Unfortunately, unfortunately….

  Yesterday I got the message from Marijn that the puppies were born. Unfortunately, it has not gone as we had hoped. Childbirth began a few days early and the first four puppies that came out were dead of which the latter had been almost digested. Of these the sex was also no more to determine. Marijn had already noticed earlier that week that Bibelot on one side did not thicken and there was no life to see. That proved to be correct. The puppies were aIMG_3279lso less developed and lighter in weight than the four that were born, happily alive and healthy, after that. Many hours later a dead puppy came out, this one was also immature. The four survivors are two males and two bitches, the death born puppies were also two males and two bitches. That was very nicely divided! It is really a pity that it has been walked because Marijn had a lot of applicaIMG_3282tion and now we have a shortage of it anyway. But yes, nature goes its own way and let us hope that these four will continue to do well. Fortunately Bibelot does it well, she eats again and cared for her puppies excellently.

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