Ch. Cute Coney O’Cockaigne
Ch. Cute Coney O’Cockaigne
Born: 26-03-2003
Died: 14-09-2013 gastric tumor.
Status Factor VII Deficiency: Free
Coursinglicentie: DEE51TC
Coney ran her first coursing on 01-08-2004 and her last on 10-05-2009. The first years she was not uncreditable but soon she knew the game and cut off the corners and some later she started only when the hare passed for the second time.
She has ran 31 games and obtained 1 Reserve CACIL.
Show titles: Dutch-, International-, Belgian-, French-, Luxembourg, Polish-and German (DWZRV) Champion, Landessieger Rheinland ’05, Winner Donaueschingen ’06, Jahrhundertsieger ’06, World Champion ’06, Winster Amsterdam ’06, Veteran World Champion ’11, Dutch Veteran Champion ’11, FCI Centenary European Dog Show Veteran Winner ’11, Winster and Veteran Winster Amsterdam ’11 and Veteran World Champion 2012.
In England she had a patent in fifth place in the Open class, which she obtained during the Breedshows in 2006 and 2007 and at Crufts 2007 and 2009.
Coney has 61 shows (outside England) with the following results: 1 x VP, 42 x 1Exc, 6 x 2Exc, 2 x 3Exc, 5 x 4Exc, 2 x Exc, 1 x 3VG, 2 x 4VG, 1 x VG, 22 x CAC, 10 x CACIB, 11 x RCAC , 3 x RCACIB, 12 x BOB, 1 x BIG, 1 x BIS3, 6 x Veteran BOB and 1 x Veteran BIS2.
On October 3 and 4, Coney is covered by Pyefleet Percy. The puppies are born on December 2, 15 in total but 11 survived. Calhoun stays with us and Cheytah goes to Sonja Hansen in Germany but we will breed with her in due time. So therefore she is also on my name.
Coney was a dream in terms of character. She loves to hug but she also knew how to give her boundaries in a good way.
Cute Coney was a sister of Caintha, Commander Cody, Craggan Kalle, Cavanaugh, Chazz, ConnorMacLeod and Curic Myrrdin.
Cavanaugh died from a tumour in his lungs, Chazz and Connor to bone cancer and Curic Myrrdin to the MRSA bacterium. At the age of 9, Frances van Lent had Craggan Kalle put to sleep for Kidney failure. Commander Cody died 23-3-2014 at almost 11 years of age and Caintha died at 13-1-2015 due a nasal tumor.