Two weeks young


Today Cearrean is 2 weeks young and he now weighs 2500 gam. Monday his eyes opened a bit and since today he really looks into the wide world. He does not see much yet, but he reacts very well to sound and also waddles to you when you gently clap your hands.

He is pretty lazy but what do you want if you have all the milk for yourself and do not have to fight for it. Also, you are not regularly woken by brothers or sisters so you can expand after the meal. So we started an activity program; more climbing, scrambling, rolling around and sleeping less. Luckily, Cytaugh is not in the whelpingbox day and night, so he does not have constant access to the milk bar, that differs something.




But all in all things are going well, Cytaugh is becoming more and more relaxed and keeps an eye on him more and more when we pick him up. So she is slowly going to like him.

And I, I think he is great !!!

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