Posts Tagged ‘Caintha O'Cockaigne’
26-3-2003 "Caintha O'Cockaigne" 13-1-2015
End 2012 began Caintha with ' reverse sneezing '. It was not often but something too often. After research with an ENT specialist, the diagnosis was made ' tubulopailifeer adenocarcinoma '. Or a tumor in the nose. I was told that it was low-grade and that Caintha could be old with it but soon Caintha suffered from nasal outflows in the form of bloody mucus. Unfortunately I was not familiar with the possibility of a new protocol of irradiation, but when Johan de Vos told me this, I made a work of it. It is called Quat-shot protocol and it implies that the tumor is irradiated 4 times within 48 hours and then during 3 months, once a month. In advance a CT scan is made to see how the tumor is situated and a mould is created in which the head is fixed during the irradiation. The scan was made on Friday 7 November, for this she had to of course under full anesthesia. When she woke up, at first everything seemed normal but after some attempts to stand it turned out that she was somewhat paralyzed in the back. She didn't put her feet away well and couldn't stand stable. After several more studies and an MRI scan to exclude a possible hernia, the cause could not be found. After a long talk we left Caintha in Utrecht as she could get the best care if needed. The next morning we were called at half past ten that the weather went fine with Caintha and we picked it up. At first we had blown off the rest of the treatment but after a couple of conversations with several doctors we decided to have the irradiation carried out anyway. The first session was 17, 18 and 19 November. We had put the caravan on a nearby campground so that the drive would not take too much time. This was fine and was also a piece of more relaxed for Caintha. The short-lasting narcoses was fine, she was soon the old one and she had caught a myxomatosis rabbit even once an hour after the irradiation. (when she dropped it, hupte happily continued again). A few days after the fourth irradiation, the nasal outflows stopped and in the course of the following days the nose sounds were also a lot less. We were absolutely delighted! However,
after two weeks the skin turned red and her yuling Balder. But yes, that was transient. However, Maurice, the treating oncologist, found it quite strong after the first irradiation session. The second session took place on 17 and 18 December. I had to drive this time back and forth since the camp site last time had a Christmas market and therefore no place for us. But… After Caintha had had her first irradiation on Wednesday morning, I found that she did not recovered fast enough. By the time I drove back in the afternoon I had big doubts about whether or not to let go of the irradiation. After arriving in Utrecht I first met Maurice and found that she was very sensitive in her stomach. To exclude all kinds of nasty things, they made an ultrasound and nothing was found again. Since she was light under anesthesia, she gave the second irradiation, but although she was walking out of the treatment room she was absolutely not in order. I stayed there for quite a while to see if she revamped but partly because Caintha was so incredibly easy and adapted to everything and everyone, I left them again on Maurice's advice there. There is always a doctor nearby and the nursing staff is also constantly in the same room. The next morning I was called that she was fine again. Of course I then decided to finally stop the treatment. Very sorry, we were halfway through the treatment and this struck but Caintha could not tolerate the anesthesia anymore. How it would proceed was not to say. On Tuesday morning 13 January, I wake up slowly from a back and forth running Caintha that makes very strange noises. I hear her sneezing, Proestonians and Rochen. When I was awake enough to realize that it was not good, she jumped in an alarming way with me on bed. I did the light and startled me rot; Her whole snoot and paws were under the blood and it gushed out of her nose. I quickly jumped out of bed. Caintha had also jump
ed from bed and ran into the room with great fear. What I saw there is with no pen to describe, the whole house, all the dog beds, the walls, the couch, the floor, everything sat under the blood. She must have walked around for a long while. I conducted her to a bed and quickly took out a towel and a bag of ice cream. I put this on her nose in the hope of stopping the bleeding but soon I saw that it didn't make any sense. Calling the vet I dressed up. In record time, driving through three red traffic lights, I was in the clinic. After a short conversation, Caintha had been lying on the ground, so much blood she had already lost, it was clear that Caintha had no future. If the bleeding vein could be already poem, it was a matter of minutes, an hour or a day but the vein would enter it again. And again I had to make a very simple but o so heavy decision. Caintha would be 12 years in March and if she hadn't had this tumour, it was also a breeze. She was still so incredibly fit and bright. She was the last surviving from the first litter of Amy, where she also became increasingly similar. We have done so much with Caintha, so awful of her companions, also during the coursings. From Caintha you could have one hundred, so straightforward, always sweet and friendly against everything and everyone, she was too good for this world.
Enjoy Caintha, from those eternal hunting fields!
Caintha Veterans BIS 2 during JVD of group 10.
On Sunday 21 September, Stichting Group Greyhounds held a young dog Veterans Day for the young and old Grut of group 10 and the half-hounds of group 5 at Manege de Fruithof. It was a very successful day with 126 hounds and mostly sunny weather. Very occasionally a few spetters fell down but that was not allowed to press the fun. Two large rings were plotted, which was a wrong choice afterwards. For next year there are at least more planned there, certainly the young hounds demand a lot of attention and it is also, of course, that the aspiring masters have not had the breeds they have had so often in their hands, and that also costs more time. Both the Ierdie and the Whippet Club celebrated a birthday and shared gifts. A delicious pot of apple sauce from the Ierdie and regularly came a box with small Tompoucen along from the Whippet Club. Nice gestures. For the Deerhounds, we had Wilma M. As a judge and she received the 15 reported Deerhounds at the end of the day. The most ancient hound and Deerhound was the last turn, I think it was half past six. This was my Caintha O'Cockaigne with her 11 years, 5 months and 26 days. Of course she didn't want to show, it's not her thing, but to have to leave the ring again was very much. But miraculously she ran for her doing very neatly and also stayed neat. For best Deerhound veteran, she had to compete against the 7 years, 4 months and 23 days old Hartvalley Walk This Way, or Duncan, by Jan Scheer and Joke Groeneveld. The bag of small pieces of cheese did wonders and Caintha walked the stars of Heaven (for her do). Wilma was impressed by this old lady and made her best veteran at the Deerhounds. I was quite proud of my "old cake"! Ne
xt, all the best young dogs came in the honour ring and as a second, Lawton's Christopher Columbus of Jasper and Ineke de Vos were placed. Then the best veterans, 8 pieces, including seniors of just older than 7 years. To my great joy, Caintha was placed second here! Fortunately, Caintha did not suffer from ' reverse sneezing ' during the show. This had previously been regularly due to a tumor in the left part of her nose but lately it is a lot better with her, you don't hear them snoring anymore. This tumor sits high in her nose just under her eye and let's not remove it. He does not cause any trouble or pain and seems to grow very slowly. She gets resistance-enhancing resources and as long as she doesn't get stuffy and doesn't suffer from it, we hope she can become as old as her mother. We are waiting for it. So far, it's good, she runs a long walk almost daily and even plays it with Brandir. Anyway, who knows, Caintha will be back next year when the group again organizes a young dog Veterans Day. Let's hope!
A hot Tüttleben.
On Tuesday 3 June, beginning of the afternoon, we left towards Dortmund. Here we stayed at the camper pitch where Sonja and I always stand when we go to the show. It is a quiet place and you can enjoy walking with the hounds. At the same time we are already a thick 250 kilometer from home and thus almost half way to Tüttleben. It has now become a tradition that we are going to Tüttleben with Pentecost. Simon is classified by default to build and run the course before and during the coursing and I had promised this year to act as ringmaster on Saturday 7 June in the ring at the Jahresausstellung of Group 5. Given the experience of last year, that the Coursingterrein was not cut and totally under water, we decided to be there on Wednesday so that Simon had no stress and time to come, had all the time to put away a good route. The terrain was beautiful, grass not too high but also no billiard sheet, Simon was very quick to finish his trail. He had placed the start this time in the middle of the terrain and only the left part was put into use. There was a challenging trail of about 850 meters long, given the expected temperatures, long enough. On Wednesday it was still good to do in terms of temperature; We even made a big walk with the hounds. The rest of the days we could forget this, it was too hot. Calhoun soon searched for his spot; Under the caravan. Every hour he moved a bit further so he had a cool piece again. It is always miraculous how he saves himself with those thre
e legs, he was even once again early in the morning under the tent canvas by crept to go hunting. Unfortunately for him, there stood around a fencing so that he did not come far. Against the six o'clock he stood again in front of the tent door beeping that he wanted, because yes, back under the tent canvas, that is not possible!! This region has already been extracted in many areas, and he continues to do so, and I have to think about it if we stand somewhere where there is no fence. Thursday and Friday I had "holiday", a little Brandir Showklaar make, the others comb but especially not to move too much because it was thick 35 degrees in the shadows! Saturday was the show. Sonja would show Brandir and Bernice under Mr. Tomasz Kuszyk from Poland. Also Fortheringhay's Faerwald Fable, Brandir's big "competitor" was reported in the Open class and another bitch in the Open class at Bernice. Fable went with the CAC and BOB off, Brandir with the reserve and Bernice with the CAC (the other bitch only stayed in Ambling walk). So I was in Ring 1 at the Podencos, Pharaoh's, Podengo's and Cirneci at work. The judge for these races was Mr. Manuel Borges from Portugal. Of course I had studied the standards beforehand so that I knew what to look for and fortunately the judge said loud and clear the report so that I could follow it perfectly well. It was really worth it since there were several copies of e.g. The Podenco Canario were present. I am delighted that I have had this opportunity and have put a lot of effort into it.
Sunday morning we had to bed early. The starting time of the coursing was set at 7 o'clock due to the expected temperatures. This meant that Sonja had to go out of bed for fives as she did the notification. Simon and I came out against the six. Brandir and Bernice were the only registered Deerhounds and walked as one of the first. Brandir started off well but Bernice doubted again. Brandir looked at where his sister stayed and once she went, they walked the stars of heaven. What can those two walk! Of the initially 49 courses for the first circulation, approximately 45 remained. Fortunately, there were enough employees who took their duties seriously and because of this it ran like a train. Agains
t elves the last course had been walked and the temperature had now reached almost 30 degrees. It was decided that there was no second turn and that was good as well because in the course of the afternoon the temperature went up to thick 38 degrees in the shade! And the only thing that you can still do is take a nap! After two was the award ceremony and Brandir got a delicious sausage as price for beauty and performance. He and Bernice also got a beautiful rosette for their coursing performance.
Sunday again asked out of bed because after nines you could no longer run with good decency with the hounds, it was all too hot for the oldies. There were almost half fewer hounds reported for the second day of the coursing and due to the warm weather (and other reasons), eleven more were logged out. This brought the number of courses for the first circulation to about 22. All employees put everything in order to make the courses as smooth as possible and even manage to run a record number of courses in an hour. Without a break, the second turn was started against Nines and at five minutes before half past eleven the last hounds ran their second course! If this is not a world record….!! Again at half past three the awards ceremony. This is always very atmospheric and cosy.
All employees are extended thanks both days and the Hounds who say goodbye are brought forward and conceived under appropriate music. This always supplies wet eyes to a number of people, this to the hilarity of the bystanders. Afterwards we drank a nice glass of sect on the good course of the weekend. After this, the shadow soon and also Katja, the president of the club, knew where she could be pamper.
Tuesday was lazybones day but again warm and stuffy. In the evening there is still a coursingtraining that Calhoun was very happy with. Together with Brandir and Bernice he walked a short trail of about 450 meters. Caintha really liked it too but I still thought it was too hot for her, she has after all been in charge for eleven years! Wednesday morning we could pack the tent wet, it had geonweerd and rained but it was not very cooled. Against elves we drove away to arrive at half past six in the evening. Meyappan, Meyappan, it's always a short tuffs but definitely worth it!
3 x International Champion of beauty and performance!!!
Two years ago I requested the title "International Champion of Beauty and performance" for Cheytah, Caintha and Calhoun.
Calhoun O'Cockaigne Cheytah O'Cockaigne
After much mailing back and forth, I was finally able to receive the three confirmations last week. Hurray!! It is a bit sad since Cheytah is no longer among us, Calhoun unfortunately can no longer officially participate in Coursings and Caintha is already 11 years and almost 3 months. They are the first and so far the only Dutch Deerhounds with this title. Also all three bred by me and Caintha is the aunt of Calhoun and Cheytah, they are brother and sister.
In order to get the title "Champion International de Beauté et Performance" The Hound must have obtained three CACIB's or 2 CACIB's and 2 reserve CACIB's in, at least, 2 different countries under at least 2 different electoral masters. The period between the first (reserve) CACIB and the latter must be at least 1 year and 1 day. Also, the hound must at least have participated in 3 CACIL events (coursing or running) and have won at least 1 CACIL or 2 reserve CACIL's.
Deerhound Jahresausstellung to Ostercappeln.
A shining sun for our coat.
The weather forecasts looked good for the weekend of 29 and 30 March. Fine, because in recent years we have had enough Jahresausstellungen and associated coursings in the rain. For this coat, Joyce Bond of the Regalflight Deerhounds was invited to approve and Mary Girling had come along with her. As usual, the entry of the hounds was accompanied by Scottish musicians but this time there was another carriage with Joyce Bond and Ruth Oess, the oldest Deerhound breeder of Germany (Scottish Highland).
In Total, there were 80 Deerhounds reported, 28 males and 52 bitches. First a puppy was watched, and then Lavinia came to the turn, she did ' outside competition ' with it.
Then the veterans came, the male was absent but the 4 reported ladies were present. Caintha was placed fourth, probably because, as usual, it didn't make much sense to walk. But I was proud of her, she looked with her for 11 years (she was the oldest in this class) still beauti
ful! After a big Jugendklasse was Brandir's turn. Just like last year he was with Fortheringhay's Faerwald fable in the intermediate class and once again won fable.
After that I was able to look at the other classes at ease, I had no more to show. It is for the first time since years that I only have 2 to show, very strange but so relaxed. The overall quality was not really smash hit. Many dogs did not correspond to the standard, this by different combinations of too high worn tails, curling tails, straight rugbelijningen, too short shoulder blades and arms which gives you a bad onderbelijning and too long legs, too Steep Both in front and ribwelving and too little. Also there were few beautiful heads, many bad ears and bad gaits to see. Joyce gave a total of 1 times a G, 19 times ZG and 46 times a U, in my opinion still far too much. The remainder was either absent or received no qualification because it was the veteran class or ' outside competition '. It was also noticed that there was much more gegromd and extracted by the males than previous years. The owners no longer know how to educate a young Deerhound male???
Best Male, Jahressieger and BOB became land Lord von der Oelmühle of Florent Friedrich and Jürgen Rösner (left) and best bitch and Jahressieger was Goshenite or Bestmara also of Florent Friedrich from France!
Day after a Leistungscoursing. Initially, the 30 Deerhounds were reported, but because of the many loopy bitches and the logoff of Brandir (he seems to have been quite bothered by Panostitis), in the end there remained, according to the catalogue, only 23, 4 males and 19 bitches. Started there are only 16 bitches. It was a somewhat bland trail, but because of the high grass and the soft bottom, the length of about 800 meters was enough to test the condition and what was the case with many hounds!
In the first circulation, Bernice was classified with Delightfuldelusion of Gerd fuses. This ran the first few hundred meters and held it then, as usually in recent years, for seen. Bernice walked well but because of an error The Turner hit the hare behind in the corner. Then she was allowed to restart, but the starter put the hare too far before Bernice did not see it. When she started again she walked again and showed great speed and a good condition. But the jury apparently stared blindly at the Hare loss because Bernice ended up with the lowest number of points.
The males stayed in the first turn of Carlin or Redbrook, so that there were only 3 males left for the second circulation. One of these males, Grayrory's Finlaggan, was classified in the second round with Bernice. But Bernice didn't see it sitting and stopped after several meters. N.d. Or "Rejection for the day". Yes, and where that lag..??
Calhoun enjoys.
Last weekend, Sonja was visiting with Lavinia, Silva and Bernice. Because of the predicted bad weather in Germany, she has come Wednesday. Thursday we wanted to make a nice walk with the hounds but when we had them in the car I saw that my right front tyre was leaky. The hounds looked at us with disbelief when we said they had to come out again. Then just a walk in the area. This is of course not so much fun because then Brandir and Bernice can not loose and also Calhoun has to run the biggest piece on the leash as they are different by the young strawberries and other crops. But yes, it was no different. Fortunately we were able to get the band repaired that same day so we could at least take the days here after Nice. Friday before the walk to thirst. Here is a large losloop area with little game and even le
ss roads. This was of course big fun for Brandir and Bernice but also Calhoun enjoys here. Nothing is more fun than with his two or threes (he prefers to do Silva too) to chop on Brandir.
At some point Brandir can't do it anymore. Bernice bites him in his buttocks and Calhoun grabs him by his neck. In the end Brandir gives himself won and fail on the ground.
Now we are just ending by calling Calhoun with us. Brandir is relieved and draws another sprint with Bernice.
We're only just 15 minutes on the road and Bernice is already looking like this!
And our Speelgoedhound Cody, so.
The walk continues and Calhoun makes it regularly exciting by putting his ears in the end. Nothing is lost to him but fortunately the deer have withdrawn safely.
Caintha also wants to play with Brandir but as usual, Bernice also has to interfere with it.
After an hour of walking, which is enough for Lavinia, Cody, Caintha and Calhoun, Brandir and Bernice can still romp around at home while Calhoun takes it.
On Saturday we set out on a field in the woods of disk a small piece of coursing for Brandir, Bernice and Calhoun. Brandir started again perfectly and we also let him run with Bernice. I was afraid he was going to play but also this went fine! A very reassurance, as he will have to do this in the short term. Since Calhoun had seen that Simon had done the turning device in the car, he also had to walk a bit. It's incredible but since he's missing his hind leg he's so super motivated that you just can't refuse it! There seem to be a number of people who are struggling to make Calhoun do what he has done all his life. These people have no idea of Calhoun's mental and physical condition. He has no pain, is not sick, is in very good physical condition, he eats well, he drinks well, he is playful and he is cheerful. Since he has losgelopen from puppy in the most wild areas he knows exactly how to deal with his body, even now on three legs. The people who are worried can do this better to the hounds that appear with a very bad condition or crippled on the Coursingterreinen. As long as it goes well with Calhoun I let him do what he wants and for what he is born; Hunt.
Brandir and Bernice are purity!!!
O'Cockaigne Deerhounds-purebred Deerhounds.
Since last year it is possible to have a greyhound tested on varietal purity via the DWZRV. Through the following link you can read all about the nomination of Ms. Dr. Wimmer. Vortrag von Frau Dr. Wimmer über den DNA-Test zur Rassebestimmung bei Windhunden… For the Deerhounds you can here können Sie die Ergebnisse der Studie Herunterladen (PDF)… Find more. In the article below, written by Dr. Dominique d Caprona, the same is treated but you will also find everything about the other greyhounds and halfwind dogs. Http:// In the past year has shown that many hounds are not purity and as you can read/See, this is also the case with the Deerhounds. Last year, Sonja had her hounds take part in the test and also the blood of Cheytah was then investigated. Fortunately, she appeared to be purity.
In the meantime we find that there are several breeders selling dogs as Deerhounds while this is longdogs and/or lurchers. (A longdog is a cross between greyhounds and a lurcher is a cross between a greyhound and another dog, usually a shepherd or terrier.) A very well
known Deerhoundfokker, who has been in the breed for many decades, has recently announced that he has never seen a Deerhound with Hubertus claws and also the colour ' wheaten ' according to Dr. Jödicke (He has already reported this in the last century) for quite some time ' Extinct '. But there are also ' grey ' crossings where in most cases you can see certain forms of body parts that the dog is not purity. If you doubt the varietal purity of your greyhound, you can let it be tested by having some blood (EDTA) in your vet. It must of course also check the chip number using the union booklet or the pedigree. This should be along with the form completed by you and your veterinarian, which you can find on the site of the DWZRV (www. → Formulare → DNA Fingerprint) sent to Frau Ursula Arnold, Schlierbacher Weg 56, 64678 Linden Felsen, Germany and accompanied by a letter stating that it is the "DNA Test zur Rassebestimmung bei Windhunden". If you send it somewhere else you will most likely not get a correct result. The cost of the test is approximately 80,-euro, you will receive a later account.
Anyway, in order to be all misery in the future, we have also tested Brandir and Bernice and fortunately this Deerhounds is also a real Deerhounds!
The days after Crowns mountain.
Since I had made an appointment for Bernice in De Bilt for control of her Panostitis, Sonja stayed with us until Wednesday. Tuesday so to De Bilt where Annika Bernice would investigate. There was clearly improvement in her Thymus energy but the kidney energy was still much too low. That is why we need to work further. But because Bernice has no more pain and she was aartslui because she was recently running, we could let them romp without having to brake them, so Bernice himself did.
The walks we made were tuned to the elderly club. With one of almost 12 and three out of 10 years, you don't have to walk for hours, also a small hour for Calhoun is also enough. He makes sure he gets enough movement. So also Wednesday afternoon. Barely arrived in the woods he had disappeared, Bernice and Brandir in his wake. After a few minutes, Brandir and Bernice were back, Calhoun took a little longer. Moments later they shot again, but then it took much longer before Calhoun was back again. He had already done enough, but fortunately there was a nice lake in the area where you can have a good stay.
Nothing is more delicious than with a just well-combed coat to enter the water! Lavinia was slightly ahead of the water after she had gone under the Weerijs of the week before we left. Calhoun always enters the floppy, but now the others thought they could. Not so. I had to help Lavinia out of her neck water because the side was too steep, too blubberig and she was trapped in the aquatic plants. I had to help the rest of the elderly club with a butt up. Once again up geklauterd I was sitting from head to toe under the dredge and Sonja but laughin
Yes, and when you come to a piece of sand after water, the gate of the dam is. As usual Brandir is the pineut.
Coney is also involved.
After Calhoun, Brandir, Bernice and Caintha had cleared the field, Coney surrendered a "shrub".
When all the branches have been shaken off, Silva can still play with the "Bare Hare".
Pressure, pressure, pressure.
Finally I have time again to report some about the O'Cockaigne hounds. Almost the whole month we have been on the road with hounds and caravan. But I start with April 20. On this day was the show in Goes. For this I had Brandir enrolled in the Youth class. Only three Deerhounds were reported; Prince of Jasper and Ineke, Bibelot of Marijn and Brandir. Prince became BOB and Brandir got the reserve CAC. He now has one point for his Dutch youth Championship and as the CAC moves on, also a tip for the "adult" championship.
On Tuesday, April 23, Calhoun received his 6th chemo cure. In the meantime he loses a lot of hair but where it was practically bald, it starts to grow again. He didn't respond so well to this "last" cure. He has not eaten for a long time and has therefore fallen pretty well. He was also very quickly tired and did not make much sense in walking. Since Johan de Vos wants to deal with him again, we had an appointment before 10 May. First blood pricking and checking and then we would take long pictures. The blood results were not so smash hit, some values were too high and it was decided that no chemo would be given. The long pictures looked "beautiful". HIEP!!!! That was at least something! In the meantime Calhoun is again completely the old and Tuesday 4 June we go again to Terneuzen for possibly its next chemo cure. On Thursday the 2nd of May we headed for Berlin. The night was halfway by Sonja, Brandir did not know what he saw when his sister came to greet him! The next morning we drove all the way to Göhlsdorf, Simon was invited to join the international coursing judging and I was asked to approve during their CAC show. The coursing would take place on a large fenced lawn and fortunately the hounds could stretch the legs here on Friday afternoon. But of course there also had to be walked. Saturday morning, Simon, Angelika and Sonja went on the road and soon left the majority of the 9 hounds. It was immediately hit, several hares had to choose the Hazenpad and Calhoun got red wild in his nose and was right away. After a thick 15 minutes he came exhaust
ed back, which had walked enough for the rest of the day! And Simon had enough stress for the rest of the weekend, which left Calhoun (fortunately) no more loose! The weather was extraordinary, almost 30 degrees but with a little wind so it was still well toefen. Only for a big walk it was soon too hot for our elderly club; 3 of 10 years and 1 of 11.5. On Saturday so the show, Sonja showed Brandir, Bernice and Silva. There were 9 Deerhounds reported, 8 present. Brandir and Bernice got their first YOUTHCAC and Brandir became JeugdBOB. BOB and BIS became the Kilbourne Harvest Moon, the brother of the father of Brandir and Bernice, living in Finland. Sunday, the coursing for which two Finnish Deerhounds were reported. One of them was blixen the Great Scott, this male had walked with Calhoun in the Czech Republic during the EKC in 2009. It was clear to see that he was a day old! Monday morning we all left again. We first went to Tüttleben to put our caravan there before the Pentecost weekend. From here we drove home on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 9th we had the Deerhound club match. Brandir became third in his class, Coney won the veteran class and Caintha was third in this class. Friday morning 10 May so first with Calhoun to Terneuzen. Then quickly get some stuff in the car, Calhoun out and Brandier Erin and head towards Dortmund. Sonja had left with me at the same time so that we would arrive roughly right in Dortmund. Unfortunately, Sonja landed in more traffic jams than me and I was there before. After a short fifteen minutes brandir and Bernice could greet each other again and we made a lovely walk in the large nearby park. Saturday was the VDH-Europasieger-Ausstellung in the Westphalia halls. 18 Deerhounds reported, 17 present. Brandir won the Youth Class (2) and got his second YOUTHCAC, Europe became Jugendsieger and JugendBOB. Bernice was not reported. For the Sunday there were 9 Deerhounds reported and all present. Brandir was now the only one in the youth class and was given a ZG because he was too young. Why do you sign a young dog in the Youth class???? Surely you can't expect a male of less than a year to finish??!! Luckily we could get away early so we could pack everything quietly and at the end of the afternoon I was back home. Wednesday morning we left again towards Tüttleben where we arrived around three. Angelika and Sonja were there a little later. After having installed everything again, we first took a glass of sect. It was delicious again and the enjoyment could begin. Although I have to admit that I still have to say that I did not travel to the world exhibition in Budapest. For this show I had reported in November Calhoun, Brandir and Bernice. Unfortunately, the bone cancer at Calhoun was reported. I still tried to replace him with Coney but got zero on the petition. Bernice continued to suffer from her panostitis and I decided not to go. Because just to travel with brandir that end and feel in it and in sad because of Calhoun, I didn't feel like it either. Anyway, then make the best of it in Tüttleben. Brandir and Bernice had a lot of fun together and together with Angelika and Sonja we strip
ped Cody on Thursday of his coat. In stages we shaved and cut him and when he was finished he felt like a young god again.
Saturday there were 6 Deerhounds reported for the show. Brandir got his 3rd and thus last YOUTHCAC and may now call himself German Youth champion (DWZRV) He was also JeugdBOB. Since he was also the only male, he was automatically the best dog and bunch, he had to make the course against Xena of Angelika, an adult bitch who later became BIS. Bernice got her 2nd Youthcac. At least she shows up very well, we are already very happy with it. Hopefully she will be even stronger in her work because that doesn't look very nice yet.
In the meantime it had often rained very violently and there were gigantic puddles everywhere, so also on the Coursingterrein. Sunday and Monday was the coursing for which Simon was asked to build, run and master the course. On Wednesday afternoon he had already started to turn it off there on Thursday morning the town would partially mow the pasture. At first, Simon had explained a nice long trail, but then it turned out that the chainsaw, normally an iron-strong rotary device, did not pull it. Everything went down again, shortened, extra cut, nothing helped. It really was on the chainsaw. Sin of the beautiful long trail! But because of the rain it was a very spectacular route, the people had to go through water but also the hounds,
which of course gave great pictures for the photo dig. Also the Middenterrein of the racecourse, where Brandir and Bernice could go out of their roof every day, showed large puddles. Since Brandir is absolutely not a water rat, Sonja drew her shoes at a given moment and stepped into the lake. Bernice followed faithfully but Brandir trusted it for no penny. After many lures and candies offering, Brandir stepped gently into the puddle and sure enough, he walked by! Next, Sonja lured him a few more times and now he has not disappeared. Meyappan, Meyappan, what a wimp!
On Tuesday there was racecourse training. In recent years Calhoun has always done a round race course, he loved that! Also now I got him up for a round. When he heard the hare and saw he was not to keep! He jumped around and screamed of enthusiasm. When he finally took the turn, he dragged me past the Starthok and was barely able to wait until the hare came. He started out super enthusiastic and walked the whole round. No more Saluki times for Calhoun but he has enjoyed it!! Wednesday Kookdag. Sonja, Angelika and Simon would cook for about 20 men and leave, after the shopping, the kitchen. In comparison with two years back, when there were 60 people to eat, they didn't have much work. At seven o'clock we were able to sit at the table and as usual everyone loved it!
Because of the rain we decided not to stay any longer, Thursday packed up again and drove home in one jerk. Bergen laundry, a wet awning, a dirty caravan and my ceramics that I want to finish before the EKC at the end of June, ensured that there was little time left to bore us. Tomorrow we will depart again towards Lichtenvoorde where Renvereniging Swift organises a coursing for the first time for which Simon has offered his cooperation. Hopefully the weather is a bit like that.
3 X 10 = 30!!!
Caintha, Cute Coney and Commander Cody 10 years Young!
Today, March 26, Caintha, Cute Coney and Commander Cody, have become 10 years old. A very respectable age! They are still very fit, walk along every day and play with Brandir. Caintha and Coney lived here all their lives, but Cody came back last June and has in no time adapted to our rhythm of life. With traveling he has no problem and the long walks he finds delicious. Cody is a real woolly but that makes him quite attractive. Most people still think he's a puppy, especially if he's gonna play with a stick or make crazy bokkesprong! There he is very good at it!
it not a lovely little guy?!
We have been to "the most" today. A recreation area just across the border in Belgium. You can enjoy walking but the most important thing is that it consists of sand and water! And today there was also a severe wind! What does a greyhound want even more??!! Also Calhoun is doing brave!
Haloween coursing in Landstuhl
Haloween coursing in Landstuhl. On Sunday October 30th the Deerhounds would walk so on Saturday we could make another delicious forest walk. Grandma Amy had to fit on the caravan while we geklauterd two and a half hours over a gigantic steep mountain. Our muscles were in any case well trained once again! Also at Landstuhl the start of the course is on a field next to the racecourse. Then the hare passes through an opening of the fence of the racecourse the Middenterrein. If the hounds follow well totally no problem. After a round on the Middenterrein, the Hare enters the adjacent field by another opening in the fence. Some hounds are shooting the last opening, but they usually correct themselves and they come out well. On Sunday so 11 Deerhounds at the start. In The third course are Silva and Calhoun. Calhoun starts fine and runs fantastic. He lands with 80 points in a shared second place. In The fourth course is Cheytah with Chabibi's Nice. Nice is a very young, enthusiastic girl who follows well, Cheytah is pregnant and does not save in terms of speed. She thinks it is smart, but it passes the exit and loses the hare. She keeps looking and searching but does not think she should go through the opening. Nice get 83 points and Cheytah 47, fortunately no "rejection for the day"! In the next course Celina or Albainn of Gerd fuses and my Caintha. Now we have to be careful with the reception because Celina has already had a disqualification because of unheard-of behaviour. But I don't have to worry about it. Caintha runs very cleverly and is super fast, when she is near the exit she runs first and right behind the hare. Because of this she shoots the exit but sees in her canthus that the hare is right. She is not in doubt, plunges under the wire fencing of the track, takes a huge leap over the dense fence and lands on the little field where the hare continues his trail. Very spectacular! Unfortunately the jury is asleep, I think, because she got only 61 points. Celina apparently had only looked at Caintha, not the hare because he was still walking on the Middenterrein while Caintha made the kill. However, she still got 57 points. Jury…, I don't get anything from it (and that's good too!). In the second turn, Caintha again runs with Celina, even now Celina keeps up halfway and that gives her a "rejection for the day" on it. Calhoun starts with Cunamara's Mango by Eva Petzold. Mango flies off and Calhoun continues to stand. We still have the hope that he will be middenterreined by the exit, but that too does not happen. Also Calhoun gets a "rejection for the day". Cheytah is only classified and gets as a guided dog one that also remains. Cheytah is going to start well but at the first pass she remains standing. "Rejection for the day". Then you drive with two men, almost 2400 kilometers in front, to go back home with two "rejections for the day"!!! Fortunately, the eight and a half-year-old Caintha had saved the family a little. At the award ceremony, her last time was said goodbye, this was her last game. Caintha has always been a very reliable and excellent courser. [/caption] She has participated in a total of 77 games in many countries and in addition very many "fun" coursings. She has participated in 5 European Championships and has twice been in second place and 1 time on the fifth. She carries various beauty and coursing titles and is after Calhoun (her nephew) the second Deerhound in the Netherlands entitled to the title "Champion of Beauty and performance". And she deserved it!
Coursing in Bergschenhoek
On 24 September the WRZ held her coursing in Bergschenhoek. Again 4 Deerhounds reported but now partially others. In The first circulation Calhoun ran together with E'Lynnhe Palantiri of the family humps. Calhoun felt "something" and started badly. He is becoming more and more sensitive, which is certainly at the disadvantage of his coursingprestaties. Caintha ran with Islay's Hannah, also from the family humps. In the second circulation were Hannah (155 pnt.) and E'Lynnhe (156 pnt.) divided together. E'Lynnhe, who had just been running, gave up the chucked and got a disqualification. Caintha (152 PNT.) was allowed with Calhoun (149 PNT.). Again Calhoun started badly but Caintha walked so excited that Calhoun was still going along. Hannah became first with 311 PNT., Caintha second with 309 PNT. and Calhoun third with 279 pnt. Caintha obtained her second CACNL and in combination with the previously obtained show results I can get the title "Champion of Beauty and performance" for her applications.
Coursing Show combination in Crown Mountain
13 and 14 August the combination of the weekend of the Coursing Association "T Haas" takes place to Crown Mountain. On Saturday the (unofficial) show for which only Calhoun and Cheytah are reported. On Sunday the coursing. It's weird but true, our hounds haven't been doing well in this field for several years. What is at wrong we do not know, perhaps not exciting enough, too clear, what obstacles do perhaps wonders. First with beauty and performance ends Cheytah, second becomes Fritzs Silver Cloud, third Caintha and as fourth, Calhoun, also with beauty and "performance" ends.
European Championship coursing in Oirschot
16 & July 17: European Championships coursing in Oirschot. There were 18 bitches and 14 males, 2 bitches and 4 males absent. What should have been our party has become a tragedy for the employees. Therefore, I do not want to write too much about it, the sweetest i "delete" everything. For those who want to know everything, I refer to the blog of Anne Marie Mourning ( and Lisette van de Kerkhof ( My Calhoun is quite a very sensitive type, for example he hits total stroke If there is a dog or human gilt of pain. So he also felt the tremendous stress with us because of the bad organization. On Friday afternoon he walked to cry while I was trying to convince the exhibitors that they had to stay where they stood. We all had to go out because the catering wanted it, it threatened not to divide coins for the employees. Pure blackmail. Anyway, Calhoun all the way, I totally battled and so the Coursingvooruitzichten broke. Saturday morning I already noticed Calhoun, he was not wild-enthusiastic. He started out badly and walked halfway up the field just a bit back and forth to jump. Chance but I understood him so well, it only hurt because he actually finds such a very nice game but because of the stress could not. Cheytah is very different, which never pulls anything from it, and she walked great. After the first turn, she was in a shared third place. My Caintha was again "undervalued" and ended up being one of the last. One Norwegian bitch, Manticorn's Josefin loved it and the French bitch, Entre Ciel Et Terre Du Triple Bois got so few points that she was not allowed to walk a second time. For the second circulation there was some consternation about the classification of males. In the end there were a number of males with the same partner as in the morning, a pity but for the hounds it fortunately does not matter. We had decided that Sonja Calhoun would start, maybe he would walk easier. And sure enough, he started something better and also walked with more enthusiasm. Before Cheytah was able to start, it took a hare break and because a new hare had to go, all for too long. You saw the enthusiasm in her decline. Sin, she ran clearly less than she can. Manticorn's Julia, a sister of the Norwegian female, who gave the chucked in the morning, got a disqualification in the afternoon (and you'll come all the way from Norway!) likewise her partner Celina or Albainn of Gerd assures. The last bitch courses I have not seen, Caintha had already walked and was through and through wet, stood to shiver and just wanted to go away, to the caravan. I was also more than sitting in the rain, so when Cheytah walked, we quickly went to the caravan, the hounds dried well and then a drink was taken. The award ceremony was only in the evening after Tienen in the dark, in the pouring rain. At the Chart Polski's the wrong national anthem was played and the Deerhound males turned the national anthem without the winner. This was for some of us the drop that caused the bucket to flow, an organization that doesn't even know how a prize-giving ceremony is supposed to expire. What a blamage!! In the males, Cunamara's Miles of Eva Petzold from Germany was European champion coursing 2011 with the CACIL and Calhoun still finished in sixth place with the CACNL. In the Bitches Queen Qumolly Qwinta of Dirty Mind of Eva Vobornikova from the Czech Republic took the title and the CACIL + CACNL and Cheytah became still fifth. The difference between Queen Qumolly and Cheytah was only 5 points!
Show and CACIL coursing in Tuttleben
10, 11 & 12 June: Show and international CACIL coursing at Tuttleben (D). For the show on Friday, 15 Deerhounds are reported. Calhoun becomes best male with the CAC, Cheytah gets the CAC and Caintha the reserve CAC. BOB becomes Fritzen Silver Cloud by Sonja Hansen. On Sunday 6 males and 10 bitches walk the coursing. Calhoun becomes third with the Res. CACIL, Cheytah Sixth and Caintha ninth at the bitches.
CACIL coursing in Wismar
1 May: International CACIL coursing in Wismar (D). 9 Deerhounds at the start. Cheytah obtains the CACC and CACIL. Calhoun becomes third with the reserve CACC and Caintha became eighth.
CACIL Coursing in Axel 2011
April 9: International CACIL coursing in Axel. Fortunately 6 Deerhounds at the start. Calhoun wins his second CACIL! With this he would be my third international coursing champion. Cheytah becomes second with R. CACIL and the CACNL. Caintha lands in last place.