
The past six months.

After the last update in January, we have experienced quite a few things. To start with, Charlaigne had received an invitation for the Dog of the Year Show, so on February 24th we packed pur showbag and went to Dordrecht to run around the ring and then quickly go home again. No success.

On the 8th of March, Charlaigne and I left for Birmingham.

Since I didn’t want to drive back and forth in too much of a hurry, we had booked an Inn in Whitney, Bird in Hand. After settling in, we first went for a nice walk and then dived into the extremely atmospheric pub for a delicious pint of Bitter and a delicious meal.

The next morning, during the morning walk, when we came around the bend, we were surprised by a fallow deer. At first, the deer and Charlaigne looked at each other in amazement and then reacted; The deer ran in front of us but stopped every time to look back. This only made Charlaigne crazier and I could barely keep her. Hence the bad picture! The rest of the hike wasn’t exactly relaxed.

After breakfast we left at our leisure. Along the way we took a nice walk in a very baggy off-leash area and a nature garden and then we drove to Birmingham via a beautiful shortcut.

Sunday Crufts day. Our judge was Bryan Doak of the Rosslyn Deerhounds. He was clearly looking for the heavier type of Deerhound but still thought Charlaigne was good enough for a fifth place out of the 11 bitches present in the Open Class. Not too bad.

We left early Monday morning for home but all in all we were on the road for more than 10 hours before we got home. The next trip we will do it differently.

On March 28, Sonja came to us for a few days and then we went to the Deerhound Jahresausstellung in Cologne. As judge we had Brit Schöne-Brodwall from Norway. A total of 51 Deerhounds were entered of which only 15 were males! I had entered Cytaugh in the veteran class and out of 5 old ladies she came third. Charlaigne was in the working dog class and was placed behind a dog that I wouldn’t want to have myself. To say the least, it was a very strange judging.

On the 18th of April Charlaigne and I left for England for the annual Breed Show which was held in Broughton. The Forest Pines Hotel is a beautiful with a gigantic golf course where you can take beautiful walks. The only problem is that it is full of squirrels which were used to people so just stay put when you approach them. There was also a large hare hopping around, which was of course quite a challenge!

On the Friday prior to the actual Breed Show, the first Deerhound Championship Show was organized. There were 58 Deerhounds entered for judge Miss Mary Ann Stuart of the Ollandsheart kennel. Charlaigne finished fifth in Open Bitch. Best male and BIS was Björn Fritz and Klaus Krüger’s Fritzens the Muthaiga Club, presented by Hector Heathcote, and best female was Vanessa Lucas’s Packway Smackfarthing.

On Saturday we had Clare Drew as judge. She grew up among the Lealla Deerhounds of her parents Tony and Mary Churchill. A total of 77 Deerhounds were entered, of which 24 were males and 53 females. Charlaigne finished third in her class. Best Male and BIS was Sam Taylor’s Ormanstar Dark Shadow and Best Female was again Packway Smackfarthing.

After the Champion Parade, which unfortunately no longer has what used to make it so beautiful, a real bagpiper, Sue Spring-Arnold judged the various Special Classes on Sunday. Charlaigne was entered in Special Coursing/Lure Chasing and finished third here, in the Special Bred By Exhibitor she was not placed.

My thanks to Mark Cannon for the beautiful photos!

After a nice and pleasant weekend we left for Folkestone on Monday. But this time we had booked a room in “The Black Horse” near Maidstone. It looked like a small holiday resort and the apartments were spread over the sloping terrain. A lovely spacious room with all the trimmings and nice and clean. The pub was very cozy and when I got there, completely packed. After a lovely walk in the beautiful surroundings, I went back and fortunately it was a bit quieter so that I could enjoy a very nice dinner with Charlaigne. Highly recommended this Inn.

Having breakfast.

This year we were again asked to take care of the coursing in Tüttleben. Since the Saluki Jahresausstellung was also held, many sighthounds were entered and the coursing was spread over two days. We left on the 15th of May to arrive in Tüttleben on the 16th with one overnight stay so that the men had the whole Friday to lay out a nice course.

On July 29, 2012 Sonja and I picked up Nimloth Brandir and his sister Bernice from Jill and Toby Smith in England and a few days later we set off again towards East Germany. It was Brandir’s first trip to Tüttleben! Now he celebrated his 12th birthday here on Friday!!

Nimloth Brandir, as a puppy with sister Bernice, and 12 years old!

Cranston, Crumbaugh and Charlaigne had never been to Tüttleben before and found it very interesting when the men were working at the coursingfield across the street.

On Saturday we had the CAC show where Charlaigne got the CAC but wasn’t good enough for BOB because she was a bit stiff. On Sunday, the youngsters were finally allowed to run. Charlaigne was assigned with Alyesha Under Sharp Hill from Gabriela Klenk. Somehow, she made a misstep that caused her to take quite a tumble. She recovered fairly quickly and gave chase again.

Crumbaugh was placed with Islay’s Quarterback Jim. When, after a few hundred meters, the hare came to a standstill due to technical failure, and Crumbaugh (under white) came second to the hare, Jim did not think long before plunging at Crumbaugh, resulting in a fierce brawl.

On the link below you can clearly see Crumbaugh’s surprised reaction, but he doesn’t let himself be upset and goes on the counterattack. Hopefully, this won’t have any nasty consequences for Crumbaugh.


Cranston ran alone, but the technique didn’t run smoothly either and he had a disturbed course that cost him a lot of energy.
But of course, because of Jim and Crumbaugh’s brawl, we didn’t let them run together anymore and they were taken out of the coursing, with Cranston finishing first!!

Around May 24, 1984, Meta Melser and her daughter Jaqueline brought two Deerhound puppies; Argyll Bryan from the Market Garden and Aragorn from the Market Garden. These were our first Deerhounds after we got our first Irish Wolfhound in 1979.
So we’ve had Deerhounds for 40 years now and they’ve gotten us everywhere we are today. They have enriched our lives with the show and coursing world in which we quickly became active then and still are today.

What delightful creatures they are, those Deerhounds, and it really is; once a Deerhound – always a Deerhound!!

On the 26th of May we had a show in Wieze (Belgium) where Charlaigne got her last needed CAC for the Belgian Championship under judge Doris Getzinger and became Best Working Dog under Johan Wulteputte.

Two weeks later at the outdoor show in Geldrop she became BOB again and second in the group thanks to André van den Broek.

And then there’s bad news and good news.

On June 21, Brandir had an ultrasound to see why he didn’t want to eat anymore and felt nauseous. It turned out that there are metastases in his liver of most likely a Hemangiosarcoma. His spleen is also enlarged.

So far everything is going fine, he eats well and still walks with us every walk but we only have a few weeks left to enjoy him and keep it as pleasant as possible for him.

Het complete elftal

The good news is that we are hoping for a litter from Charlaigne. If all goes well, we expect the puppies around mid-November (hopefully not another footballteam). Fingers crossed!!

Just update.

After my last update in August, my laptop crashed and after missing it for weeks I got it back but it didn’t work then! It also turned out that there was almost nothing on the backup made!! All gone! Taken away again and after a month we were told that unfortunately it could no longer be repaired. All in all, it took several months before I got a new one and then it turned out that I couldn’t log in to my website anymore!!

This week I finally succeeded and now I could continue where I left off. Poop, poo!! But because of all the updates of my website, I have the biggest problems filling a page and it takes ages before it is to my liking. And it’s still not to my liking, but yes, I have to!

Let’s just start at the beginning of last year.

The first coursing of the year 2023 was on March 18 at the RONOstrand in Een. Since Cranston had been badly injured and Cytaugh was not in good shape at all, I only let Crumbaugh and Charlaigne run. Was actually so relaxed because you already have your hands full with this couple!

Charlaigne with her fast ears.

The following weekend, March 25th, we had our CC2000 coursing day. The weather forecast was fantastic but unfortunately they turned out not to be quite right on the day itself. The rain regularly poured down from the sky and in such quantities that everything became one big swamp. At the end of the day, when everything was cleaned up, the car, which was loaded with all coursing equipment, had to be pulled out of the mud by a tractor. He had sunk to his axles! But the people who had signed up were almost all present and had a nice day despite the weather. Hopefully they dare to come again next time!

On the 13th of April I left for Cumbernauld in Scotland to enjoy the Deerhound Breed Show. This is always a wonderful weekend with nice people and lots of Deerhounds, really enjoy!

Last year, in mid-October, Brandir started hydrotherapy. We drive weekly to Rucphen where Corinne Somers has her practice. Since there was a clear improvement in stability, and if we skipped a week a decline, we do this every week as much as possible. He now knows exactly what the order of treatments are; First massage and possibly some manipulation and then into the bath to then “swim” for 4 x 5 minutes. But… you can ask a lot of an old Deerhound as long as there is something in return, all this is not possible without pieces of cheese!

On the 10th of May we left for Sweden where I had to judge the thirteenth in Hässleholm. Then we went back to Denmark where on the 19th was the sighthound show in Vejen and on the 21st the Euro Dog Show in Herning. Charlaigne showed well, became 2nd and 3rd best bitch but didn’t get any further.

Meanwhile, Brandir celebrated his 11th birthday on May 17 at the Flyvesandet campsite in Denmark. We had hoped that we would be able to walk on the mudflats again, but because of the storm that raged exactly the days we were there, the water was too high. Very unfortunate.

I did take some pictures and a video of Brandir but unfortunately my phone was stolen in a fancy restaurant and I lost everything.

At the end of June it went back to Sweden, this time for the World Championship Coursing in Kristianstad. On Thursday, June 29, it was the turn of the CSS class, Kirjojax Harris, Cranston and Crumbaugh were entered for this. Crumbaugh emerged as the winner. He can now call himself CSS World Winner.

In 1st place Crumbaugh O’Cockaigne, 2 Kirjojax Harris and 3 Cranston Argyll O’Cockaigne
Crumbaugh in action.

A beautiful double rainbow during the award ceremony.

On Sunday, Charlaigne was allowed to run. She wasn’t in great shape after her heat and wasted too much energy beforehand so she made a mess of it and finished in 14th place out of 22.

From Kristianstad we left via Gothenburg by ferry to Frederikshaven in Denmark where we had to prepare a field for the International Coursing in Nørresundby the weekend after the World Cup. On Saturday, July 8, the sighthound show was held where Charlaigne became Danish Champion and later in the day BIS. Judge was Agneta Doverholt.

On Sunday the coursing for which only Cytaugh, Cranston, Crumbaugh and Charlaigne were registered. After the first round, Charlaigne was in first place but again she messed up the second round and ended up third! I had withdrawn Cytaugh after the first round because of the heat.

On the 18th of August we left for Arnhem where the Deerhound Clubmatch and the Sighthound Show would be held that weekend. On Saturday the clubshow with 23 Deerhounds present for judge Carina Ekwall from Sweden. Charlaigne became BOB again and also on Sunday with only 8 Deerhounds present she became BOB under judge Kay Sneath from Australia. Cytaugh became Best Working Dog both days and on Sunday she also got the Reserve CAC!

Charlaigne was both days BOB.

From Arnhem we went to Göhlsdorf, east Germany, where on Saturday a National Leistungcoursing was held (provided by CC2000) and on Sunday the Jahresausstellung of the Deerhounds.

There were 2 males and 12 females entered for coursing. For the second round there were 11 left and Charlaigne was tied for 2nd and Crumbaugh for 3rd place. But Crumbaugh made a mess of it and finished in 6th place and Charlaigne was 3rd.

For the Jahresaustellung 25 Deerhounds were entered. The judge was Pascal Thiery from France. Cytaugh got the reserve CAC from the Working Dog class and Charlaigne became BOB and later in the day BIS!

But just like her mother in 2018, she also won the ‘Quodlibet Drambui Trophy’ for the combination of beauty and performance!

At the beginning of last year, there was a call from an American writer for a photo of an old Deerhound. Well, I have plenty of those!! After editing a Christmas photo with a.o. Amy and sending it to the author, Sky Blaine, she was very enthusiastic.

At the beginning of September, Simon flew to America for work and came back with the three books! Amy’s old face is featured on the cover of the third and final book of the series.

It’s a fantastic story and you can’t stop reading, highly recommended!

At the end of September we left for Brittany where Henriëtte has a cozy, small gite. We were able to park the caravan right on the property with her and the hounds had plenty of space to run and play on the large field. It is a beautiful area and there are many nice places to walk and cozy villages to visit. Mont Saint Michel is also around the corner and is of course very nice to go to.

Just have a look at her website: www.lepetitcoincosy.com

After doing some chores at Henriëtte’s we left after a few days to Gesves in Belgium for the coursing where Simon had to judge and the hounds could course.

On the 14th of October the German Deerhound Club organized its Open Club Show in Wickrath. The judge was Natalie Heathcote and there were 38 !! Deerhounds signed up for her. Charlaigne became BOB again.

The following weekend we were back at RONOstrand. It was Cytaugh’s last official coursing. Since Cranston has not been feeling well for a long time and is therefore not allowed to do coursing, only Charlaigne, Cytaugh and Crumbaugh were entered. And what was to be expected, happened, Cytaugh had to ran alone in the second round, really didn’t like that so didn’t run. She ended her coursing career with a dismissed!!!

Charlaigne won and received the CACNL with which she is now Dutch Champion for Beauty and Performance. She is the third O’Cockaigne Deerhound (and they are the only three) to carry this beautiful title.

On Friday 24 and Sunday 26 November, the Fryslân Cup and the Winner took place in Leeuwarden. We had rented a house in Appelscha for a long weekend so that I wouldn’t have to drive up and down that long way twice. Friday we had Rob Douma as judge and he had 5 Deerhounds to judge. Charlaigne became BOB and was selected in the group but did not advance.

Sunday we had the judge Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez from Spain and he had 7 Deerhounds to judge. He also did the final judging. Charlaigne was BOB again and in the ring of honour she was finally placed 2nd!

And then the last event of the year; the Christmas show in Gorinchem. André van den Broek judged the 4 entered Deerhounds and made Charlaigne BOB and in the mainring he placed her second!!

I was so proud of my little girl! The hard work on her confidence in the show ring has paid off. She now likes to go to the show which makes it so much fun. For next year there are already a few exciting, big things on the program such as Crufts, the Breed Show in England and the World Championship Coursing in Poland and a lot of fun smaller events. We won’t get bored!

RONOstrand and Ravels


Since we have been taking care of one of the fields for the Herfstcoursing on Ronostrand with our CC2000 team for a number of years, we left on Wednesday 19 October for Een, a very small village near Roden, just in Drenthe. It was lovely autumn weather and we decided on Thursday to take a good walk in an off-leash area nearby. A sprint was regularly pulled by the youngster’s and Cytaugh was also quite active. Until it went wrong. The youngster’s were playing at the end of a lane and Cytaugh ran from that group to us, turned around and ran back at full speed but couldn’t avoid Cranston and flipped into him head on. She literally slid together like a harmonica. We really thought she was going to drop dead, she pulled away completely crooked and spun around. Fortunately, we were close quickly and I was able to catch her. When she had calmed down a bit, she could not stand properly on her right front leg, but otherwise it turned out to be not too bad. After taking it easy for a while, she walked well again and acted as if nothing had happened.



Back at the caravan I immediately put her on the Traumeel and Novacam, but the next day it was clear that she had had a huge blow. She was stiff and, despite the Novacam, quite painful in her neck, shoulder, ribs and loins. Since she was entered for the coursing on Sunday, I withdraw her and asked if my other three could run together. Fortunately that was possible.

Sunday morning they ran in course 1. It was a very spectacular course because Cranston ran at full speed for half a lap between the ribbon barrier and the large play castle and just when we thought he was going to ran on and get out, he turned around and ran the same half circle back and then went after the hare again. We couldn’t stop laughing! How could he make it up!





In the afternoon they ran on the elongated narrow terrain where CC2000 was operating the lure. I had expected Cranston to make a huge cut here, not to run to the end of the field but to meet the hare halfway and then go straight to the finish. But once again he amazed us by tracking perfectly, even all the way to the back! He got the highest number of points of all three for this course which is really amazing for him. They had enjoyed the game again!


Fortunately, for Cytaugh I was able to make an appointment with the osteopath very quickly. Only then did it become clear what kind of blow she had made, almost her entire body was very painful, but in particular her neck, right shoulder, rib and loin section needed several treatments to recover.

Two weeks later, November 12, the coursing took place in Ravels, Belgium. Since the weather would be very nice, we decided, despite the fact that it is only 36 kilometers, to go with the caravan. So comfortable. For the hounds we had brought the stretchers so that they could lie in the sun and we sat in our T-shirt enjoying the exceptional temperature. But as soon as the sun disappeared behind the trees it got really cold and in the morning the grass was frozen.



On Ronostrand Crumbaugh had won convincingly with 12 points difference from Charlaigne, now it was Charlaigne who won with 12 points difference against Cranston because Crumbaugh really didn’t run well in the first round. Things went a lot better in the second round, but Crumbaugh couldn’t make up for it and he finished third.

This was the last coursing of the season. Crumbaugh and Charlaigne are real toppers and Cranston impresses with his enormous strength and stamina, a real pleasure to watch. Hopefully it stays that way for a while. With Cytaugh, we just have to wait and see how she goes into the upcoming season, for now we’ll just take it easy with her.



We wish everyone a very nice Christmas and a healthy and sporty 2023!

Göhlsdorf, Heteren and Oude Pekela

August 24 the caravan was clean and tidy again and we left for Göhlsdorf, near Berlin. CC2000 was asked to run the coursing on Saturday and so almost the entire team was present. On Thursday and Friday we still walked around in the shining sun in a T-shirt, but very bad weather was predicted for Saturday and we had to remove the rain gear out of the mothballs. Fortunately it was not that bad in the morning and also in the afternoon when the Deerhounds ran for the second time, it was still dry. Only later in the day it erupted and everyone was soaked in no time. There were 8 Deerhounds entered including my 4. It was quite a challenge to get Cranston and Crumbaugh to the start because it was at least 100 meters from the entrance of the site, walking neatly is not in their genes! After the first round, Charlaigne was first and Cytaugh last. Crumbaugh in a tie for  the fourth place and Cranston was sixth. In the afternoon Charlaigne ran with Islay’s Rhiann from Silke Eichhorn and this was a very nice course, the ladies were well matched but Charlaigne had lost too much energy before starting and lost a few points. She finished second, Crumbaugh fourth, Cranston sixth and Cytaugh last.


Sunday was the CAC show for which I only entered Charlaigne. Only three Deerhounds were entered; 1 male in the youth class, 1 female in the youth class and Charlaigne in the intermediate class. She did a good job and showed herself well. She became BOB and at the end of the afternoon she was selected among the three best in the group, despite not really wanting to show herself! With these two results of the coursing and the show, she obtained the title Schönheit und Leistung! She’s doing well, my little girl.



The following weekend we were at a campsite near Arnhem because Saturday was Swift’s coursing and Sunday was the Young Dogs/Veterans Day of the Stichting Rasgroep Windhonden (the Dutch Sighthound Foundation) in Heteren. Swift’s coursing went like a train and Maarten had laid out a nice course on which the Deerhounds could also run well. My complete foursome appeared at the start again and this time Crumbaugh took the credit.


Charlaigne and Brandir were entered for Sunday. I just really enjoyed showing such an old, fit male one more time, but I had promised him that this would really be his last show. There were 5 Deerhounds entered for the brand new Borsoi-judge Sybiel Schroeder but unfortunately only 3 were present. The young male, John Falstaff from Jan Scheer and Joke Groeneveld, Charlaigne and Brandir. Charlaigne became Best Young Dog and Brandir was logically Best Veteran. At the beginning of the afternoon all judgements were ready and we had to show up for the group. To my surprise Sybiel chose Charlaigne as Best Young Dog of the Day and when Brandir had to compete for Best Veteran, he won too!! Leon Scholten judged this group and he thought Brandir was so good for his age. And he is! I was so proud of him!!!


And then …… on September 17 there was finally, after 26 years, a Dutch Championship Coursing for the Deerhounds!!!!!

On October 26, 1996, the first NKC in Een, also the first competition that the current WvCNL, was organized on RONOstrand. We had 6 Deerhounds together so that the title could be forgiven. At that time, it was still customary for the participants to make the dividing themselves so that you could see beautiful equivalent courses. We had expected that this would also be possible with the Dutch National Championships, but unfortunately the committee decided that they would make the dividing and we did not agree with this because the males of Dick and Wil Bults and Jacqueline de Kok showed such aggressive behavior at the finish, that the Hawkins family and we were forced to withdraw our hounds. We absolutely did not want our hounds to become the bobbin of a fight! So we withdrew our Deerhounds with the result that no title could be awarded. Well, then the dolls were dancing!!!!


Dick, Wil and Jacqueline thought differently about aggression at the finish, they thought that was normal, so the two aggressive dogs ran their rounds that day and they made sure that about eight men were ready to catch their dogs after the course. What a display, I would be ashamed of myself!!!


Anyway, luckily the regulations both National and International have finally changed for the better, so that such antisocial, unacceptable behavior results in a fat disqualification. We hardly see any aggressive behavior at the finish nowadays, with any breed. Happy!


This year, on September 17th, 61 sighthounds were entered and 8 judges had to show up for the Dutch Championship Coursing in Oude Pekela. Each hound is judged by 6 different judges and it is always a puzzle to have the right judges judged at the right time, as they often have dogs at the start themselves. A few years ago, the Dutch regulations regarding the numbers that must appear at the start for a Championship were adjusted. It was realized that there would never be a National Championship for a number of breeds in the old way. So instead of 6, only 4 have to appear at the start and that worked for the first time this year with the Deerhounds!!


They were all four my hounds but I can’t help that and the battle was no less. The three youngsters are all very fanatic, so that results in beautiful courses. The enormous power with which Cranston thunders across the field, the interplay of Crumbaugh and Charlaigne and the displayed intelligence of Cytaugh (she was completely back after her heat) make it a real party. In the first round Cytaugh ran with Crumbaugh, not such a good combination. Cytaugh cuts the corners and only thinks while Crumbaugh goes after the hare diligently. Cranston and Charlaigne is also not a good match because Cranston also cuts a lot but also shows enormous strength and agility. After the first round, Crumbaugh and Charlaigne both had 257 points, Cytaugh 252 and Cranston 248.


In the afternoon Cytaugh and Cranston first ran, a nice combination for the lure operator! The one cuts even more than the other and it is very difficult to stay ahead with the lure. Crumbaugh and Charlaigne, on the other hand, show the interplay, beautiful to see! But Charlaigne had to lose out to her brother, with two points less she came off the field. And with this, Crumbaugh became the first Dutch Deerhound with the title Dutch Coursing Champion!!

Tour of Sweden and Denmark


On July 23 we left for the north again. The first night was at the campsite between Bremen and Hamburg, always nice to wake up with a herd of fallow deer in the front yard. From here we continued to a campsite in Sweden where we would stay for two nights. But on arrival we were amazed, it looked like a dump of old caravans with sagging and broken awnings. The people who walked around didn’t look much like campers either. At the beginning of the evening a number of cats appeared and boldly sat a short distance to watch the hounds and a couple of large hedgehogs waddled past on the other side of the path. This was of course very exciting for the hounds but very difficult for us and in the end we decided to go into the caravan together. Partly because of this we left the next day to the next campsite where we would be three days. This was a very spacious campsite with a beautiful large forest next to it where you could walk for hours but it was also infested with ticks. Despite the hounds being treated against it, I picked dozens of ticks off them every day! On the last evening we were treated to ‘golden trees’, a very spectacular spectacle.


On July 28 we left for Västerås where on Friday and Saturday the Skokloster Summer Show and on Sunday the Swedish Deerhound Club Show took place. The campground we ended up on was a 20 minute drive from the showground and had a decent outlet area. Unfortunately, quite a lot of hares ran around here, which again required the necessary attention! Before Friday I only entered Charlaigne in the Intermediate class for judge Vlastislav Vojtek from Slovenia, she was the only one in this class, got an excellent and had to come back for Best Bitch. To my great surprise she became second Best Bitch out of a total of 14 bitches! Best bitch was Galerita’s Fiona van Mikael Nordström (husband of the breeder Cecilia Nordström and showed by Ylva, their daughter). I have always admired the Galeritas and this bitch was also lovely! So sound and well-balanced, while maintaining a beautiful topline during a very nice movement. Best of Breed was Grayrory’s Irresistible from  Maria & Åke Käck.

For Best Intermediate Charlaigne had to compete with Ray Lindholm’s Necesse’s Faust Fortunatus. A beautiful male but he still needs some time; is still a bit loose in its movement. Charlaigne also won this battle. I was so proud of her!! the more so because she behaved well and allowed herself to be touched.

Saturday we had a rest day and that was a good thing, it was very hot, especially on the showground and that would have been unbearable for old Brandir. We had to break everything up again at the end of the day because we had to check out early on Sunday morning. So as late as possible, when the sun had already set behind other caravans and the temperature had dropped, the tent and awning dismantled again, packed and everything prepared for departure.


Sunday the Club Show. I entered everything except Cranston. The judge was Barbara Heidenreich from Canada and I really enjoyed it to show my hounds to her. A total of 21 males and 26 females were entered, of which 19 males and 24 females were present.

My 122 month old Brandir was the first to go into the ring, he did well but clearly showed that showing is still not his thing!

Second, Crumbaugh entered the ring along with 7 other males between the ages of 15 and 24 months. Despite the fact that he has never been shown he showed himself quite well and ran nicely. He found everything very interesting and wanted to greet everyone who sat at the ring. Barbara had a hard time with this class but in the end she made my Crumbaugh best!



Number two was Necesse’s Faust Fortunatus by Ray Lindholm, the male from which Charlaigne had won on Friday!


After judging all the male classes, Crumbaugh and the old Brandir had to come back for Best Male. Brandir of course stood for bacon and beans in the ring and was clearly disappointed but Crumbaugh loved it and showed himself to FIRST PLACE!! Best Male, who would have expected that???!!!  



After this it was Charlaigne’s turn, she misbehaved again but still ended up in second place behind another beautiful Galerita.

Finally, Cytaugh was alone in the class of 7 to 9 year old bitches. Not that hard to get first.

Best bitch eventually became Lawton’s Eqvizzical Exuviance from Stefan Hagstedt.

Several males and females entered the ring for the battle for Best of Breed. I don’t understand the Swedish judging system and certainly a Club Show has its own rules, all very complicated. Anyway, after a lot of deliberation, Lawton’s Eqvizzical Exuviance took Best of Breed and Crumbaugh came in second. A very nice achievement for such a young male!


After this judgement, Crumbaugh still had to come back for Best Intermediate, which he lost against …. a beautiful Galerita bitch, Galerita’s Athelas, who had won from Charlaigne. Charlaigne had to go back for Best Head but she wouldn’t show her head, she was constantly looking the other way. Brandir was Best Veteran and Cytaugh Best Senior and Best Working Dog. The Paar class with Charlaigne and Crumbaugh was also for O’Cockaigne! Unfortunately they had canceled the battle for Best Movement due to lack of time, which is a shame because Crumbaugh won every time also because of his movement.

We went home with a mountain of rosettes and four well-filled Goody Bags with very original gifts, it’s great how they do that there! All in all it was a very successful Club Show and it was very nice to talk to Barbara again.



After the show we had to drive another 200 kilometers to the south, to Olerum (who hasn’t heard about it?) where the coursing, for which Simon was invited to judge, would take place. We arrived around eight and quickly rebuilt everything.

Since my hounds were not allowed to participate because Simon had to stand there for two whole days in the field, Crumbaugh, Charlaigne and Cranston would do a test run. Cytaugh would run as a companion dog with the three officially entered Deerhounds. Before we walked to the coursing field on Monday morning with the three youngsters, Simon prepared Cranston’s slipline and put it on him. Unfortunately not quite according to the rules with the result that when I started him he ran off with me after him – the line didn’t slip! I made a huge thud to the ground and was dragged along. From now on it is forbidden for Simon to ever prepare a slip line again!!

Anyway, the hounds were restarted and again showed a beautiful spectacle, nothing more beautiful than three Deerhounds in ‘full speed’ over the field.

Cytaugh ran with a bitch later that morning but after a few hundred yards she stepped on a pulley and was done with it right away. Well, she was two weeks after her heat so it was understandable.

The next day the three monkey-heads did a test run twice, they had made up for the lack of free movement!





It were very nice days and we sat together under the party tent until the late hours, luckily the Swedes speak good English because you don’t understand anything about that Swedish!


Wednesday morning we packed up again and drove to Gothenburg. We stayed here until Friday morning and then took the ferry to Frederikshaven to cross. From there a short drive to Nørresundby where Simon again judged the coursing for two days. Here the hounds were officially allowed to participate and I had entered all four of them. Let’s hope Cytaugh would do a good job too!


We stood with the caravan close to a wild area where a herd of cows, Scottish Highlanders, Lakenvelders and their crosses, were walking around. The crosses were very special and resembled wire-haired Lakenvelders. One of the yearlings was very interested in Crumbaugh and he in her. She was also very beautiful and they stood looking at each other for minutes, there was clearly a Scottish click!


The hounds ran on Sunday and Hanne from the Eikica Sighthounds would help to start. Cranston and Cytaugh were the first to run and…. Cytaugh did run! She anticipated a lot and should have had the highest number of points for intelligence, but unfortunately this part has been deleted. In the second Deerhound course Crumbaugh and Charlaigne started and that was a really fantastic course! They followed the hare with devotion and Crumbaugh ran just a little better than Charlaigne but she did not show herself off and took 4 points more than Crumbaugh and took first place with the Certificate! Cranston was third and Cytaugh fourth. They had had a great run again and had come off the field without injury. It was again a super well organized coursing that ran like a train.






Monday August 8 we went to Camping Ringkøbing. We had been to this campsite twice before and it was great. Partly because of the large forest right next to the campsite where the hounds can run free, it is an ideal place to stand for a few days. And … we were lucky with the temperatures, not above 30°C!













On Thursday we went to the ‘Sandskulpturfestival’ in Søndervig. The impressive sand wall of 200 meters long and 7 meters high was decorated with the theme of the Middle Ages. Real works of art made by different people from many countries. i.a. a few Dutch, English, a Russian, Ukrainian, Belgians and Swedes had a great time in this huge sandbox with a beautiful result!

And yes, the sky really was that blue!











After a wonderfully relaxed week we returned home on Saturday 13 August. But not for long because at the end of August we had to be back in Göhlsdorf where Simon had to take care of the coursing together with Maarten and Willem. To be continued.


A little bit of everything and a trip to Finland.


At the beginning of this year I sent DNA from Vision and her sons and from Cytaugh and her puppies to America for research on Post Operative Bleeding Syndrome because I suspected that Vision died from this. After several weeks I got the results and it turned out that Vision did indeed have the genotype SERPF2-VAR, meaning she had the highest risk, as much as 500 times higher than hounds that have no risk or the SERPF2-WT genotype. Due to the bleeding after her operation, the supply of oxygen was not sufficient for the organs and the nervous system and kidneys can be damaged very easily by too little oxygen; the haemorrhages were thus the cause of the eventual renal failure.


Her sons, Cranston and Callaghan both have SERPF2-HET, meaning they are 25 times more likely to have bleeding after surgery or an accident. It is therefore important that the vet has the right medication on the shelf. Unfortunately, it turns out that you are not allowed to have that medication under your own management, so if you are on the road you have a problem.

Also two of Cytaugh’s puppies have the SERPF2-HET variant while Cytaugh himself has SERPF2-WT. The owners have of course been informed immediately so that they can inform their vets and I have also informed the owner of the father of the puppies.

I am very pleased that, in addition to Factor VII Deficiency, we now also have the opportunity to test the hounds for this bleeding disorder, Delayed Bleeding Sydrome (DBS – also called hyperfibrinolysis)). You can avoid a lot of trouble with it.

The commercial test is not yet on the market, but if necessary one can simply send a swap to America for research. Unfortunately, there are still breeders who do not even test for Factor VII, which is very irresponsible as it carries great risks. I therefore recommend that when you want to buy a puppy, you ask the breeder whether it has been tested for Factor VII  and DBS. You can read more about this via the following link, https://www.o-cockaigne.eu/?page_id=20680.





We were finally able to remove the caravan from under the caravan port in mid-March and muck it out. In the course of the winter it always becomes a kind of storage place and before you have everything back in place and cleaned, you are a day further. But in the course of Thursday morning 17 March, we could then leave for Lelystad where the first CC2000 event would take place. More than 50 hounds were registered and it was a very pleasant day with perfect weather for the hounds. It was very nice to see Mackenzie (and of course Bert and Mariëtte who belong) again and also Simone and Marco with Finn and Kick.





Unfortunately Charlaigne was not allowed to walk, he was still in the rag basket but there were 6 Deerhounds walking that day! Mackenzie had to get used to it again but in the end ran very nicely. In the afternoon she walked with brother Crumbaugh and that went perfectly!! Also very nice courses from Cranston with the Afghan Kimi from John and Karin, and in the afternoon with the Barsoi from Anneke. Everyone enjoyed it immensely.





On April 11 I had Brandir’s heart tested again and it has improved again! By adding Carnitine, Taurine and Q10, his heart becomes more and more powerful and I no longer have to worry that the same thing will happen to him as Chidish. Cranston has also been tested for the first time and found to be fine. Nice to know before he starts his coursing career.



Cranston, Crumbaugh and Charlaigne have now obtained their coursing license and Cranston has already successfully completed a number of coursings.

The last major event was the World Coursing Championship on May 27, 28 and 29 in Kalajoki, Finland. We left on May 18 and had planned for a few weeks with a few days Flyvesandet in Denmark and a stop at Sonja on the way back. At Flyvesandet it was great fun again with the low water. Even Brandir, who in previous years was afraid of the tide, now walked freely and cheerfully. He even went crazy on a regular basis!








It is a lovely area and the hounds always enjoy it. It is also a great terrain for a good fitness training because walking through such a layer of muddy sand is quite hard!





On the way to Kalajoki we stayed at various campsites, including in Sweden, including a very nice nature campsite in a very beautiful environment.








On Wednesday 25 May we arrived in Kalajoki and were directed to our spot, a strip of asphalt in front of the caravan with a large sandbox next to it. We stood right on the beach, or rather on the beach, and looked out over the Gulf of Bothnia where the sea ice was still floating. A strange sensation as it was nice and warm those first days and everyone was walking around in T-shirts and shorts. The hounds loved the sandbox and we swept the sand outside every day.




The three coursing parcourses were also on the beach and all had a length of about 800 meters. This was long enough as it is of course very hard to run through the loose sand. On Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday Crumbaugh and Charlaigne were allowed to do a test run but on Thursday I saw afterwards that both had a total of 6 broken feet from the sand that had sanded away the skin at the bottom between the toes. A very painful condition that unfortunately was not cured quickly – so no more test run on Sunday.




Cranston was in CSS class on Friday with two Swedish females and one English male. I judged this male, Kirjojax Harris, at the Breed Show in England last year and it was very nice to see that he was suddenly a lot more mature and changed in a positive way. Beautiful male!

In the first round, Harris ran under red and Grayrory’s Kestrel under white. Harris started very well but halfway through Kestrel came by and after this Harris actually followed Kestrel and at one point he also touched her twice, in other words he disturbed her. He got a disqualification for this which is of course very sour when you come all the way from England.




In the second lap, Cranston ran under red with Gray Mountain Maggies Aileen. As a young girl, Aileen usually walked closely behind the hare, but also made an error of judgment every now and then. Cranston coursed more with his head he read the terrain and cut where necessary. Three times the turner went wrong, he misjudged Cranston’s speed and this caused Cranston to come into contact with the hare. Luckily he didn’t care about it. Unfortunately there was one judge who most likely swapped the points and placed Cranston in third place.

In the afternoon he had to walk alone and that was very disadvantageous for him. Such a large, heavy male cannot be compared with the course before it of two females. He eventually ended up in third place. It’s a shame it went like this but Cranston really ran very well and enjoyed it.


Saturday it was Cytaugh’s turn. There were 12 bitches (6 German bitches, 2 Czech, 2 Swedish, 1 Finnish and my Dutch Cytaugh) entered for the CACIL class and not a single male! Cytaugh started in the first course together with Islay’s Quickstep of Ira Johannsen (DE). Cytaugh got 243 points and Quickstep 230. Cytaugh was in a provisional fifth place!! In the second round, Islay’s Luck Penny from Ira ran with  Crathlint Dwynwen Dee from Satu Hakanurmi, the only Finnish rider. Luck Penny got 228 points and ended up in provisional tenth place while Dwynwen Dee was disqualified. Fernhill’s Rose at Grayrory from Åke Kack (SE) ran a very nice course and earned 245 points and Islay’s Peekeboo from Ira got 232. In course four, Islay’s Oonagh from Ira and Cotherstone Angrboda from Ann-Marie Boyle (SE)  and they got 247 and 229 points respectively. Course five was for Andrea Jahelková’s Ailis Under Sharp Hill and Islay’s Quinn by Silke Eichhorn, who tied for first place with 257 points. In the last course, Andrea’s Aisha Under Sharp Hill ran with Islay’s Luighseagh by  Claudia Oeljeschläger (DE) with 237 and 179 points.


In the second round, Cytaugh had to compete against Aisha Under Sharp Hill in course 4. Aisha got 1 point more than Cytaugh but that wasn’t enough to beat her. Cytaugh eventually landed in fourth place.

I was quite proud of Cytaugh, with her over 7 years she has done well!




As said, on the way back we went to visit Sonja for a day. Very strange to find only two Galgas and Brandir and Cytaugh hadn’t expected this either. After a lovely lazy day, we drove home on Sunday to see our new cork floor. The floor is beautiful, but we also found leveling everywhere; on the terrace, against the walls, even the door handles were covered. So that became a return for the floor layers to clean things up. It just meant that we couldn’t immediately start clearing out our house because everything, really everything, was in the shed, on the porch and under the carport. Well, as long as we’re ready for Christmas.

Liver shunt and health news from America





Recently I spoke to an Dutch Irish Wolfhound breeder who had imported a puppy from Germany. It turned out that this puppy had just been tested for liver shunt. Since I was told at the time that this test was not available in Germany, I inquired further.

The German Irish breeder had just had blood drawn from his puppies at his own vet and he did sent it to Laboklin. The next day the breeder had the results.

So if you want to get a puppy from Germany, the breeder can have it tested for liver shunt via Laboklin, insist on this, it can save you a lot of misery!




In the Claymore, the club magazine of the Scottish Deerhound Club of America, the Health and Genetics chapter appears in every issue. Always very interesting! In the latest edition (September/October 2021), Dr. Michael H. Court, researcher at the Pharmacogenomics Laboratory in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University, updates on the progress of studies on slow anesthesia recovery, perianesthetic stress hyperthermia (a stress-induced, life-threatening temperature elevation) and delayed postoperative bleeding. Below is an abbreviated version of his presentation at the National Specialty.



Slow anesthesia recovery

“The slow recovery of anesthesia after surgery or examination is a well-known phenomenon in Greyhounds and also occurs in other greyhounds. Usually it is after injected anesthetics such as thiopental and propofol (the latter to a lesser extent). This is related. with the low body fat content that greyhounds have.Normally the injected anesthetic passes out of the blood and into the body fat fairly quickly, allowing the dog to recover quickly, but due to the little body fat a greyhound has, a lot of anesthetic remains in the blood. , if first this blood is purified by the liver and that takes several hours. But there seems to be another factor involved and that is that the liver of greyhounds metabolize anesthetics more slowly than in other (non greyhound) breeds. There are two different mutations found in two different genes encoding enzymes crucial for the metabolism of pr opofol (CYP2B11-H3 and POR-H3). These mutations are most often found in Greyhounds and Deerhounds. Lab studies have shown that these mutations drastically reduce the metabolizing of propofol. The result of the latest study comparing Greyhounds with these mutations and Greyhounds without these mutations is still pending.


Perianesthetic stress hyperthermia

Another condition that has been studied is ‘stress hyperthermia’ which occurs in both Deerhounds and Greyhounds. Usually this is seen in conjunction with the anesthesia procedure before surgery. Signs are a very rapid temperature increase to above 41 C°, panting and deep red mucous membranes. Treatment consists of rapid cooling and the administration of sedatives and fluids. Stress hyperthermia can be prevented by judicious use of sedatives before an exhilarating experience (e.g. a vet visit) as well as taking steps to reduce stress.

Although stress hyperthermia is very serious and life-threatening, there have been no reports of fatal cases in the Deerhound. This is different from the malignant hyperthermia which is invariably fatal.

Since not all Greyhounds and Deerhounds are sensitive to stress hyperthermia, it is thought to be a genetic predisposition. With the support of the SDCA, we identified a mutation in the RYR1 gene in dogs with a history of stress hyperthermia. This mutation appears to be a milder form than the mutation of the gene that causes malignant hyperthermia. Since we have only studied 8 Deerhounds and 1 Greyhound, the usefulness of the clinical trial for this mutation is unclear. Therefore, we continue to recruit cases to see if the RYR1 mutation can explain all cases. Please contact courtlab@vetmed.wsu.edu if you have a dog that has suffered from hyperthermia and would like to donate DNA.



Delayed postoperative bleeding

Finally, we worked on a problem initially identified in Greyhounds, delayed post-operative bleeding. The clinical picture of this condition concerns dogs that have undergone major orthopedic or abdominal surgery (castration/sterilisation). Although no bleeding occurred during surgery, bleeding was noted within the next 24 to 48 hours. Symptoms range from bruising around the surgical site to overt bleeding from the wound. For abdominal surgery, internal bleeding may go undetected until the dog is seriously ill. Treatment consists of blood transfusions and intravenous administration of anti-fibrinolytic medication (Amicar). These bleedings can also be prevented by administering these agents before the operation and for 5 days after the operation.

We have conducted several studies (funded in part by the SDCA) implying that a mutation of the SERPINF2 gene is the cause of the delayed bleeding. SERPINF2 stands for alpha-2 antiplasmin, which is essential for protecting against the premature breakdown of blood clots (hyperfibrinolysis).

A case-control study was conducted using information gathered from the SDCA health survey and DNA samples from bleeding and dead dogs. We found 7 dogs that had postoperative bleeding after surgery and 55 dogs that had surgery without postoperative bleeding. All dogs were genotyped for the SERPINF2 mutation. The result indicates that the risk for delayed bleeding is 40 times higher in dogs that have at least one copy of the mutation and 500 times higher in dogs that have two copies, compared to dogs without a mutation. Important; all affected dogs had this mutation while none of the dogs that did not have the mutation had delayed bleeding.

In another study in healthy Greyhounds, we showed that dogs with two copies of the SERPINF2 mutation had significantly lower levels of antiplasmin in their blood than dogs with one or no copies of the mutation.

Taken together, it shows that testing for the SERPINF2 mutation can be useful to identify dogs that may have an interest in prophylactically administering anti-fibrinolytic drugs (Amicar). And just as important; the test can also identify dogs that will not benefit from this medication.

The SERPINF2 test is available now (free of charge) by contacting courtlab@vertmed.wsu.edu and requesting a DNA sample pack.

Like all genetic testing, we realize that the post-operative bleeding test can and will be used by Deerhound breeders to inform themselves about breeding plans. The SDCA Health & Genetics Committee is preparing guidelines for breeders on how or how not to use the test .

In this regard, it is important to emphasize that breeders should not attempt to eliminate the SERPINF2 mutation from the breed or a particular breeding line, as the disease causing the mutation can be effectively prevented in dogs at risk.”


Holiday in England



Given the Corona vicissitudes, it was a very exciting adventure, our trip to England. We postponed booking the tests, campsites and the crossing in advance as long as possible, as there was of course the chance that we would turn ‘red’ on the English ‘Government site’ and then we would not enter England. We had already pushed our departure date forward in the hopes that the site update wouldn’t come before Monday 20th September, but the British government held a press conference on Wednesday the 15th and the chance of an update became earlier. We had to do the corona test on Thursday the 16th, otherwise we didn’t fall within the deadlines. I also had the hounds dewormed on Thursday and made sure that their passports were filled in correctly. This on the way to Werkendam where the Dutch Coursing Championship was held. On Friday I would drive back and forth home to do a few things, including putting the garbage on the road. But when I arrived, the garbage had already been collected and I could go up and down on Saturday to take it to the recycling center! Well, there was still plenty to do at home and the hounds were not bothered by the coursing noises. After I was back in Werkendam on Friday afternoon, the hounds were able to have a nice run. In the evening we would eat in the restaurant of the riding school and while we were waiting for our ‘dinner’, an update came from England…….luckily the Netherlands remained orange!! This is of course a purely commercial affair because they already have enough problems in England so putting the Netherlands on red would be very stupid but still, we were very relieved! More on this later.



Saturday at the end of the afternoon back home quickly, well that ‘quickly’ did not go, the mover of the caravan did not work! Fortunately Maarten is handy enough and managed to remove the rollers from the tires so that we could at least go home. We hoped that the mover would work again at home otherwise we would have a real problem getting off the site on Sunday morning. In the evening I put another few things in the caravan, Simon filled in all the papers and printed them (which of course was terribly disappointing and took several hours), I filled the freezers with meat for the hounds (I got about 45 kilos in it !) and we went to bed early.


Up early on Sunday morning, the last things in the caravan fridge and off. Fortunately, the mover did and we were able to start the journey without any further problems. This went very well and earlier than hoped we were in Calais and through the “Pet Control”. After this it went a little less smoothly because of the strict control of the passports, but we were still able to get on a train earlier than we had booked. Mid afternoon we arrived at the first campground, Tanner Farm Park. A campsite where Sonja and I had already been twice before and where you stay wonderfully quiet with good walking opportunities. Only we didn’t bring oversized Cranston with us then! It was impossible to pass under the gate that was part of a fence that you can go over as a human and go under as a small to medium-sized dog. Brandir and the girls crawled under it neatly but Crumbaugh and Cranston refused it absolutely. So because of this the walking possibilities were limited. But there was ‘excitement’ enough because it was bursting with squirrels and they just walked right past our hideout. Once there was one just below the open window of the caravan and I could just grab Crumbaugh’s hind legs before he started to jump out of the window! Furthermore, the hounds fortunately stayed neatly behind the fence when the squirrels jumped around. So good!!

According to the rules, we should do a COVID test on Tuesday. We also had ordered and paid for it, but the test never arrived at the campsite. Even after several emails and phone calls, we didn’t get any response. Then not, we’ll see.


On Wednesday we went to Scotney Castle. A ruin on a small island and a newer castle set in beautiful gardens many acres of sheep pastures and woodlands. We first made a big walk, between the sheep and especially Crumbaugh and Charlaigne could not resist the sheep poo. Afterwards we went to the old castle ruins to shoot a few pictures, a really nice ruin.


One of the problems that England now faces is that there are too few truck drivers to transport fuel, among other things! We experienced this when we wanted to fill up and there was no diesel (nor petrol) available at various filling stations. Fortunately we found another gas station in a small village where we could fill the tank.


On Thursday we left for a campsite near Telford where the Breed Show would take place and I would judge the Deerhounds on Sunday. Friday afternoon we went to the hotel to say hello to everyone and to give Liza and Sarah the chance to see Uther’s puppies. Unfortunately I was not allowed to attend on Saturday so we decided to go to Ironbridge. We first walked a bit with the hounds, then had lunch at a pub and then walked back towards ‘The Iron Bridge’. Well, when you walk across the bridge there isn’t much to it, it’s just impressive from a distance, especially when you consider the history.

But what we actually went for was of course ‘The Deerhound Table’ which is in the Coalbrook Museum of Iron. I didn’t think it would be this big! The Deerhounds that carry the table on their necks were really life-size. Very nice to see it in real life.






Here too, around Telford, we saw long lines of cars at gas stations waiting to fill up, only to see the next day that everything was sold out and there was no car left. After some searching on the internet Simon found a gas station where you could still fill up, but for no more than 25 pounds. Well that doesn’t work with a 90 liter tank! So after first having refueled for 25 Pounds, he drove around and filled the tank at the truck pump. In a normal passenger car, the nozzle does not fit in the tank opening, but fortunately that is no problem with us! There was no one to say anything about it and no comment at the checkout either. At a next gas station it was also said that it was allowed to refuel at such a pump. Good to know! Hopefully we can still fill up on the way back, otherwise we won’t make it to Folkestone and we won’t come home!

We also heard in the evening during dinner in the hotel (which we were fortunate to be able to attend) that various products were no longer available in the shops because they simply could not be delivered. What such a stupid virus can cause!


Sunday morning, up early and heading to the hotel. Fortunately the weather was great all week and also on this day it was great weather for a show. In total there were 83 Deerhounds entered for the show with 90 entries on the Saturday of which 30 were absent and 53 entries for the Sunday with 16 absent. Not as many entries as usual but that was to be expected in the current situation. It is a miracle in itself that a Breed Show took place with the enormous numbers of corona infections that are reported daily in England.


Anyway, I was very satisfied with my numbers and loved to get so many Deerhounds in my hands again. The quality was very different but I had a couple of very nice hounds including a young male of 23 months who made it very difficult by either not wanting to trot or to go at a pace but…..when he trotted, he showed the best movement whatever you could imagine, dancing beautifully with a long, flowing stride, low to the ground and at a good pace. The best gait of the day. Furthermore, he was a male who was really ‘Fit for function’ and could really do his job. Also a male and female, brother and sister, 20 months young, stood out in type, movement, beautiful small ears and very dark eyes. Yes, and then those adorable hounds; who really want to cuddle with you intensely or that old bitch of 11.5 years who was still so fit and trotted active through the ring, they touch you in the depths of your soul and it always brings tears to my eyes.


On Monday morning we left for Dartmoor. We had booked a ‘dog friendly’ campsite but when we arrived and were directed to our spot, it turned out that it was not allowed to put up our fence, which would mean that the hounds only had to stay in the caravan and awning. No way! So we turned around and looked for another campsite – easier said than done as it turned out that many were not allowed more than 2 dogs or that the place was flooded due to the enormous amount of rain that had fallen last night. Via, via we ended up at a campsite along a moderately busy road but with direct access to the Moors and a very cozy pub! Tuesday it came pouring out of the sky again and at one point a soaked robin flew through the awning. Fortunately we had all the hounds in the caravan and I let the bird rest for a while before opening the tent door. It stayed on the ground for a while and after about ten minutes it flew away again….. or not? More on this later.


Parody of “Wishful Thinking”.


When it would remain ‘dry’ in the afternoon, we quickly set out with the hounds. Through the gigantic meadows, where the sheep and ponies graze, ‘Public Footpaths’ ran in all directions. So plenty of walking options, you had to close the gates behind you of course. When we walked a few hundred meters on one of those fields, suddenly about 10 ponies came running towards us from very far away. Simon said jokingly; “They’re going to surround us.” Well, they did and one of them didn’t look very friendly. This mare was clearly the leader and didn’t think it was good that we were walking here with five Deerhounds. She became more and more threatening and on a few occasions she turned to us and at one point she slammed backwards. Against Brandir! Fortunately, he is no longer very stable on his legs and he immediately fell over which probably saved his life. When he got up, he squeaked and stood on three legs for a while, but that soon got better. As I was struggling with Crumbaugh and Charlaigne to contain them (they wanted to chase those ponies away!), I couldn’t do anything, just try to keep things as calm as possible and try to get off the field as quickly as possible. For the first part we were still chased by the herd of ponies but the closer we got to the fence the more they kept their distance before finally turning around and galloping away. What a terribly bad experience this was and especially for poor Brandir, that he in his old age has to go through such a thing. Fortunately it turned out to be not too bad with him, I couldn’t discover anything about him and he just walked with us for the rest of the walk. In the meantime it had started to rain again so we didn’t have much fun and after the hounds had done everything we turned back towards the caravan to drown the fright. We preferred to have a very large pony steak on our plate in the evening in the pub!! But unfortunately they didn’t have it.



We were fed up with Dartmoor right away and on Wednesday we packed up all the wet stuff again and drove to The New Forest where we had booked a very quiet campsite, The Red Shoot, in the middle of the nature reserve. Fortunately, we were also able to arrive earlier than agreed. In The New Forest the ponies, cows, pigs, donkeys and deer just run loose throughout the area and a confrontation with them is not inconceivable but we were well warned by the bad incident in Dartmoor and left the cattle behind. The weather was beautiful here and in a radiant sun we set things up again and drank a beer in the sun.


Thursday – rain – we had decided to go to Stonehenge but when we got there we could either walk 2 kilometers or take a shuttle bus. Well with 5 Deerhounds in a shuttle bus we didn’t like it so we just walk. Of course, to get a little closer to the stones you had to buy a ticket – 21 Pounds per person!! Now we are real culture barbarians and are not willing to pay for a look at old stones up close, so taking some pictures from a slightly greater distance was okay. Simon also said; “They’re probably saving up for new bricks.” Well, with such amounts that is easily saved!

Fortunately, it was dry during the walk there, but there was a strong wind. At one point a hare crossed the road right in front of us. The only one who saw him was Crumbaugh and he is the worst thing to get back in line! Only when we were far past the ‘hare pass point’ on the way back, he was able to walk a bit normally again.



We drove to Burley on Friday. This should be a nice old village but it was not what I expected. The walk that was plotted in the area and we walked, was also a bit disappointing. Large stretches on tarmac roads. There weren’t many cars driving, but if possible Brandir runs loose so he can set his own pace. That didn’t work here and then it’s a lot more tiring for him. The surroundings were beautiful and the ponies would occasionally let us go round as they were in the middle of the road or grazing next to it. We now look out for them and don’t trust them at all! When we drove back to the campsite, we ended up in a ‘traffic jam’ because of a herd of donkeys walking across the road. Yes, and then you really have to be patient.





Saturday it rained all day, and not just a little! In the afternoon we agreed with Gill and Toby to show Brandir. As one of their bitches was in season we couldn’t take him inside so all five of them stayed neatly in the car. Well neat…. when we came back to get Brandir out, it turned out that the puppies had retouched the mattress cover. The whole car was covered with foam flakes!


Sunday was a rest day, just a nice walk in the area which was already strenuous enough by meeting a lame deer that did not disappear so quickly in the forest. At the end of the afternoon, when it had cooled down quite a bit, there was a heavy downpour of rain and we had closed the awning, suddenly a robin was flying around in the awning again! Accidentally rolled up in the awning? Those animals crawl through the smallest cracks and into the tent under the caravan. That is really guts!


On Monday we took another beautiful, strenuous walk in the northwest of the New Forest. At the start of the walk there were a few cows along the path but luckily they had little interest in us. Steep, slippery slopes, overgrown with ferns, up and down in the pouring rain. Luckily we didn’t encounter any ponies or cows there!



Tuesday morning we packed up again and drove to Tanner Farm Park where we would spend the night before traveling back home. We never did our second corona test and we had already prepared ourselves for a hefty fine for this, but when we arrived in Folkestone, nothing was said or asked and after all the checks regarding the hounds we could get on the train. Once on the train we were sure that no angry Englishman with a fine would come after us and we could breathe a sigh of relief.





Unfortunately, we also received bad news from Sonja that day. In the week before, she had already reported that Vision was not doing well after she was neutered, but there was no improvement at all, on the contrary, she had to decide to put Vision to sleep. In and in sad, still so young and completely fit again after her fake pregnancy, she couldn’t get up after the operation and eventually her kidneys gave out. An unbelievably hard blow for everyone involved. But especially for Sonja of course.


Pyefleet Vision, mother of Cranston Argyll and Gallaghan Argyll, was only allowed to live to be 5 years, 9 months and 5 days.



On the road again!


On Wednesday, August 25, we left for Göhlsdorf near Berlin, where Simon would take care of the International coursing for the sighthound racing club Phoenix. It was the first time for Crumbaugh and Charlaigne to make such a long trip with the caravan, but they adapted well and found it very exciting to arrive and walk in a different, unknown location each time.

After we had set up everything on Thursday and had a nice walk with the hounds, we found a beer stand opposite us when we returned. They were still working on some things but as soon as they were done we could come and get a beer. Well don’t let that tell you twice! On Friday Simon built up the course and Cytaugh, Crumbaugh and Charlaigne were able to stretch their legs. The three of them thundered across the field, beautiful to watch. Cytaugh is still the fastest but Crumbaugh was nearly as fast as his mother!

A total of about 100 sighthounds were entered for the coursing on Saturday, but because it didn’t go very smooth in the morning, it was around six o’clock before all courses were run! I hadn’t entered Cytaugh for the official coursing, but luckily she was allowed to do a round of coursing with Crumbaugh and Charlaigne afterwards. They enjoyed it again! Crumbaugh in particular was so fanatical and wanted to get on the field every time so badly that he couldn’t get past the field during normal walks, very difficult!

On Sunday was the CAC show and I had entered Charlaigne for this. It had been nice weather every day before, on Sunday the rain came pouring down from the sky. There was 1 veteran bitch, 3 youth bitches (of which Charlaigne was the youngest) and 1 open class bitch entered by judge Hanna Wozna-Gil from Poland. The moment I entered the ring it was dry and Charlaigne showed exemplary. She walked along nicely without acting crazy and also stood still reasonably well, amazing! She finished first!! But when she had to come back to compete for BOB, it came crashing down again and she wanted nothing more than to go back to the caravan! Initially we were supposed to leave again on Monday, but as the weather forecast did not predict better weather, we decided to pack up and leave during an hour when it was dry.

No sooner said than done, but against expectations it was very busy on the road and we did not arrive at our overnight place until late in the afternoon. Monday afternoon we were back home.

The following weekend, Simon should have judged a coursing in France, but it was canceled due to a too low number of entered hounds. Too bad, it would be nice to do some coursing in France again. Then again next year. But this canceled weekend gave us some more air to prepare for the trip to England.

To be continued!

And that was our holiday.

While we were busy on Sunday August 25 to pack the caravan and the car for a 25-day trip, one of the young Faverolles chickens turned out to have major problems laying her first egg. This came out with cloaca and all. I removed the egg and tried to fix it but unfortunately to no avail so Simon could take her to the vet on Monday morning, before we left, to put her to sleep. Very sad, it was such a nice chicken. This was a bad start to the holiday and the weather forecast was also not so good for the first days.

In the meantime I had further packed up the caravan and filled the two freezers, which were at the back of the car, with about 40 kilos of meat for the hounds. Not enough for 25 days, but we would supplement it at Sonja if we would descend towards Tüttleben.

After Simon returned from the vet, we hung the caravan behind the car and we could leave. But when we get through the gate, we have to uncouple the caravan and take the next corner with the mover. Unfortunately the reels didn’t respond to the remote so we couldn’t turn the corner. First replace the batteries, this to no avail. Bought new batteries and tried, this did not help either. Then we asked the neighbour to help push and yes, with united forces the caravan got around the corner and we could finally continue our way towards camping “De Paardenbloem” in Deurningen.

We would stay here for two nights. We decided to only put the awning on but when Simon put some tension on it, an attachment eye broke off. We were convinced that there should be something like this in the caravan but unfortunately…. so Simon had to go because without this eye we could not set up the awning.

We were now close to Lemele where Callaghan lives, so that was a great opportunity to hand over the pedigree and let the two brothers play together again. Well they did!

On Wednesday we left for Camping-Paradies “Grüner Jäger” in Everinghausen, just past Bremen. The name of the campsite suggests something and indeed there was a large meadow with a fair number of fallow deer. In the meantime it was pouring out of the air and I tried to let the hounds out in between the showers, but Cranston and Cearrean could not believe their eyes and were no longer able to do another step. Too interesting all those deer!

The next day the journey went by ferry from Puttgarden to Rødby to Maribo in Denmark. This was a beautiful spacious campsite where you could walk extremely well with the hounds and where we could finally enjoy the sun.

But not for long, because after we had done some shopping in Maribo on Friday morning, we continued towards Vordingborg, where Simon would give a seminar on “building a good coursing parcourse”. This would take up all of Saturday and Sunday. It was organized by Frank Plith in collaboration with the Danish running and coursing committee and it took place with Bille and Freddy who provided a nice large field of several hectares.

Fortunately we were able to build up our things in a nice sheltered spot because it was very windy. In the night from Friday to Saturday it started to rain and thunder terribly at one point, really huge showers passed over us and I did not sleep a wink because I know that Brandir is / was terribly afraid of thunderstorms. He has been on Chinese herbs (Geria) for a few months because he started to show symptoms of dementia, and I had already noticed that he was much better. Only now it turned out how good! He just slept through !! No anxiety or panic, he just stayed calm on his bed. Unbelievable!

The seminar was a great success. About 15 people participated and were very enthusiastic, they later said that they had learned a lot and now understand why a good parcourse is so important. Several parcourses were also explained and laid out, then commented on and discussed why it didn’t work. All in all very educational and it should happen in all countries because what you usually see in courses… ..!

Monday morning we broke up our things again and left for Flyvesandet. A campsite in the north of the island of Fun, where we have been regularly since 2001. Just before we got to the campsite, a herd of fallow deer crossed the road. Cearrean just hung his head out of the window and would have popped out if he had been a little smaller. That was promising because once Cearrean knows that there is game running, he can no longer run free. 

After arrival we first walked around the campsite to find a nice place where we could drop off a large part so that Cearrean and Cranston had enough space to play. Halfway through the “quest” a large hare jumped up. Well that could get exciting! Fortunately, he didn’t show himself that often anymore for the rest of the week and he also stayed a bit away from our camp, so sensible!

If the moon phase is good, and therefore not a full moon like this week, you can walk for miles here. There is then about 5 centimetres of water on a mirror-smooth seabed. Ideal to let the hounds race. But unfortunately the water did not drop more than about a foot now and that is a bit too high for Cranston. The first time Simon walked into the water and the hounds followed him, Cranston followed, but soon almost went under. After this he preferred to stay on the shore, wet feet could then just but he did not go further into the sea. But he still had a lot of fun and enjoyed it to the fullest.

For Cearrean we brought the throwing stick and a tennis ball, he was completely fed up and couldn’t get enough! In any case, he is not afraid of water!

But unfortunately …. Cytaugh had decided to come into season on the Monday we arrived in Flyvesandet and since she was supposed to be mated, the plans had to be overhauled. This meant; not going to Sonja the following week to then go to Tüttleben where Simon would provide a coursing training, but leave for home on Saturday.


In the meantime we had already heard that Tüttleben would probably not continue due to too few registrations. Should it still go ahead, Simon could always go there with his tent and take care of the training.

With an overnight stay in Everinghausen, we came home on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the heart examination that was planned for Wednesday, September 16, could be brought forward for a week so that it was still done in time. To make ‘sure’ that Cytaugh would be on about the same schedule as two years ago, I made an appointment on Tuesday, the ninth day of her season, to have a progesterone test. Fortunately, this was still very low, as hoped, and the heart examination the day after, also had a very positive result.

I also consulted with two cardiologists regarding breeding with Cytaugh because Chidish, her brother, passed away last year after a coursing. He had mild DCM. But both believe that if the heart is so good at the age of 5.5 that you should not pass up the opportunity. It is very difficult to find lines without a hereditary condition and if there is a problem on one side and this problem has not yet manifested itself in the other line, you could risk it. Hopefully it will work out well too!

The chosen male is Beardswood Uther. A still young male with a nice spring of rib, strong bone and a fantastic character. The I.C. is 1.85 over 7 and 5.74 over 10 generations. If you look at the pedigree, there are many beautiful hounds behind the lines of which I have known several. Also quite a lot made it into double digits or near to it. We expect a lot from this combination!

The bad thing is that I couldn’t go to England for a natural mating and that is why fresh, chilled semen came to the Netherlands. We hope it all goes as expected and that we can welcome a few beautiful, healthy puppies in mid-November.


On Friday 8 March, Sonja, Vision, Chidish and I left early in the morning for Birmingham, Crufts. The journey went well to the French border, then the misery began. The French had turned off road sections and this caused long traffic jams with similar waiting times. Extremely annoying! Fortunately we had left very early and had a significant margin. Luckily the check of the hounds at the Eurotunnel was super fast and we arrived just in time for our check. But the French were consistently bullying and every car had to open at passport control. This of course took forever and people who went through the check after us missed their train. Fortunately we were just in time and had the planned crossing. When we arrived in England we could only continue for a short while, then we ended up in one big traffic jam towards Birmingham. All roadworks made sure that we arrived an hour later than planned in the pouring rain at our hotel in Leamington. After walking with the hounds and bringing the stuff upstairs, we first started drinking a well-deserved beer. Delicious, such an English bitter!

Saturday morning we got up early again, I walked quite a bit with Chidish and Vision and Sonja lubricated the sandwiches. After breakfast we left and with half an hour we were at the NEC. First, 57 Pharaohounds were tested before it was the turn of the 98 reported Deerhounds. This gave the opportunity to greet acquaintances, to talk a little here and there and to be amazed about a non-Scottish who walked around in Scottish clothing and also showed his Deerhound in this clothing. Something that really cannot go wrong and many people were disgraced.



Our judge was Mr. Ken Aird, the judge that made Chidish BOB two years ago during the Jahresausstellung in Volkmarsen. So it was quite a bit exciting. But it soon became apparent that the inspections were very different from those in Germany; the placements were surprising to say the least. There was no line in terms of type or movement; everything was placed together. Chidish was fourth in his class (8) and Vision surprisingly second of the 12 reported bitches.

In the end, in our eyes, it was definitely not the best male and female and the veteran male, who was showing his age, won Best of Breed. That was Crufts, for the time being we are not going to go again, especially after it took us over an hour to get out of the parking lot. Fortunately the return trip on Sunday went very well and we were back at the beginning of the evening.

A weekend Gröditz

Saturday 29th of September I was allowed to judge in Gröditz, near Dresden. It promised to be brilliant weather again and that’s why we left on Thursday to be there Friday early in the afternoon. And it became brilliant weather again! I had 57 hounds to judge on Saturday, a nice number of very varying quality. The Afghans and Barsoi’s scored the highest, unfortunately most Azawakh’s ended with a disqualification because of too much white in the fur. Sunday we had the coursing. They have a beautiful terrain there, really exciting for the hounds because of the groves, trees and the altitude difference. The only Deerhounds were Chidish and Vision and both ran a beautiful course. Unfortunately, Chidish har ran into a pulley and turned to have a thick toe after the afternoon nap. No second run for him so Vision was allowed to receive her prize on stage. For the time being, we are again eliminated as far as the coursing is concerned; Cytaugh a broken thumb and Chidish a thick toe. Pity of Ronostrand I would have liked Chidish to run there.

July & August

July was a quiet month, only during the weekend of 21 and 22 July we had the Beauty and Performance weekend of OWRV ‘t Haasje in Axel. Since I had the honour of judging the hounds on Saturday, Chidish and Cytaugh could not participate in the ‘title’. However, Sunday they had a wonderful coursing. August on the other hand was busy again; The first weekend we were in Donaueschingen. I took my ceramics with me because that sells very well over there, and we had two days of showing. It was actually was way too hot to do anything. On Saturday we had Frederic Maison as a judge and on Sunday Espen Engh. He made the unforgettable mistake by mentioning in Chidish’s judge report “Head is a little bit plain, needs more stop”. Hasn’t he had the time or didn’t he want to take the effort to go through the breed standard the evening before??? But… it can be even crazier. During the Benelux Winner Show in Amsterdam, the following Thursday, Sonja was told by a Russian judge that Vision has a Barsoi gait! We then looked at the judging of the Barsois for three days, whether we saw one with the same gait as Vision. Unfortunately, not found, so Vision is the only one with the correct Barsoi gait! André van den Broek judged the World Exhibition on Saturday, August 11th and was happy to appreciate Vision, she got the Res.CACIB. Best male was Kilbourne Kaine at Oelmühle and best bitch Kilbourne Oh Sweet Lorraine to Oelmühle, both of Jürgen Rösner. (see the exhibition results)

The following Sunday, the hounds were able to stretch the legs during the coursing of Lelystad. They found it a bit more fun than showing and they enjoyed it! On August 26th I had the show in Mechelen where Chidish became Belgian champion and 9 September we had instead of a show and coursing in Berlin that did not pass, a coursing in Gesves, Belgium. Cytaugh obtained her last CACBL for the Belgian Coursing Championship and Chidish received the reserve.

Brief overview of June


The month of June was an extremely busy month. It started with the show in Paris on Saturday the 2nd where we had entered Chidish and Vision. Sonja had arrived Thursday afternoon so we could drive to Paris on Friday. On Thursday-evening, Silva suddenly got a fever and had to cough a little later. After having given a few antibiotic tablets, she was quiet and against two o’clock and Sonja went to bed. But not for long… At half past three, Sonja woke me up with the sad announcement that Silva had died. Silva woke up and stand up, probably to turn around, and ended up on the ground. Before Sonja was out of her bed, Silva was already over the Rainbow Bridge. A very nice death but very sudden. We took Silva out of the camper and put her in my car to be able to bring her to the crematorium in the morning. We have not slept anymore.


After having handled everything and having packed the camper we left for Paris. Luckily the judging on Saturday didn’t start too early, because we were still a little confused by all the commotion. Both Chidish and Vision obtained the reserve CAC, which meant that we could go home again. Fine!

The weekend after we were in Le Touquet at the French R.A.L.I.E. Club show. Here 57 Deerhounds were entered. Judge was Joan Wragg. Chidish got the reserve CAC again behind the Finnish male Direwolf Mac Custennin of Tapio Hellman. Vision stood in a large open class of 14 bitches and got an unplaced U. Cytaugh, who now also participated, won the Working Class (3) and became Best Working Dog. Unfortunately, we had to leave after the judging, because Sonja had to return home again on Monday because she had to leave on Thursday towards Denmark where we would first go to the show in Vejen and then drive to Nørresundby for the EKC.



So on Thursday, June 14th, fully packed, we left for Denmark. We stayed at a small campsite in northern Germany and the next day we drove to a campsite in Ringkøbing where we found Sonja again. On Saturday we went to the beach to let the hounds stretch their legs and let the wind blow through their coat.  



From here we drove to the show in Vejen on Sunday. Chidish became best male, BOB and also with this Danish CAC, Danish champion. Vision Unfortunately only got an Excellent.


Monday we cleared our camp again and left for Nørresundby, near Aalborg, where during the weekend of 22-24 June the European Championship coursing took place. The wide fields were adjacent to Lindholm Høje. This is the largest historical Danish cemetery from the Iron and Viking era, located on a hill opposite Aalborg. From 1952 the area was examined and at excavations 682 graves were found from the period 500 to 1100 as well as remnants of construction. All participants in the EKC got a ticket for the museum, a very nice gesture. Also on Saturday the solstice was celebrated, called Sankt Hans Aften. The feast dates from the time of the Vikings and until 1770 it was an official holiday. As a result of this, a Viking market and village was also created and the opening of the EKC was graced with a performance of fighting Vikings.

Because we, as CC2000, had given a coursing demonstration at the beginning of this century in Bjerringbro, Denmark, we still had contact with Karin Janz, who organized that at the time. Later we also met her regularly at EKC’s and when we were invited several years ago; as a judge for the show and Simon as a jury for the coursing, to come to Nørresundby, we grabbed this with both hands. Once there we were very impressed with the gigantic fields and we told Karin that it was a wonderful location to organize a EKC. And so the ball went rolling. We, CC2000, were asked to organize one field and take care of everything around it. After two years of preparation, we had a team of 20 people; 6 German and 14 Dutch coursing-lovers who, as a team in nice T-shirts sponsored by the Dutch Kennel Club, have been busy for three days to complete about 60 courses per day. From the beginning; the paddock with chip control, until the end; supervising the terrain so that no one could walk in the rope, there were constantly about 10 men working. It was fantastic and afterwards we were told that we were the most friendly and fastest field with the most beautiful trail. What else do you want!

A German team was asked to do another field and Denmark took field 3 for her account and everything that comes to mind. There was a lot of foreign assistance among other things; in the secretariat, at the entrance to give the people their papers and to point the way and when retrieving the results.

The Deerhounds ran on Saturday, 10 Deerhound males were entered and 9 were present, 25 bitches of which 21 appeared at the start. The Dutch participation consisted of the male Fiddich Forever in my Heart Caoinlan from Ingrid Weiss and Erik den Ouden and the bitches Vision and Cytaugh. Chidish was not allowed to participate yet and I was really happy, because of this I had no stress concerning the classification because Nelungaloo Untouchable also participated. And sure enough, at the end of the first run it was fighting again. Just like last year in Switzerland and on RONOstrand Untouchable from Esther Bühler jumped without hesitation on his partner Pitlochry’s Othello. Yes, and see two fighting Deerhounds get hold of. Fortunately, there was a Czech man who had experience with such animals and just popped up on top of it. Life-threatening because these muzzles really do not stop everything! Both Esther and her husband seem to find it normal because when we were recommending them to no longer do coursing with Untouchable with other dogs they became extremely angry. How is it possible for people to like fighting Deerhounds and to find it good that other hounds do not run anymore or become aggressive too. It is really time that this behaviour is radically punished. Through all the commotion Vision did not want to start with another hound and was given a Dismission For The Day. My Cytaugh was classified in the first course with the probably winner; Islay’s Luck Penny from Ira Johannsen. They ran a dazzling course and Cytaugh was not much inferior for Luck Penny. Unfortunately, the afternoon break showed that Cytaugh had a slight shoulder injury and therefore no longer participated in the second run. Very unfortunate because she was reasonably well classified.

The only remaining Dutch participant, Fiddich, was very good classified after the first course, at least one hound who kept the Dutch honour high.


In the afternoon, the Deerhounds had to run on a small, reasonably narrow terrain, where there was also a not so nice trail. All males were participating again but the number of bitches started was reduced to 16. One of these was cripple at the start but was happily so wise not to run, another bitch didn’t feel like it and didn’t start. And again, there was a fight again  between Untouchable and his partner Islay’s Little John and again he was not disqualified. Outrageous! Fiddich ran a formidable course and appeared to be in the first place at the award ceremony! Fantastic! Finally, after 9 years, the Netherlands again has a European coursing champion at the Deerhounds.   Next year is the EKC in Estonia, we are curious!

Deerhound Jahresausstellung and Pinkstercoursing to Tüttleben.

On May 19, Jl. The German Deerhound Jahresausstellung was held to Tüttleben. Since Simon has been providing the coursings in Tüttleben for years, this club has become our ' Home association '. For us so extra nice that the jacket was held here. As usual, the show was opened with the inmarch of the 80 reported Deerhounds. Our judge was Uli Prober, an Irish Wolfhounds breeder, born in Germany, who now lives in Ireland. Uli approved a very strict, something I did. Of the 80 reported Deerhounds there were 3 absent, 1 withdrawn (our Brandir there he limped), 33 got a U, 21 a ZG, 4 a G, the veterans were placed without qualification and the youngest were on one after a lot of promising. It was remarkable that the males were rated much lower than the bitches. Chidish and Brandir stood with 7 other males in the Championship class but we pulled Brandir back because he didn't run well. Only the first three got a U, also Chidish who became third.   Cytaugh stood in the Use dog class (5 reported, 1 absent) and won this. Vision stood in the open classroom and unfortunately got a ZG.     Best Male and BOB was Kilbourne Kaine to Oelmühle of Jürgen Rösner and best bitch Garamante or Bestmara of M. K from France. A bunch of beautiful hounds.                                   The day after was the Pinkstercoursing. There were 25 Deerhounds reported and 24 present. Vision was classified in the sixth course, but did not know. Cytaugh walked in Course 9 with Islay's Hollyhock but it was injured halfway. After the first circulation, Cytaugh was on a shared seventh place with 172 points. In The Second Circuit she walked with Islay's Hyra. Hyra got 175 points and Cytaugh 184. With this, Cytaugh finally came in fifth place. And at the awards ceremony, which is always a feast in Tüttleben, it appeared that Cytaugh had won the prize for beauty and performance!!!       What was I proud of her! After a year with a lot of fear and care for her foot, it turns out that all this effort was not for nothing. For the eighth time I took the "of the Scottish Highlands" Wanderpreis for the best Gebruikshound home and the since last year, for the Deerhound with the highest points number for Schönheit und Leistung, made available Quodlibet Drambui Trophy.      

Coursing in Wanlin, Belgium

Well, I forgot to mention that during the international coursing in Wanlin in Belgium, on 15 April JL. There were initially 10 Deerhounds reported. Unfortunately, Chidish fell off because of an injury to his foot. After the first turn, a French bitch fell off and a second French bitch held it for the second circulation. Cytaugh stood in fourth place and retained it after the second turn but she did get the CACBL and the CACIL! This allows them to start in the use dog classroom now!

Breed Show at Sutton Scotney

On Thursday 19 April, Sonja and I left with Vision, Chidish and Cytaugh in the direction of the Breed Show in England. When we arrived at ‘The Tunnel’, it turned out that our ticket was on a wrong date! That meant a new ticket for a lot of money! Fortunately we were able to take the same train and we had no delay. From Thursday on Friday we spent the night at Tanner Park Campsite, a delightfully quiet campsite with huge hiking opportunities south of London, a place to go more often. Friday morning we packed up everything again and left for Sutton Scotney where the wide Show was held this year. Arriving at the hotel and having parked the camper and having walked with the hounds, I went to the reading of Emily Dutton concerning the front rings in the field of heart research. A number of interesting announcements but also some exciting issues. Later I talked to Emily about this and I hope she will contact Andrea Vollmar in the near future, because of course it has a lot of information. I have promised to send some pedigrees and medical data from the hounds that I have had with heart problems. Saturday’s wide Show, Judge Tim Finney. It was exceptionally good weather, plenty of sunshine and it would be thick in the 20 degrees. So we looked for a nice spot under a large tree so that we were in the shade all day long. The Ringmaster, Chris Arthur, came to tell us that we had to move in there, he wanted to have the ‘ collecting ring ‘ there. After some talking back and forth and what to have been shoved we could happily stay there anyway.


Chidish was in the Open Class (11 reported – 2 absent) and was placed fifth. First became the beautiful French male infidel-et-Ram du Triple Bois by Madam Vinen. Which to my knowledge for the first time on a wide show in England is with her Deerhounds. A very surprise! Vision and Cytaugh were both in the very strong Open class (12 reported) and when the judge went to select he also chose Cytaugh. Normally 5 are placed but he had selected 6 and Cytaugh was placed sixth! Despite her geëzel. Hilarity everywhere.     Eventually, Infidel became best male and Hyndsight In your dreams of Hector Heathcote and Sue Finnett from the Limit class best bitch and BOB. For Sunday we had also registered our hounds in different classes. The judge was Mrs. Marie Bryce-Smith. To start all three in the ‘ Special coursing/Lure chasing dog or ‘ class (13 reported). Now, of course, we needed a third handler and we found the Council in Marjan. Cytaugh is not really the easiest but she was allowed to bring herself neatly by Marjan and was placed fifth. A whole surprise! Vision was even placed third!     Then had to Cytaugh and Chidish in the torque class (14 reported). Here I was expecting nothing from the Judge Chidish in the previous class, but expected to be second! This because of their similar gait work. We also reported Vision and Chidish in the ‘ Special not bred by Exhibitor ‘ class, but both were able to leave the ring undone.       Afterwards everything is packed again and left towards ‘ the Tunnel ‘. It turned out that this booking was not entirely correct, rather than for a motorhome there was a ‘ hígh vehicle ‘ booked. That meant paying back and because we were too late, we had to wait one and a half hours for our train. All in all, we were against Nines, tired but met, back home.

A few days Hermannsburg

At the beginning of March I was with the hounds again a few days with Sonja in Hermannsburg. The weather was variable and not as beautiful as previous years, but that didn't stop us from pulling out with the hounds. I've been able to make some nice pictures again.


(Just click on the picture to enlarge, they are also sharp)


Vision found that Cytaugh treated her too rough and put her in her place.







What was then taken over by Chidish.












Brandir kept a close eye on everything.








Even posing… But Bernice didn't see that and stepped out every time.



But… The Maintainer WINS!!!




Challenge and be attacked, they don't get enough of it!








It was again a few wonderful days!!




World Exhibition in Leipzig

A week of Leipzig.

During the week from 8 to 12 November, three shows took place in and around Leipzig. Since Sonja and I had already decided well in advance to make a nice week out of it, I left on Monday 6 November towards Camping Lübschützerteichen in Machern and Sonja had left from Hermannsburg (D) with her camper. Machern is a small hamlet about 10 miles east of Leipzig. This is such a typical East German camping site, of course in a pretty dilapidated state but quiet and in the middle of the woods so that you can walk with the hounds perfectly. When we got out of the camper on Tuesday morning to go hiking, we noticed that the lettuce of the table had disappeared and all the dog toys were also gone. After a walk around we found the broken packaging of the lettuce and a number of broken toys. From the moose we only found a paw, the rest was, we made it later, adopted. It turned out to be raccoons that had done this. But… when we drove to the show on Wednesday morning, the battery light was lit. Fortunately we were ready after the inspection because we had not made anything and we could look up a garage against threes. Here we were spoken by a very unfriendly man; They couldn't help us, too busy, we were referred to another garage. First we got a call or we could do it and after a charm we managed to do so. After arriving at this garage we were allervriendelijkst received with coffee. By now it was thick about celebrating and it started to become dark slowly. After 10 minutes someone came to tell you that there was a cable by GEKNAAGD! Since raccoons do not do that (according to Google) it would have been a marten, which is therefore known. On returning to the campsite, we demolished our gate and put in parts on beer bottles under the engine so that the marters could no longer come. What a hassle! But it worked, we didn't have any trouble for the rest of the week. Anyway, on Wednesday we were in the large, spacious and bright halls of the exhibition hall where the German Winner Show was held with as Judge Tatjana Urek from Slovenia. From the 18 Deerhounds (1-absent) she chose the male Chic choix Dhulert Arathorn by Susanna Gerkman-Hamada & Harri Hiltunen uit Finland als BOB en de BOS kwam vanuit de jeugdklas; Blixen One In A Million by Marja-Leena Arhima-Oinone & Kyösti Oinonen likewise from Finland. On Thursday a CAC show had in cramped, old, dark and noisy halls where only 8 Deerhounds were present. Here was Cockaigne Chidish of the Meirse Meadows BOB and Pyefleet Vision BOS. Friday we went after a nice piece with the hounds, stepped on the train and we visited Leipzig. A beautiful city that still has a busy work. Saturday we had ' rest day ' some content; Walking and taking pictures, playing with the ball, even more hiking and then combing the hounds again because Sunday was the world exhibition.

The world exhibition was held again in the beautiful, spacious and bright halls of the exhibition centre. As a judge, we had Mr El Babatunde from Morocco, who first approved the 45 Azawakh's and after that he would approve the 28 (1 absent) notified Deerhounds. A very disappointing number. Of these 28, only 10 came from Germany, 3 from the Czech Republic, 3 from the Netherlands, 1 from Poland and the other 11 from Finland. At the Azawakh's it was good to see that he went for the typical, correct gait but at the Deerhounds he apparently kept more of the spectacular, loose gait. He also preferred the hounds with flat rugbelijning and sheared neck-, onderbelijning above the typical. No, many people could not appreciate his inspection. Too bad, but that's to be expected if you don't have a rasspecialist as a judge. His BOB was the very strongly shaved bitch Vaikonniemen Över the Red Carpet by Sari & Mervi Oinonen from Finland and BOS was once again Chic choix Dhulert Arathorn of Susanna Gerkman-Hamada & Harri Hamada. All in all a disappointing world exhibition for our race because something we do not want to see is a shaved neck and onderbelijning and a very loose, too gripping gait. After another pleasant evening, the Monday morning was time to travel towards Rijsbergen.

European Coursing Championship 2018

They have been doing this for years, the Danes, the European coursing championship. And, the funny thing is that we are the cause of it.

In, I believe, 2001 we were with CC2000 in Denmark to organize a coursingdag. There were a lot of 20 hounds with their owners who first became acquainted with the Coursingsport. It was a great day and several participants were so enthusiastic that they picked it up and finally ensured that the coursing became a popular sport in Denmark.

A few years ago, Simon and I were invited to come to the coursing judging and to come and approve the show. We were so enthusiastic about the location and asked Karin Janz why they would not hold a European coursing championship and of course we offered our cooperation. After a long time of worrying and pondering, the Danes decided to put their shoulders under it and started rolling the ball.

CC2000 is therefore asked to take one field for our account and since then Simon has been busy with it. He has already had a very international team of employees and we hope that everyone has as much sense as we do. We look forward to it!

Through the following link everything can be followed;  http://www.coursing2018.eu




They were a few busy months. In September we repainted the floor of our house, we had a fun-coursing-day with the Barsoi Club, found the NKC place in Oude Brina, Chidish had to be checked on his heart for a cover with Fortheringhay's Farrah Cailean of Cristina Wüger (DE) What took place a few days later and we had the show in Maastricht. For the latter, Sonja came a few days about what always results in more work as we invariably go to the garden centre and always find something we like to have. So days later I'm still sitting in the earth plants with my hands.

Just before the show in Maastricht I got an email from Marijn that Bibelot had become loops but that he renounced a litter because he didn't have time for his work. After a little thought I decided that I had the time and that it would be a sin to pass this opportunity. We had already talked about this in the spring to use the frozen sperm that I still have from Argyll in Utrecht, at Bibelot. So he quickly called Marijn and it has just settled that Bibelot was able to check her heart on Tuesday. So Tuesday afternoon just up and down to Eersel. For Wednesday I had made an appointment in Utrecht and after research it appeared that she could be inseminated right! Thursday back for the second insemination and then wait and see. Wednesday 1st of November we will go back to Utrecht to see if there are any puppies.

The weekend after that, Sonja and I threw each other on a mini-camping on Friday 6 October. From here we drove to the show in Zwolle the next day. Since we were only later in the morning we had all the time to chat with everyone. Nice to see Gary Boyce again with Moka or Muma, an even very young, beautiful male with a fine character who is well developed. The inspections were, to say the least, "surprising" but it had its advantage; We were able to get back to the camper in time to travel to Ostercappeln where Vision and Chidish would run a coursing the next day. Of the four reported Deerhounds there were three present. In the first circulation, Vision ran alone and got the highest number of points. Chidish ran with Fiddich Forever In My Heart Caoinlan by Ingrid Wagstaff & Erik den Ouden. Chidish cut off quite a bit but got a little more points than Fiddich. In the second turn, Fiddich ran alone and got the most points and ended up in the first place, Vision became second and Chidish third. Since Simon left early on Monday morning abroad I had to return home after the coursing.

Tuesday I had an appointment with Dr. Orange for control of Cytaugh's foot. It was half a year after surgery and he was very amazed and satisfied with the good healing. Cytaugh may run loose again and the sport in! I will always let them walk with a stocking and possibly tape around her toes, even on our own terrain.

Pyefleet Vision


Friday afternoon Sonja and I were back in Dortmund on the camper-parking lot in the Wischlingenpark. Saturday we had the Bundessieger and Sunday the international Show. Vision was both days forest and Chidish BOB.

On Monday I went back home after taking some of the station plates, and then packing the caravan to go to RONO-Beach for the coursing there on Thursday. During the NKC, Alfred Nada had asked Simon if he wanted to take care of a field on RONO beach with CC2000 and to do it with a closed fair, it was agreed that CC2000 can take a quad to the EKC next year in Denmark. A great deal! Since there were quite a few employees who had cancelled their cooperation, Sonja and I were asked to jump in. So we had our hands full of walking with the whole group, walking from Vision and Chidish on Saturday and the veterinary control on Saturday evening and Sunday. I also helped some of the paddocks on Sunday. As mentioned, the Deerhounds ran on Saturday. Of the 14 reported hounds there were 4 males. 1 male and 1 bitch were absent. After the first turn there was 1 bitch injured and Nelungaloo untouchable was disqualified due to attacks from his partner just before and at the shelter. He had already done this during the EKC, but the jury did not do anything with it. Now there was finally a jury panel that dared to disqualify such a dog but after the owner made the announcement of the disc. Had gotten the jury for everything that was ugly and told them that they expected this in the morning. Yes, if you know that you have an aggressive dog on the line, you can wait for it to fly out! Hopefully she sees that she is really wrong by letting that beast run. The owner of Islay's Little John was just too cancerous. After the first turn on the trail that did not virtue and after the second turn she made it completely fur! Little John walked together with Chidish and they were well-matched. They both met at the same time at the reception and went together on the hare. The owner of Little John immediately pulled this road from the Hare. In the meantime, Chidish had the hare by grabbing the muzzle and did not loose any more. I was busy getting the hare out of his mouth when Miss Little John started to rant that she didn't think her dog was allowed to be at the hare! Since I was working with Chidish I ignored her but after we got off the Coursingterrein she started again! I told her she had pulled her dog from the hare herself, but she was not susceptible to reason. What a lamb bitch! It shouldn't be crazier! I now also know why many of those dogs are aggressive in the shelter; Their owners are extremely tense and this is about their dog. That told Miss Little John me right before the course and yes, it may well be true, if you know that your dog is not friendly I would be too tense! No, coursing is not fun and we were glad we had our own CC2000 party the weekend. Such a small 30 hounds enjoyed a nice long trail, without stress, without muzzle and dumb Rendek, just wonderfully relaxed with perfect coursingweer. Vision could walk again with Chidish and she walked the stars of heaven. She always runs with Chidish much better than with another, I think it is a matter of self-confidence, she is also so young.

Anyway, the caravan is clean and empty again and can hibernate. We are still facing a busy period; Tomorrow to Utrecht with Bibelot and next week to the world exhibition in Leipzig. And then……. Who knows.


European Coursing Championship

A week's holiday for the EKC.


On Wednesday the 21st of June we left for Strotzbüsch, a small village in the Eifel, where we would stand for a week at a campsite before we would travel to the EKC in Lotzwil. After a four hour drive we arrived at the top of a small, narrow, steep road. On the site of the campsite we had already read that for very long combinations it was very difficult to come down and up, given the two hairpin bends. As we have already experienced something, we went into the adventure, or the abyss. The hairpin curves were only just to take, we didn't have to be 10 centimeters wider or longer but arrived downstairs it turned out that the bike rack had damaged the car something. We decided to take the rack with the bike and the gate of the caravan on the way back. The camp site was located in a stretched valley along a flowing stream, the Ueβbach. We chose a spot at the end of the campsite which seemed very quiet at first, but when the owners of the tipi who stood next to us came back, they turned out to have two small children who did not want to go to bed especially in the evening and then spent hours To Blèren in full. Fortunately they left on Saturday and returned the rest,…. Although. Friday afternoon there was a large group of friends with a dog and many children perched in the middle of the terrain and especially the children had a lot of fun. Until late in the evening they ran around the campsite with a lot of screams. Fortunately, Sunday morning they broke the tent camp again and around noon the weather was wonderfully quiet. Walking was a top sport, a mountain, a mountain, something we are not used to. There are a lot of hiking trails in this area and also very well signposted but there are also many paths in between, so you do not have to walk necessarily 35 kilometers. Certainly with Cytaugh's foot, which has undergone a fierce operation after her toe has been shot out of the bowl in mid-April, we still have to be a little cautious.

Also at this campsite we had the space to play with Chidish or to throw with his werpbal, he really can't do without his balls, that must be every day! And a round of cycling around the campsite he also found beautiful, much further could not, there the path was too steep!

On a regular basis Dolf ' The Camping Wolf ' came to the neighbourhoods. A treasure of a dog that suffers a life like a louse on a very head. All day stroll, a little playing with the kids and other guests, a little paw bathing in the water and regularly a walk with the boss, what more do you want as a dog?

On Tuesday the 27th of June we took our mess again and left for Freiburg where many other EKC visitors would spend the night at the racecourse, before we would travel further to Lotzwil. A quiet night was not there, around Tienen we saw it again in the distance and at midnight it finally arrived with us. With some huge popping and an incredible hoosbui thundered the thunderstorm over us. We again experienced the distress during the EKC to Pouch in a slightly smaller but just as fierce a degree.

The next day we were again early on the way to Lotzwil. Get there, find a spot, unpack it and set it up and run a nice piece with the Hounds = Coursingterreinen view. The weather was very difficult. The ' Red ' field was life-threatening, the ' yellow ' field was full of stones and holes and was far too small + bordered by corn and corn fields and the ' Blue ' field was oersaai. After several judges and other managers looked at the ' Red ' field, Simon, together with the team that turned here, made the field safer. And that it has worked turned out, because there are no deaths, even just a few minimal injuries. The opening on Thursday evening was boring and cold. Little party mood and halfway the majority of participants walked away. It gets less every year, apparently it's only about the title and no More fun.

There were 16 Deerhound bitches reported of which 14 are present. All 11 males were there including three that are absolutely untrustable in the reception or, very aggressive. We had agreed beforehand that if Chidish were to be classified with one of these etters, he would not walk. What was I happy when it appeared that he had been classified in the first circulation with the German male Islay's Kurt Cobain. Chidish and Kurt Cobain had the very first course with the males on the ' red ' field.

Chidish took the lead clearly and two thirds of the course was leading. As he shot past the second pass, he continued to walk down the hill and later came up behind the hare. Because of this he was a second later with the Hare Dan Kurt Cobain. But he had walked a very good course. Unfortunately, when leaving the field that Kurt Cobain had been injured, he did not appear in the second circulation. When we saw the points of the first circulation we were a little surprised. Kurt had received more points from two judges than Chidish, for which… no idea. After the first turn, Chidish was in ninth place, but we were already pleased that he had come unscathed of the field!


Also in the second turn, Chidish was classified with a reliable male so that we could go to the start without stress. Chidish took the lead again and ran a good course. The third course in this circulation, was for the two highly placed; The German Islay's Little John and the Swiss Nelungaloo untouchable. The latter was at the top with 447 points. We had already noticed that this dog was constantly kept aside and yes, at the reception he dived on his partner without any excuse. This should have been a fatty disqualification according to the new FCI regulations but so far no jury member has been involved. He did get fewer points and landed in tenth place. Chidish was finally allowed to take sixth place on stage.

Islay's Jock appeared to have ended in fifth place and when it was already growling the podium, he had the sweetest right Chidish attacked. What an aggression radiated this male! Chidish shot completely in the stress and wanted to finish the stage as quickly as possible, I had my hands full to hold him in place. He finds the courses beautifully and he does it full of surrender but on stage next to one bonk tension, that does not need for him anymore and I think that I no longer harming him.

Sunday, Simon had to judging half a day and we enjoyed the greyhounds. Monday we packed up our mess again and we drove home in one go. On to next year, we have to organize a field at the European Championships in Denmark. Hopefully that will be a more sociable European Championship!

Cscarf O'Cockaigne

2-12-2007 Cscarf O'Cockaigne 13-6-2017


On Tuesday 13 June, Betina had to let Cscarf sleep. Cscarf had already suffered from laryngeal paralysis, or vocal tape paralysis, and had been running pneumonia. He had antibiotics for quite some time but in the end it should not benefit.


Cscarf was the first foreign Deerhound to become BOB during Crufts 2012. He was also an English champion.

Cscarf has reached the respectable age of nine and a half years.

I wish Betina much strength with this huge loss.



Jahresausstellung to Volkmarsen

A little later than planned, still a report of the Deerhound-JAS in Volkmarsen on 8 April and the international coursing on 9 April 2017.


Deerhound Jahresausstellung to Volkmarsen.

On 8 April, the Deerhound Jahresausstellung was Volkmarsen. The judge was Ken Aird, a breed of real shot that used to be a lot of coursing, behind the living Hare. His kennel name was Shenval, Brocade was one of his famous Deerhounds. In Total, there were 103 Deerhounds reported of which 102 were present.

After the veterans, babies, puppies, youth and Intermediate class, the Champion class came with 8 reports. Also Brandir stood in this class. We were the last and Brandir did not make much sense. When we were in turn, Brandir did not show himself from his best side, and at the time when I expected me to walk with him, I was sent back to my place. Only advantageous because Brandir thinks that the loop is too much trouble. I was expecting absolutely nothing at all and was considering just walking out the ring, which of course can't, when Mr. Aird suddenly pointed to us and sent us to the first place! I was stunned and didn't know so well what I had to think of. But yes, of course it was nice and Mr. Aird clearly saw Brandir's qualities (he really did).

After that there were two dogs in the dog class and then a large open class, 12 pieces, where Chidish was in. Chidish showed himself well and was put to my delight first!

It turned out that Mr. Aird clearly preferred a certain, a.o. The heavier type Deerhound had. Dogs with a gooseneck, extremely long legs, far too steep, no lendewelving, huge high heels and high worn curling tails were immediately punished with a ZG. This concerned the two dogs from the use dog class but also the entire intermediate class got a ZG. As a result, Chidish automatically became eligible for the CAC and had to compete against his father for the title Jahressieger. This was Chidish! Last year still Jahres Jugendsieger, now the ' adult ' title.

After that he had to take up the best of the youth class and the best veteran for best male and he also won!

Then the girls were the turn. Sonja had quite twisted her knee and could not walk. Because of this she asked Connie if he wanted to show the Vision in the youth class, 10 pieces. Unfortunately this was not such a success, Connie had to fight a little with vision and vision did not want to show himself. No placement, but an excellent one. Cytaugh stood in the Open class with 17 other bitches. She too could leave the ring with an excellent but no placement.

After the bitches, Chidish had to compete against Kilbourne Oh Sweet Lorraine, who had become the best bitch, and Mr. Aird was so impressed by Chidish that he designated it as the best of the breed! I never expected this as Lorraine is a very nice bitch.

At the end of the day, Chidish was also Best in Show under Judge Guido Schäfer. What a day! Of course we allowed ourselves to taste the cult well afterwards!

The next day was the coursing. I had reported both Chidish and Cytaugh and hoped that after all these months of rest, Cytaugh's toe would remain quite. I had taped both feet as support but unfortunately, after the first circulation, it was not enough and it appeared that the toe was shot from the bowl. No second circulation more for Cytaugh. Later I saw that after the first turn she was on a shared third place! It was also seen that she had gotten less points for condition. This was explained – she had walked halfway her toe from the bowl and this was also seen, she walked the second half of the trail clearly less than the first half.

Chidish ran in the first circulation with a similarly two year old male from the Czech Republic, Elvin Tiger Irater of Eva Vobornikova. Beforehand, we made them acquainted with each other and that went well. Also the course was fine, they were well-matched though Chidish already anticipates and cuts off what he obviously costs a lot of points. When receiving no problems, as it should.

But unfortunately that was different in the second circulation. Not with Chidish but Elvin, he was classified with a not so friendly dog. Before the courses, this dog already attacked another male in the path we were waiting for, which did not promise much good. Chidish walked with a roommate of this dog and since I was not one hundred percent sure how it would behave, I asked if Sonja wanted to walk along to the shelter. Fortunately, this proved to be an unnecessary action as everything went well. Elvin was immediately after Chidish's turn and not only Sonja walked again to help in the shelter but also a fourth person. So it was already clear what was going to happen. And sure enough, without a second doubt popped up the aforementioned dog atop Elvin. The people who would ' catch ' got no chance to avoid it and also the owner of the culprit had no chance. A fierce slugfest party was the result. And unfortunately, the Keur masters were at such a distance that they probably could not have seen who started or they were not well aware of the new relenting because there was no disqualification.

When I later appealed to the owner of her dog's misconduct, she denied that it was aggression, compared it to the behaviour that Afghans sometimes exhibit and, last, she said that it is normal for males!!! This says everything about the knowledge of the breed, the breed standard and how a Deerhound should behave. She clearly does not realize that by letting her dog run with others, not only destroys other hounds and the sport is damaged but also, because her dog runs under the name Deerhound, this breed provides a very bad name.

I had a déjà vécu. The stress we had then, years ago, about aggressive males on the Coursingveld is up to date again. Fortunately, it is now true that an aggressive dog, even after the hare standstill, has to be disqualified. And I hope that the Keur Masters will actually do this.

Chidish landed in sixth place of the six males present but with the reserve CACC and JAS Schönheit & Leistung!

It was a weekend with highs and lows and with very mixed feelings; I drove joy, sadness and anger back home on Monday.

Wide Show in Crewe (UK)

England, watch out, here we come again!

On Friday morning, March 31, Sonja and I had to ask the feathers. Simon had already left, he went on a coursing in Sweden judging and so Sonja Silva and Bernice had left home and had only come to Vision. After having left the hounds and leaving the remaining luggage in the camper, Brandir, Chidish, Cytaugh and Vision could go there and we left for Calais. We arrived neatly on time and after the Pet Control we were able to drive almost the same train on. Arrived in England, it was still a good drive to Crewe, north-west of Birmingham, where the Deerhound wide Show was held. Of course we had weather files and thus arrived quite late in the beautiful old hotel. After having checked in, the hounds have taken care of and brought my stuff to my room, it was time for dinner. As always, many familiar faces but we also missed a few, such as Gill and Toby, the breeders of Brandir.

Saturday morning at nine o'clock started the inspections, judge was Mr. J.G. Phinizy. Chidish was in Open Dog but of the 12 reported males only 7 were present. To our great pleasure, Chidish was placed second! Not bad for such a young guy. Best male was Kilbourne Tyne, a daughter of Nimloth Brooke, sister of Brandir.

Vision was in Junior bitch with 8 others bitches including her sister Vita of Mary Girling. Mr. Phinizy was apparently impressed by Vision's 's work and placed her first! Second was Vita.

Cytaugh was in a huge Open bitch where of the 16 females, only one was absent. The beautiful Foxcliffe Classic Liberty Freedom at Beardswood by Sarah helps won convincingly and Cytaugh was not placed.


Vision had to come back for Best Bitch what she obviously didn't win but she was definitely not the worst. Best bitch was the Foxcliffe bitch of Sarah.



Sunday we had a busy day. The judge was Mrs. Eve Hamilton. I had reported Chidish and Cytaugh in the Special coursing/Lure chasing Dog or Bitch and Sonja would show Cytaugh. Of the 11 reported hounds there were 10 present. Above my expectation, Chidish won this strong class and became Cytaugh fourth!!! Chidish got the Pentlands coursing Trophy, which his father, Brandir, had also won in 2014!

Right after this class, Chidish and Cytaugh had to be in the Brace or torque class. For this there were 13 reported but I have no idea how many were there, at least 5 because Chidish and Cytaugh were fourth.

The last class for which we had reported hounds was the Special Not Bred By Exhibitor. Of the 22 reported hounds, 14 were present, including Chidish and Vision. Chidish was second behind Rubeus Hagrid to Kilbourne and Vision became fifth! Not bad!









When we picked up Vision in England last year, they were still three. Now they were all three present and of course a series of pictures had to be made. Vision, which was then much smaller than her sister, doesn't look like it anymore.

Then some more pictures taken in the ' Kasteeltuin'. He shot Marjan the board. Marjan still thanks!

After a few more meals we travelled south. We had agreed with Gill and Toby that we would come along with them before we would travel back again. Due to Toby's illness, they could not be present at the wide Show which was experienced for many as a tremendous loss. We had to do the greetings from many acquaintances. We had a very pleasant evening and after the next morning to have had breakfast we left again towards Folkestone. Coming here we were just 10 minutes late for our train but because of the huge chaos because of a malfunction we have to wait for at least 3 hours before we leave. We were well fed up and took us to go to England this year!
