and wind! And that despite its bacon layer.





Cearrean, the big half-brother, absolutely loves them! He can hardly wait to play with them but so far he is extremely careful and barely touches them. He keeps a close eye on them and shows himself as an extremely good babysitter.





And even though Cearrean is challenged by Cranston, he won’t be tempted! However, he was challenged by grandpa Brandir and the little ones find that very interesting.



Doubly unbelievable


Finally time to tell the big news; both males have Argyll Bryan from the Market Garden as father !! We really never thought this, partly because the quality of the frozen semen was not very good. So I really couldn’t believe it at first and have been looking at the DNA results for a long time. But yes, if the numbers of the DNA markers match, it will be!



I think it is wonderful and hope that both males get both their testicles so that they can mean something for the breed in the future.

Their I.C. for the first 8 generations is 0.00%, for the ninth generation 2.69% and for the tenth 5.31%. So quite interesting to do something with.


Last Friday we also decided to rename Conaughey in Cranston. There were some problems with the pronunciation and Simon had come up with the name Colossimus for the little boy. I didn’t think it was such a nice name. Cranston also suits him well and since the ears are only just open he can get used to it right away. So they are now called Callaghan Argyll O’Cockaigne and Cranston Argyll O’Cockaigne.









Weighing is slowly becoming a problem!



The resemblance of Cranston and Cearrean is striking. Cranston has a large white left frontfoot  and Cearrean had that on his right hindfoot, the chest spot is almost the same, Cranston’s is slightly wider but of the same shape. Also in terms of head shape and physique, they are not inferior to each other.

Callaghan will most likely become more like Vision.

Meanwhile, the eyes are open, they start to play, both with each other and with toys.









From now on it will all get a bit busier, of course they will play more and soon they will waddle out of the whelping box. Mother Vision is also taking things a bit easier with them, so we will soon be messing with porridge!



Brandir and Bernice, 8 years young.



Yesterday Brandir and Bernice turned 8 years old and despite Brandir’s Cystinuria and mild Cardiomyopathy, he is still doing wonderfully! Every day he plays with Cearrean and is still in charge of him. He does not miss a walk and still fully enjoys life. Bernice is also still very fit and active.

Up to 9 years, must succeed.




Today the puppies are 10 days young and Callaghan has tripled his birth weight + 51 grams, he weighed 1086 grams this morning. Conaughey has been taking it a bit easier in recent days and now weighs 1390 grams. He can no longer be picked up with one hand. The colour difference is becoming increasingly clear, I wonder what this will be. Vision was very light as a puppy so maybe Callaghan will be like that, I don’t know. I have not yet had this colour in one of my litters.


In the meantime they occasionally show a bit of playing behaviour, the eyes almost open and the standing is also getting better, but they are too thick to walk, top heavy, they roll over immediately.



Vision takes good care of them, they shine that it is a sweet treat and only once a day a fat bed goes into the wash. Something different as back then with 11 puppies, the washing machine kept running!

Seven day’s young



Today has been a week since we were surprised with the birth of Conaughey and Callaghan. Surprised in this sense that we had not expected them yet. Meanwhile, both have doubled their weight since yesterday, Conaughey in the morning and Callaghan in the evening.
















This morning Conaughey weighed 1073 grams and our little Callaghan 766. They are really fat! But despite that, they are already starting to stand on their feet and try to walk, which of course does not work.

Yesterday I took DNA and sent it to investigate if there might be one from Argyll. I hope to get the results next week.









Mother Vision meanwhile goes out of the whelping box without coercion and occasionally goes to my bed next to the box or to lie outside in the sun. She usually only keeps this for 10 minutes, then she wants to go to her puppies again but at least she is relaxed and tries to enjoy everything.

A few more days and the ears and eyes will open, how fast it goes!














In the meantime, personal care has also started; the nails started to get pretty sharp so they have been updated with the Pecute. A kind of dremel especially for dog nails. With cutting you always have sharp edges and with this handy, small device you can file these mini nails nicely around. Of course Conaughey was struggling and since he can no longer be held with one hand it was a difficult job. Callaghan, on the other hand, had finished the pedicure in a curse and a sigh.

They are quit different, those two.



3 days young



They were born three days ago; Callaghan (… ..) and Conaughey (… ..). I have not yet decided which name, but when I look at the characters I think that ‘the little’ Callaghan and ‘the big’ will be called Conaughey. Yes, and whether something will be added in the brackets remains to be seen. In the very near future, I’m going to take DNA to see if either has Argyll Bryan from the Market Garden as a father. I hope so!! ‘The little’ has a good chance, he has the same chest spot and amount of white on the feet, he is not so coarse and heavy and not very dark in color, but … all this says nothing. So wait and see!





The size difference was big and it still is. ‘The little’ is doing his best, but ‘the big ‘ is doing better and drinks twice as much! So they do go about the same and gain weight in proportion. ‘The big’ weighed 626 grams this morning and ‘the small’ weighed 427 grams, I wonder what they weigh tonight.


In the meantime we also have to enjoy the beautiful rhododendrons that growing in our backyard. Usually we are away during this period and we miss the best moments, not now !!





The walks with the hounds was also enjoying the past week; a large pool has been excavated in the future horse meadow, the hounds love it and with the nice weather there are many doggy-friends to run around with!







Time for the game “fishing candy”. Cearrean had some problems with it, but people learn by doing and in the end it went perfectly.


Simon is just doing odd jobs in between and is helped by Cearrean. Cearrean finds everything interesting and exciting and wants to be around all the time.








And meanwhile I sleep, hang and sit around the whelping box. Vision is a fantastic mother and keeps the puppies clean, they shine that it is a sweet treat. She is also very careful, she does not just get up and turns around on command. Fortunately, that all goes perfectly!















In short, ….  everything is very enjoyable!!!






Wait a while longer … or not!!


It is quite a busy time at estate O’Cockaigne. Young life is sprouting everywhere! The trees are green again, the plants are in full bloom and three young Faverolles were added last week. It takes some getting used to for them, we still have to help them in and out, but they learn that quickly.






The tits are also busy with their nests and the blue tits that nest in a wine box are already feeding.


In the meantime, we are doing the last chores. The whelping box is standing and Sonja came last Sunday with Vision, Bernice and Lita. Cearrean loves it and regularly tries to play with Bernice, which occasionally succeeds. Lita is his stepmother, he sleeps with her as a puppy, now he often follows Lita like a shadow.



And Vision… she is in the whelping box. It takes some getting used to for everyone, especially if she is also fed there.

You can feel the puppies moving and they will probably be born today or tomorrow. Even more young life! An exciting time, I will keep you informed!






And while I have almost finished translating this post, we hear Vision beeping. We jump up and go to her. To our surprise, there is a puppy without any pressure or panic, with a minimal temperature drop!



A sturdy boy of 480 grams who immediately crawls to a nipple and starts drinking.Exactly one and a half hour later, at 1.20 pm, the second puppy is born. A small fruit of 345 grams, also a male! After a little struggle, a lot of rubbing and often putting on, the boy starts to get stronger and the nipple does not let go. The difference between the brothers is big, but the smallest does everything to catch up with his big brother! Whether it works…. ?







It is going well for the time being, Vision is also doing well and cleaning her children. She is, so far, a calm, loving mother. To be continued!


All disadvantages have their advantages!



Now that Simon is more at home because of the Corona virus, all kinds of jobs are being tackled, from small to large. It started with cleaning our terrace around the house. A big job as it takes up quite a few square meters. I also raised some potholes in the pavement and the gaps between the tiles had to be filled again after the cleaning. We spent quite a few days with it.




For Cearrean we put out the “outdoor bed” after we gave it a new coat of paint. At first he pretended that he didn’t like it at all, but when I went to see where he was after fifteen minutes, he was lying princely on “his” bed.



In between jobs, you can enjoy the freshly flowering plants. And every year there are more and more wild violets and forget-me-nots, delicious!





Between the nose and lips I also made some new ceramic pieces. The intention was to take it to Tüttleben and Donaueschingen but due to the C virus these shows are canceled. Now the hounds stay in their boxes until next year.



I also plunged into my “Kennel nameplate”. The old board with the letters and head on it was completely rotten so I made a branch of a birch that we recently cut down into plank, covered the letters and the head with a lick of paint and hung it up. It looks great again !!


In recent days, Simon has cleaned and repainted two walls of our house and of course you have to clean the windows! Also such a job that takes some hours because a small 80 m² glass is not cleaned in fifteen minutes. But it is really improving!


It is nice that everything will be ready before the puppies are born, the whelping box is up for grabs and will be put together this weekend. All supplies are in house and Sonja will come on Sunday so that Vision has a few days to get used to it.


Meanwhile it has rained a bit, delicious! This afternoon I took a long walk in the drizzling rain in a free-range area. The hounds have had a great time and have been rinsed clean again.

Our “estate” also looks fresh and fruity again !!







After Sonja had an ultrasound on Vision last week and only one puppy was seen, we could not be very happy about this. I saw the drama of a C-section and the growing up of only one puppy, all over again.

But… .. this afternoon another ultrasound was made on Vision and then two embryos appeared! That is already 100% better!

It was very difficult to see anything very high in the belly, so maybe another puppy will turn up in due course. Let’s hope that but it is certainly very nice that two puppies are coming. They are expected around May 7.




Despite everything, enjoy a little




The last days it was very nice to enjoy the sun again. After all that rain and cold wind, the hounds loved to lie on their stretchers in the sun. Cearrean preferred to keep scratching around, you sleep at night, not during the day!





Just like everyone, for us there is nothing to do. Everything has been canceled, the crowded agenda is suddenly completely empty. Now we hope that Vision is pregnant, then I have at least enough to do. We’ll know more in 15 days!


A new year, new opportunities.



It was already clear last year that this would be a busy and fully planned year. Also, the plans that we had with Vision, many planned events in which I would participate, could fall into the water. And so it will most likely happen.


The first event, the DWZRV-Sieger coursing in Tüttleben in the weekend of 29-2 / 1-3 was taken care of by Simon and Maarten and so we left on February 26, packed with lurecoursingmachines and an aggregate towards Warstein where we would spend the night. When we arrived at the campsite we ended up in the wet snow and mud, a cold and dirty start. But the next days the weather was not too bad and we could even occasionally enjoy the sun. Cytaugh was also allowed to participate and did so successfully! She became second of the 10 entered hounds while she is still in her afterseason. The men had laid out a nice parcours of over 900 meters and it was clear that many hounds were not yet in top condition, many slowed down after 500/600 meters. But the hounds enjoyed it and that’s why we are doing it. It was a nice weekend, a bit chilly and an occasional shower but all in all good to do.


Unfortunately Sonja could not be present with Vision as Vision was in season. And since it was intended that Vision would be covered, Sonja was very busy driving back and forth to Hannover to have the progesterone determined. Of course Vision took it easy and only after four punctures Sonja did get the green light on Wednesday 4 March to drive her to Frankfurt for the  mating with Fortheringhay’s Faerwald Fable. This mating took place on Friday, March 6. Then on Saturday, March 7, Vision was inseminated with the remaining frozen semen of 29 years old from my first Deerhound male Argyll Bryan from the Market Garden.


So now we have to wait and see if Vision is pregnant, we will know at the beginning of April. So it will be an exciting time again and hopefully a few fat puppies will crawl into the whelping box in two months.
