Cavanaugh O’Cockaigne
Cavanaugh O’Cockaigne
Born: 26-03-2003
Died: 16-08-2010 to a tumor in his lungs.
Coursinglicense: DEE60RC
Cavanaugh ran his first coursing on 16-10-2004 and his last the day before he died, August 15, 2010. He has run 43 coursings with varying results. This was partly due to an accident in his childhood which caused him to injure his left front leg. He has achieved one CACC and two RCACC’s. He has also participated in many funcoursings.
Because of his coat, Cavanaugh was a “wooly”, he is almost never shown. Only at a very young age at club events and then he scored quite high because of his excellent body shape.
In terms of character, he was a dream, a real gentleman, never in the foreground (hence there are hardly any pictures of him) but still a lovely cuddly bear and always friendly to everyone and everything (except cats). From him you can have hundred, I always said.
Cavanaugh was a brother of Cute Coney, Caintha, Chazz, ConnorMacLeod, Commander Cody, Curic Myrrdin and Craggan Kalle.
Chazz and Connor, like their father Fritzen’s Great Gatsby, died of osteosarcoma (bone cancer), Curic Myrrdin died because of the MRSA bacterium and Craggan Kalle to old-age ailments (a.o. Kidney failure) at fast 9 years of age. Cute Coney has died on 14-9-2014 to a stomach tumor, Commander Cody at 23-3-2014 at almost 11 years of age and Caintha at 13-1-2015 due a nasal tumor.
There is not bred with Cavanaugh.