Dutch coursing calendar 2023 and links to the organizing associations.

Dutch Coursing Calendar 2024



10 August – International coursing by PWRC at Oude Pekela

24/25 August – International Zomercoursing by WvCNL at Leek

14 September – Dutch Coursing Championship oganised by OWRV

28 September – National coursing Grote Prijs van Nederland by PWRC at Oude Pekela

5/6 October – Club Championships

19/20 October – International Herfstcoursing by WvCNL at Een


Secretis Quida (3) 001


Dutch Commission for the Sighthound Sport: www.cvw.nu

Links to the associations.

Osse Windhonden Renvereniging (‘t Haas): www.coursing-owrv-haasje.nl 

Pekelder Sighthound Racing Club (PWRC): www.pwrc.nl

Rhedense Sighthound Racing Club (Swift): www.renverenigingswift.nl

Sonse Eindhovense Sighthound Racing Association: www.ewr-son.nl

Sighthound Racing Association Amsterdam (WRA): www.wrvamsterdam.nl

Sighthound Racing Association Friesland (WRVF): www.wrvfriesland.nl

Sighthound Racing Association Midland: www.wrvmidlandlelystad.nl

Sighthound Racing Association Rijssen: wrvrijssen.ophetweb.nu/index.html

Sighthound Coursing Association Nienoord Leek (WvCNL): www.coursing.nl

South Holland Sighthound Racing Association (ZHWR): www.wrzuidholland.nl/

Limburgse Racing Association (LWR): www.lwrvenlo.nl

Geldropse Racing Association (GWRV): www.gwrv.nl


