Puppies on arrival!
Last Friday I received a call from Iris Coppee that Olórin is pregnant. The scan showed a large number of embryootjes. Also, Olórin is pretty sick.
Now we hope that it will keep going well and that around 21 January a good number of healthy puppies can see the light of life.
If you are interested in a puppy, please contact Iris (tel. 0315-654859).
Here it is then, Calhoun's thirtieth title!
Posthumously received after a long battle but so you see, the arrester wins!
Today he would have become 9 years old but his brothers Cscarf, in England, Ché in Belgium, his sisters Claire and Chime, both in Germany, are celebrating their ninth birthday!
becomes Chidish father???
On 17 and 18 November, Cockaigne Chidish of the Meirse Weiden Olórin vom Welzerberg covered. If everything goes as desired, puppies will be born at Iris Coppee around 20 January.
Iris has been in Deerhounds for about as long as I have and has already brought several Deerhound litters under the kennel name ' vom Welzerberg ' which is in the name of Susanne Ottofülling, breeder of Irish Wolfhounds and formerly also Deerhounds in Germany. Iris has also shown and coursing with her hounds, so she has a lot of experience and understanding of the breed.
The pups are born in her house and remain in the house, with their mother Olórin and between the Australian Terriers. Since Iris has a grooming salon, there are regularly people and children on the floor. The puppies also go in the car at a very young age to a well-fenced piece of land where they can take a good fool and run. So the puppies are super well socialized!
Both Chidish and Olórin are examined at their heart just before the cover and were found well. Chidish is also Factor VII free.
If genetics does not let us down, the puppies of the work type are built with beautiful ribwelving and powerful bone.
The maternal great grandmother of Chidish, Cute Coney O'Cockaigne, is a sister of the grandfather of Olórin on mothers side, Chazz O'Cockaigne.
If you are interested in a puppy, please contact Iris; Tel: 0315-654859 or via the e-mail i.e.coppee@hetnet.nl
On Thursday 29 September I left with Brandir, Chidish and Cytaugh to Tüttleben. I had C & C signed up for the show and had promised Sonja to come and help build tents and fit on the hounds as they and Angelika had to ' work '. It was a very nice weekend because the Italians were kept Jahresausstellung and therefore everything was dressed up extra. Sandra and Lucien were also there with some Italians but were not BOB this time. The only registered Deerhounds were mine and Sonja. Chidish and Cytaugh got their first CAC, Cytaugh became BOB and Vision was at the end of the day Jüngsten BIS!
On Friday 14 October was the international show in Dortmund. Since Dagmar K.C.-Pordham approved, I had registered. There were 10 Deerhounds reported and one youth was absent. She found Chidish quite nice during the wide Show in April JL. Even now she liked him and made him BOB. Unfortunately, Cytaugh got 2h behind something that should never have been won. Vision first stood in the Jugendklas and won this convincingly and also became Jugend BOB.
Saturday we had a rest day. Delicious! A little walking, lazing and taking pictures of Vision, more we have not done.
Sunday end of the morning we had to be back in the halls for the Bundessieger. Björn Fritz was the judge this time and we were curious what he would do. Fourteen Deerhounds were reported there and the same childhood was absent again. Chidish was again BOB with the Bundessieger title and Cytaugh now got 1h. Vision once again received the JCAC and the title Bundes Jugendsieger. It was a very successful weekend!
The weekend after that was the international coursing on RONO Beach but unfortunately Cytaugh and Chidish couldn't get involved because of their thick toes. Very sorry. Also Sonja had come with the intention to let Vision run a bit but also this kneusde her toe while playing and thus could not run. Bernice did enjoy and walked the stars of heaven! I heard from Sebastiaan Vink that in Roosendaal she treats Visdonk thick toes with laser in the animal clinic. So I had to go back to that. After having come home on Monday I called for that laser and we were able to go on Tuesday. After examination, all three were lasered and the next morning you saw all the results! After this, several times the toes were lasered and eventually they were almost as thin as they should be. So it works really well!
The last weekend of October we were again with CC2000 in low ants. A nice number of people and Hounds had signed up and it was again wonderful to enjoy blissful weather and a huge long trail. Very strange and spectacular was the sheer amount of ladybugs. Really millions flew around and when you stood still there were dozens of you. Also in the cars and caravans swarmed of these animals and many people have taken ladybugs out of their car for days!
This was the last time Gert-Jan and Jacqueline attended a CC2000 event, we now continue with Maarten and Monique Cameron. In the spring We hope to organise a nice coursing for our group of lovers.
The first weekend of September we go to the coursing, or actually the Lievelde. Simon would explain the trail and turn in the morning, Maarten Cameron would run in the afternoon. There were about 66 hounds logged in. Chidish and Cytaugh could do a test run on Friday-afternoon and Saturday-afternoon, and they did so diligently! You can always enjoy walking in the surroundings; Sand, water and forest what else do you want?! The team that organizes this coursing is extremely pleasant and always does its stinkenden best. This year they also had very nice prizes; Wind lights with a candle in it.
The grass was somewhat on the high side and of course there was a lot of commentary on it. It's preferable to let people walk their hounds on billiard sheets where there is no blade to be wrong. The whole course is being helped by this mentality because the organizing associations always adapt to the people's whining. The fields are getting flatter, obstacles are out of the wicker and ditches all the way, a nice long trail is always too long and if a hook is less than 70 degrees (while 60 is allowed) the bend is too sharp and dangerous. Apparently, the whiners have never experienced a real hare-coursing, because they are turning hares 360 degrees in full speed!
When I remember the French Championships in Guignicourt, sometime in the last century, the hounds had to jump over a flowing stream of about three metres wide and covered with pebbles and pebbles. Many hounds jumped into the creek or against the shore but there was no one who complained about it. Coursing is imitating the real hare Hunt and that happened here! And so it should be everywhere but the problem is that people do not train their hounds. With hours running on the leash, they do not learn to use their eyes and to cope with their bodies and they really need it with coursing! I hope that the coursing in France is still a bit of what it was then because with my two youngsters I am eager to go "real" coursing.
Anyway, during the coursing in Lichtenvoorde a Barsoi and Whippet was injured, the Barsoi broke her front leg and the Whippet a metatarsal, both after they ended up in a ditch. At the Whippet it was stupid bad luck because she did not see the ditch but the Barsoi could have seen it but did not look good and did not jump well. Yes, and not looking good and not jumping well is disastrous at this sport. The nasty is just that the screwdriver always gets the blame and usually this is not right!
Sunday 11 September I left early in the morning towards Luxembourg. At the last moment I had decided to register as Brandir still needs a CACIB and Chidish and Cytaugh could still be just in the youth class. On the statistics I had seen that another male was enrolled in the Open class, so whether Brandir would get this IB was just the question. There, the male became Fritzen Gunpowder. A still quite young male who I had given a ZG during my inspection in Bremen mainly because of the too short and not dancing gait work. Well Brandir's is not at the moment that what I like to see so I found it very exciting anyway. Whether it was right that he won, I don't know, you can't judge from the ring, but I was very happy with it. Brandir got the CACIB and becomes international champion. He is also now Luxemburg's champion and it turned out that the Benelux winner card was also forgiven, so also the title Benelux winner Luxemburg he had. With the Dutch and Belgian Benelux Winner title, Brandir is now the first Dutch Deerhound to be the Benelux champion! He is now ready and may stay at home, only a little club matches maybe.
Chidish eventually became best male and BOB with the Luxembourg youth Kampioen's title and Benelux Youth winner ' 16 and also Cytaugh was Luxembourg's youth champion and Benelux Youth winner ' 16. In the honour ring, Chidish came out against a thick 60 other juvenile dogs and was selected until the last 6. After that he had to return to the honour ring with group 10 and he was third! All in all I went home with 8 titles! Not bad!
The weekend was the Dutch coursing championship in Axel. A relaxed weekend with delicious weather, nice walks and Chidish and Cytaugh have walked a test run.
Friday the 23rd we left for Amermont, Belgium. Here Cytaugh and Chidish would run their first game. Finally we were able to join again and we felt like it! It was like old; Camping on a field where the cows are from and everything is on his thaw. It was perfect coursingweer although the terrain was pretty hard by the preceding dry period. The Deerhounds walked on Saturday and to my great surprise there were six Deerhounds reported and also present, 4 bitches and 2 males. This meant that the CACIL could be forgiven. Cytaugh and Chidish walked very convincingly and especially Cytaugh followed the hare nicely. But after the first turn, Chidish was at the top with 265 points followed by Cytaugh with 263 points. Kilbourne Norma Jean received a disq. Because they did not ran, Laïs Palantiri had 218 points, Limelight Palantiri 256 and Livingston Palantiri 261. That became even more exciting because could Chidish and Cytaugh continue to retain these places? In the second round they were thus grouped together and walked Cytaugh again neatly behind the hare while Chidish anticipated and cut off here and there. Chidish showed more passion and strength. He was therefore first at the shelter and made a nice flying kill, as far as that can with a muzzle on it. At the beginning of the evening was the award ceremony and then it appeared that Cytaugh had received the highest number of points for the second circulation, 259. In total, therefore, 522 points and with this she became first with the CACBL and CACIL. Chidish had very astonishingly gotten the least number of points, 252, and thus became third with 517 points. Livingston was second (261 + 257) with the reserve CACBL and reserve CACIL, Limelight was fourth (256 + 257) and Laïs became fifth with altogether 473 points.
Unfortunately, a day later, both Chidish and Cytaugh both had a thick toe. That means at least 6 weeks of rest and that's good bales!
Deerhound Jahresausstellung
On Friday 5 August I left with Brandir, Chidish and Cytaugh towards Gelsenkirchen where on Saturday the Deerhound Jahresausstellung took place. Sonja came from the other side and we would make it a weekend of fun. Our judge was Mrs Ingela Kyrklund from Sweden. A total of 84 Deerhounds were reported including 29 males and 55 bitches. 1 male and 5 bitches were absent. The veterans and the babies started, then the Jüngstenklasse in which Vision had to take on 4 other young girls. She did it exemplary and showed her super-gang work optimally. The judge couldn't get around her and placed her first. After that she had to compete against the best puppy male, Fortheringhay's Gwrtheryrn or Cuna by Cristina Wüger, a beautiful male with very dark eyes and a very nice expression. But Vision stole the show with her gait work and became best Jüngsten!
Next, the inspection continued with the Jugendklasse in which Chidish had to take it against 1 other male. This won Chidish and he became with it Jahres Jugendsieger ' 16.
Brandir had I reported in the champion class. Since he hasn't made much sense in the last few days, Sonja would bring him, maybe he would do better. And sure enough, it worked. He walked enthusiastically and showed himself well. He was above expectations in third of the 7 champions!
Best male was finally once again land Lord von der Oelmühle of Florent Friedrich.
Then it was Cytaugh's turn. And of course, the moment I had to present Cytaugh had to be a big temper. Cytaugh did not want to show himself any more, but because it was such a large class (12-1 absent), we could just dry up before being placed and fortunately it was dry before the final decision. The judge made it very exciting by walking several times along the 11 drawn, which were still very neat. Once again, I was very surprised when she finally Cytaugh first place. It was a very important course of work. Fortunately, finally a judge who watches there!!!
For best bitch, Cytaugh had to record against the beautiful Fritzs Celeste. This girl also has such a cool gait. I had the honour of being allowed to approve her in Denmark (2014) and then made her 2nd BIS. Of course, Celeste won and she was also very rightly BOB.
I was very sorry that Mrs Kyrklund was not stricter, of the 63 hounds who were able to get a qualification, only 8 got a good one and the rest an excellent one, while in my opinion there were several at most a good deserved. By giving so many hounds a U, the value of this is enormous. And partly because of the always high qualifying of the Deerhounds you will see the average quality go back hard. With breeding there is no more on the Rasspecifieke properties because most of the Keur Masters find this no longer so important and no longer punish a hound on missing these properties. This will result in more ' dogs ' instead of Deerhounds. Sin.
The week we were at the show in Mechelen. By circumstances Hennie and Clement Bosman Chidish and Cytaugh showed. This went perfectly and both are now called Belgian Junior champion. Chidish became BOB and third in the Youth BIS inspection and Cytaugh BOS. Hennie and Clement Thank you again!
On August 21, the Young Dog Veterans Day took place. Sonja arrived from Germany the day before and I also was there Saturday afternoon. There were 10 Deerhounds reported but unfortunately 2 absent. Judge was Gerda half-from above. Vision showed himself again fantastic and frankly she had the best work of all Deerhounds, Chidish was best male and Cytaugh second in her class behind Uliana vom Blausteinsee, a beautiful and correct female of a completely different type. Best bitch was Pitlochry's Octavia but by her sloppy gait Chidish won her and became BOB. Despite the bad weather, which kept it inside, it was a pleasant day. After having made the motorhome back in order and having cleared all the stuff and fences, we headed towards Rijsbergen.
Sonja would stay with us for the rest of the week to show on the 26th of August Vision at the Euro Sighthound show in Brussels. Simon was invited to judging a coursing in Poland on 27 and 28 August and could not fit on Brandir, Bernice and Silva. That's why we had to take all the hounds and since No 6 Deerhounds can sleep in the camper I went with my car so that Brandir, Chidish and Cytaugh could stay in it. Thursday 25 August we travelled to Brussels in the afternoon. It was bloody hot and at the big parking place there was no shadow spot on hand. I had already asked if there was power but unfortunately this was not the case, so we could not use the fans we had with it. The man who shared this thought it was also more than scandalous that there was no electricity for that money which we had to pay per night. Luckily we had enough sheets and other things taken to create a shadow spot. It soon became clear that no water caste and toilets were present! This is very annoying if you only stay in your van and you have assumed that there are at least water and toilets. This gave for different people so real problems. Friday was the Euro Sighthound Show. We had Chidish, Cytaugh and Vision reported for Judge Jean Jacques Dupas from France. There were 5 males and 6 bitches reported. Chidish became best male and best youth dog, Cytaugh Forest youth Dog and both so Euro Sighthound Junior Winner. Vision was the only puppy and thus became automatically best puppy. In the afternoon Vision was the first to appear in the honour ring with about 5 other puppies. She showed herself great! What a cool gait has that thing. The judge Mrs. Andreja Novak was also clearly impressed and made her puppy BIS! Next, Chidish was allowed to compete for BIS Jeugdhound against about 15 jeugdhounds and was placed third by Mr. Rafael de Santiago! Also not wrong.
The next day was the European and for this I had only Chidish and Cytaugh reported. They were after the Irish Wolfhounds's turn. During the inspection of the Irish I already got one to feel, the judge did very strange things and the worst Irish were brought forward. When I was with Chidish, it was really obvious that he should win. The other male in his class had a very bad front and could not get out of the feet. Ludicova Salamon, our judge, let us walk again and then be the other male as the winner. My pants dropped off and I didn't go into the ring with Cytaugh. I did not want to let my Cytaugh with her beautiful gait be made by a judge who obviously has no sense of things and/or very politically approved. We have also gone right away, I did not even wait for the final inspection of the Deerhounds, the best would not win, and so it was. What a horrible disappointing inspection! The only advantage was that we could go home early and we did so too!
Short overview of the last half year.
On Friday 15 April, Sonja and I left with Chidish and Cytaugh towards Stratford upon Avon where the wide Show of the English Deerhound Club was held. We went with the camper of Sonja because we would take a puppy with you on the way back and then the motorhome was so comfortable. I had booked a room in the hotel at the beginning of the year because we did not know that a puppy would travel back.
After we entered the hotel, we went up with our stuff. It was a very traipsing with dog beds, clothes bags and bags to our room there which was of course on the second floor and at the end of a very complicated and long corridor. First we had to go with the elevator, then a walk through, then stairs up and back stairs, all sorts of nooks and again a long corridor descend. After a lot of sighs and gepuf we came to our room. The first thing I did was pull the curtain aside and open the window, it's always too hot in such a room. Then we had to give the dog beds a place, the room was redecorated and when we finally looked at the bed it turned out to be a French queen! Well, we're not going to be there for a couple! So Sonja back down, to the reception and ask if there was no other room. That was there, on the other side of the hotel on the ground floor! So we load everything on the trolley and finally I closed the window and wanted to close the curtain again. After a small mahbub the whole curtain came down! This started all right! Limp of laughter we came down and after having reported it (it turned out to occur more often) we could go through to our new room; Corner, stairs and 10 meters in the corridor. It turned out to be a room for disabled people, so nice spacious. Sonja warned me that I didn't have to attract anything, especially those red cords that were everywhere! For the show on Saturday I had Chidish in Junior Dog reported. He stood with 7 others in the ring. The judge, Mrs. Dagmar K.C.-Pordham was charmed by Chidish and placed him first! Best Dog was Pyefleet Tarka and Reserve became Hyndsight Desperado. Cytaugh stood with 6 other in the Junior class as well. She was third behind two Neroche sisters. Best bitch was Killoeter sai Tallavarjula and Reserve was Kilbourne Pandora to Talorpechie. For Sunday I had Chidish and Cytaugh reported in the ' Special not bred by Exhibitor ' class. A very strong class with 19 entries. Sonja showed Cytaugh. Here they made nothing under Judge Wendy Cross.
After this inspection we packed our gear and headed for Brightlingsea where we would pick up a puppy for Sonja. Mary Girling was still cleaning up the wide Show in Stratford and so we had the time to walk with the hounds, behold the puppies and prepare the food. I had dropped my eye on the smallest of the two bitches and hoped it would be for Sonja.
This proved to be the case and after all the paper Rompslomp to have completed and signed we left the next day again towards the Netherlands. The small Vision did just fine on the way, no beeping or whining, a prodigy and once arrived in Rijsbergen it soon turned out that she was a natural talent for shows!
A week later, Simon and I sat with the hounds in France at the club show of the RALIE, the French Irish Wolfhounds and Deerhound Club. I liked to Betina Adams, she approved the Deerhounds, my two ' youngsters ' show mainly because Chidish seems so awfully much like Cscarf. Brandir got 1h in the Championship class, Chidish also got 1h and became best youth Deerhound. Best Male became Jesus-Maria-Joseph du triple Bois and reserve became infidel-et-Ram du triple Bois both of Mari-Eugenie Vinen. At the youth bitches, Cytaugh also got 1h, although Betina would have preferred to put two others on her, but these two didn't want to show up, yes and then you're out of luck! Best Bitch and BOB eventually became Garbo or Muma of Gilles Barreda.
At the end of April we were in Göhlsdorf near Berlin. Gert Jan had made a turning machine for ' Windhunden-Rennclub Phoenix ' and Simon would turn the coursing with it. But first on Saturday the show. Only Chidish and Cytaugh were reported in the youth class. Chidish got from judge Mrs. Ella Yaschenko from Moldova 1h and became BOB over Cytaugh who also got 1h. In the Jügend BIS inspection, Chidish was placed fourth by Olaf Knauber. The next day was the coursing, this was the first time that Vision saw such a thing and she found it twisted interesting!
Thursday, May 5 was the Deerhound club match. Judge was Willem outside camp. Brandir became fifth of the five, Chidish first of the two and Cytaugh third of the three. Not such a success. The pictures can be found on http://www.deerhoundcllub.nl I had in consultation with the Board and the University of Nottingham, organized that we would decrease DNA for the surveys that are currently running in England. I was very happy with our foreign participants because these were all willing to let DNA be taken from their hounds. This is in contrast to the ' big ' Dutch breeders. One for me (and many others) incomprehensible setting.
On Saturday 7 May I was with Cytaugh and Chidish in Dortmund. Here Mr. Dux approved the 17 reported Deerhounds. Chidish got 1h and became best youth Deerhound and Cytaugh got 2h behind something that should never have been won. It was very strangely approved and many could not find themselves in the results. Next time, again to someone coming out of the greyhounds.
Wednesday May 11th we left for Tüttleben. This year the Saluki Jahresausstellung took place. The center of the racecourse was nicely decorated with a camel, Sheikh and Saluki's. For the show on Saturday, 5 Deerhounds were reported. Chidish was the only male, he got 1h (with this he became German Youth champion) and became BOB, Cytaugh got 1h in the youth class and eventually became forest. Because there were so few couples logged in, I also reported Chidish and Cytaugh. They walked beautifully next to each other but of course it is not a real couple, they do not resemble each other. But the judge thought differently and made them first. Next, Chidish had to appear in the ring for best young dog. He also won this and a little later he became a further BIS! I found this very embarrassing. The BOB Saluki was also not exactly bad and just had to be BIS. For his victory Chidish got a beautiful bed but I found it more appropriate for Saluki's so the BOB Saluki got it.
Vision had already grown considerably and thought it was wonderful to see her comrades again. They had fun for ten so with his threes. In Tüttleben We always have a nice piece of garden so that they can rauzen a lot but they found it very nice on Tuesday to also take a course on the Middenterrein. Simon had a spectacular trail over a ditch and back long the trees. You saw that the hounds enjoyed this, it was something else than in such a smooth, uncluttered field. Of course Vision could also be a piece and she did it full of surrender!
Two weeks later we were in Nörten-Hardenberg. Simon was in the front of the coursing and so I was staying with Sonja in the camper. This all went fine. From Thursday to Sunday it was the ' European Irish Wolfhound Congress ' with the Jahresausstellung of the Irish on Saturday. 250 Irish Wolfhounds were reported there for the three electoral masters; Gretchen Bernardi (USA), Chris Amoo (UK) and Jan Pain (UK). The results can be found at http://www.dwzrv.de
Sunday was the CAC show for all the greyhounds and Mr. Peter Friedrich approved the 15 Deerhounds. All Deerhounds got an excellent so that says enough again. Chidish was first in his class and became best male. Cytaugh also got 1h and is now also a German junior champion. BOB became the Finnish bitch Brokenwheel Mc Blodeuwedd.
Saturday, June 4, Chidish and Cytaugh were in Tilburg on the show of KC de barony. Here Ricky Lochs-Novels accepted the 5 Deerhounds present. Chidish got 1h and the reserve CAC and Cytaugh also had 1h in the youth class. With this U'tjes they have become both Dutch junior champion.
Above you can see one of the Coursingvelden of the EKC in Slovakia. This was held from 17 to 19 June. We planned to leave Sunday morning 12 June but when I drove home on Saturday afternoon of my Greyhound inspection in Lelystad, I got a breakdown. It was such a serious that the roads waited it could not fix it and honor a garage that could be it of course Monday! Only on Monday-evening we were able to leave and drove the first piece until just before Frankfurt in record tempo. Wednesday evening we joined the group at the racecourse at Vienna and Thursday afternoon we were in Vel'ké Pole, Slovakia. We had no hounds in the fight but Simon was once again chef D'équipe. It was all not such a success; The organization left a lot to be desired, variable prices for eating and drinking were requested and no good agreements were made with the associations that provided the coursings. This resulted in a single field that started off with a very small round of racecourse instead of a coursing and where, after this was changed, it turned out that two people manned this terrain for three whole days. This resulted in errors of the Turner, tensions with the participants and organisation and finally the removal of the greyhounds on Sunday afternoon to prevent injuries caused by spinal errors. Another field on Sunday turned another team and it had no spare material. So when the turntable started at the beginning of the second turn, the German team gave a different field, their the spare, but the driver did not want to turn. Anyway, the German Turner that he took over, turned much better than the first one and this gave the hounds quite different points than the hounds who had already walked. This caused a huge shift in the rankings. Don't like them all. For Brandir, Chidish and Cytaugh It wasn't really nice either; You couldn't walk well, during the day it was sometimes very hot and I was looking much at the far-away fields or with my ceramics. In order to make up for it we had planned a few days of holiday at the back, but at the camp site where we initially landed, we were geattaqueerded in such a way by Hornets and other very large flying rigs that we will be right the next day Have left. After that we went to a campsite in the Czech Republic and that was better. We could take a very large piece of ' garden ' and walk very well in the surroundings. After three days we went home again and the hounds were happy again that they could uitrazen on their own terrain.
2 and 3 July I was allowed to Hyvinkää the windhondenspecialty in Finland. On Saturday I had the Barsoi's and on Sunday the Deerhounds. The quality struck me from both breeds and because I am strict with the Barsoi's (49 present) I forgive 10 excellents and at the Deerhounds (39) 4. Especially the Bovenbelijningen were very flat in both races and the corridor works really bad. Something that is very important for a Barsoi and Deerhound! Best Barsoi was Yegorov Morning Haze of Virva Sundberg & Seija Piippo Kokkola and best Deerhound the beautiful bitch Kerslake Doreen by Carina Engman.
On Thursday 21 July we went to Crown Mountain near the Here was on Saturday the exterior inspection for which we had signed Vision. And as I wrote before, she is a natural language. She showed herself as an accomplished lady at the Judge Willem Outer camp.
Cytaugh and Chidish have walked together for their ' haasvast ' in the afternoon. This went fine! The next day, Cytaugh walked with Bernice in the morning and Chidish with Bernice in the afternoon. And both times, Bernice happily joined so now the two ' puppies ' have their ' haasvast ' and they can officially join in from 22 September.
And of course Vision could also walk a bit on Saturdays! Again she did it full of surrender. And after hard work it's good to make junk!
Finally recognition!!!
Calhoun O'Cockaigne still gets his CACIL and thus the title European coursing Champion 2009!
On 23 August 2010 I write the following article for the Dutch Deerhound Club magazine.
"It would happen to you!"
Last year I was still very enthusiastic and proud that my Calhoun O'Cockaigne had won the European Coursing Championship, on 1 July this year I received a letter from the Board of directors that the FCI has withdrawn its title. How can this be? To keep a long and difficult story short, it is tantamount to saying that, on the basis of statements by Frank Schmidt and Mr Martin Haas, both from Germany, the FCI believes that Calhoun would have walked his two qualifying matches too young.
If we read the Dutch regulations well, we will see as first important article that all greyhounds can get a starting license from 15 months. So also the big varieties. As a result, Calhoun also had a 15-month license. In the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, in their national regulations, the large varieties are allowed to participate in a competition (national and international) from 18 months, but in France the large races of national competitions can take part from 15 Months. Nowhere, even in the international Ren and coursing regulations, does a greyhound have to run its qualifying competitions for the European Championships in his native country or whether it should be international or national competitions. There is also nowhere that a Dutch greyhound also has to keep the Dutch national Ren-en Coursingreglement abroad. (A French greyhound is not allowed to participate in a national competition in the Netherlands with 15 months, he must be 18 months because he then runs through the Dutch rules).
So Calhoun has walked for 15 months, two qualifiers during a national PVL in France, like several Dutch and French greyhounds.
We therefore find it very unjustified that the FCI Calhoun's title and the CACIL has withdrawn and are therefore engaged in a legal process to challenge it.
From that moment on I am trying to get right through the appropriate channels, but unfortunately it is not that easy to go. A lot of back and forth is written and mailed and eventually it ends up at the CdL. A body that really does not have anything to do with it because the FCI forgives the title and in this case has also withdrawn. The CdL brings it to vote twice during meetings but the majority vote against giving the title back to Calhoun. By now I have taken a lawyer, Anne-Greet van der Wal, in the arm and again a thick letter has gone to the board of Management. Yes, direct contact with the FCI is not allowed. The dossier grows into a huge pile of all the same letters, council statements and requests for additional data as it is now really in the process but… Nothing happens. Beginning 2016 shows that everything has been lost and Anne-Greet resends the writing. And sure enough…. On Friday 25 March I received an e-mail from Mrs. Sabet of the Management board. She shared that she had just received notice from the FCI regarding Calhoun. The FCI Executive Committee has renegotiated the request for the CACIL to Calhoun and they had decided the following:
"It was further agreed to re-confirm the CACIL awarded to Calhoun O'Cockaigne, Deerhound, NHSB 2683124 at the CACIL coursing of Marianske Lazne (CZ), July 2009. The CACIL award will be sent by post to the BOM in the next days.
The titles of European coursing Champions are issued by the CMKU or the organizing club of the event ".
I have had to read the writing several times to be able to realise that it is now finally, after almost 6 years of fighting for it, succeeded!
A few weeks later I was allowed to receive the CACIL by post. No accompanying writing, no excuses, nothing at all attached to the FCI. But, of course, it is also very difficult to admit that it was terribly dumb to listen to two Germans who have no knowledge of things.
Meanwhile, I have applied for Calhoun as well as the international coursing Championship. Hopefully that won't take 6 years!! Of course it is also very difficult because they have to use the international Ren and Coursingreglement of 2011, the year in which Calhoun obtained his last CACIL. We are waiting for it.
The Birdhouse.
Here are some photos of our beautiful birdhouse.
The birds are very happy with it. The birdhouse is visited every day by a ton of titmice, robins, blue woodpeckers, doves, turtledoves, jays, and magpies. The great spotted woodpecker hasn’t dared to try it yet, while blackbirds and finches prefer to stay on the ground. Stout as they are, wood pigeons do not fit. I still have to put in a rope ladder for the squirrels because they can’t get up there now. But when it’s there, they will inspect it, curious as they are.
It’s is a very nice birdhouse!
It’s really a very nice bird house!
Five days in Germany.
Earlier this month I again spent a short week with Sonja in Germany. We went for lovely walks in the environment and enjoyed our hounds. Chidish and Cytaugh saw their first deer and were quite enthusiastic. Bernice was slightly unwell, as they had made a wrong move and left her with a bad pain in her back. After physical therapy she was a lot better, but not running and playing during the first few days of rest.
Sonja gave me a printed copy of “Deutsches Windhundzuchtbuch” [Book of German Sighthounds], which was written specifically for exhibitors and judges, and I agree with what it says. I have translated it and placed the translation below this blog entry. The article also is listed in “The Deerhound” under “Interesting Articles Generally.”
On Friday, Simon arrived at Hermannsburg after working in Denmark and visiting a trade fair in Berlin. Saturday afternoon he explained a great course held on a bare cornfield so the hounds could all run freely. It started with making the lures, and of course with real rabbit-skin in it! The hounds definitely had to watch that.
Next Simon took the lure machine and pulleys into the field, with Sonja following with a wheelbarrow. Very handy, that, because otherwise you walk back and forth with the stuff. After fifteen minutes I drove the car and all the hounds to the field. Because to tie them up to a tree while others were on the coursing field, didn’t look very clever to us.
First we slipped Bernice and Silva to run a half course. Bernice ran like the wind but afterwards was a little stiff again. Silva enjoyed it thoroughly but could not keep up with Bernice and so cut a lot. Good enough!
Chidish and Cytaugh are terrifically fanatical and ran really well. For the second course add Brandir to them. He started very well but halfway saw something in the woods. He suddenly stood still with his ears straight up. Then he cut off a portion of the course and made the kill as first.
That was enjoyable!!
Sonja, thanks again for the wonderful days, but especially thanks for the splendid birdhouse!! I will install it this weekend and make a couple of photos to show how it looks. It is really beautiful.
Qualifications and their effects on the breed – responsibility of the judges.
The following article is translated from the “Deutsches Windhundzuchtbuch” Band XXVII with inscriptions from the years 1974-1975. The book was published in 1976 and the article was written by the then President of the DWZRV and judge, Karl-Heinz Nause.
The article was taken from my heart and I hope that both the exhibitors and the judges will take it to heart.
Qualifications and their effects on the breed – responsibility of the judges.
If you decided to read up on this story and get over the opening paragraphs I can assure you we are going to cover a topic with highest brisance and importance.
This concerns everyone handling with the entity of cynology: the exhibitors, the breeders and of course the judges.
Looking carefully at a dog show or better „breeding show“ you will notice an over assessment of the dogs in most of the rings and in nearly all the breeds. The percentage of the qualifications „Excellent“ and „Very Good“ is excessive and unrealistic. The qualifications „Good“ or „Sufficient“ are awarded rarely.
I said in most of the breeds. Some of them didn’t join the inflation of the qualifications. The DWZRV is not one of these laudably exceptions.
Who watches the boards in the rings and notices that out of 20 entries 18 entries with the qualification „Excellent“ and two entries with the qualification „Very Good“, or not unusually 20 entries with the qualification „Excellent“, the impartial observer will come to the decision that something is wrong.
Let me be frank – our breed shows are getting ridiculous.
It’s not a symbol of quality if a judge is going to be an „Excellent“ distributor based on fear of the displeasure of the exhibitors or not being invited next time.
I can already hear the protests of picking up extreme examples only. And it’s true, I picked up the excesses just to reveal my concern.
You can take my word for it that these examples are not that rare. Even not always as stark as I described it but the trend is the same. The possibility is given that the quality of one class is absolutely outstanding and all of the dogs deserve an „Excellent“. And, if so, all these dogs should get this qualification. But this case should be the big exception and not going to get standard.
Let us have a look at the direct meaning of our qualifications:
„Sufficient“ means
A dog embodies the attributes of its breed in a sufficiënt form.
Its allowed to show some deficits.
„Good“ means
All attributes of the breed are embodied in a good form. A few deficiënties will be accepted.
This means already to express a compliment by declaring the dog as a good representative of its breed.
„Very Good“ means
Its a big compliment. Only small unessential deficiencies are allowed to be in esse to justify this score.
„Excellent“ means
The dog has to embody the attributes of its breed in an outstanding and perfect form.
The gait is very important for hounds and its meaning in the assessment has a major importance.
For sure the entity is a part of the breed standard and therefore an adequate influence at the assessment. It is above all things to emphasize this because often the entity is not regarded sufficiently.
Deficiencies of the gait and the entity must be part of the qualification!
If you consider the qualifications from these points of view you will agree that there has been a rising inflation since the last few years. The exhibitors boost this trend by being offended in case of getting an „Very Good“. Actually they should be happy of being owner of a very good dog. This attitude makes the objective assessment difficult for the judge. After all judges are only humans. Its absolute not easy to bring up the necessary hardness.
The qualifications have a major importance for the breed. Every judge must be aware of his responsibility he make with his assessment. The development of the breeds is in the judges hands. Certainly the dogs with the highest qualifications or titles are getting used for breeding. If judges are inclined to award too high qualifications only and these dogs are used for breeding because of their over assessment, their deficiencies will be inherited and multiplied by a multitude of descendants.
Because our breeding rules prescribe the score „Very Good“ as requirement for the approval and thereby for the breeding permission, there is already a certain decision about the approval at the show. The judges should be aware of this!
At the presentation of the dog to the approval the judge has the difficult job to decide: shall the presented dog be admitted to the breed? Yes or No! He will have a hard time telling the owner that his dog is unworthy for the breed. Especially if this dog got „Very Good“ from another judge.
The much more critical assessment of a dog in regard to its breeding suitability can make such a decision necessary. Therefore the judge should not shrink from such a decision if he is aware of his responsibility for the breeds.
The amount of bloodlines at most of the hounds makes it possible to use the best assessed dogs only.
Particularly at the approval the entity of the dog should get the necessary importance.
Every judge should refuse the approval of a dog if it shows several deficits at once. The judge should pay particular attention to the dog wich was refused the approval by an other judge already.
The basis for this, however, is that the refusal is getting noted on the backside of the pedigree.
Although I mentioned the facts very relentlessly I am no detractor who only wants to know it better. As judge I also went with this trend. But if we want to turn back the screw and get back to real qualifications, all of us, judges, breeders, exhibitors, should be contend to accept a supposed strength.
When a „Very Good“ gives us a pleasure we have the right standpoint. A faithfully „Very Good“ should be a major pleasure for the breeder and the owner than a „Excellent“ with three, four or even more deficiencies in the judges report.
Let’s hope that we find back to this right attitude. For the benefit of our beloved sighthounds!